
Chapter 3 The Love Detective

Chapter 3 The Love Detective
21. Aventure
In order to obtain Director Mu's Ph.D. with excellent grades, I went to the provincial library to study every weekend, and Danyang was left out in the cold for a while.Every time she calls, she is full of resentment, and I can't care less for my career success.

On Sunday morning, I was sitting in the reading room of the Provincial Library and reading some cutting-edge articles on neural stem cell gene induction and transplantation therapy. A faint fragrance floated diagonally from the opposite side. The fragrance was soft, distant, vague and hazy, seemingly absent , fresh, moist and long-lasting.Looking sideways, a Venus-type lady is reading a book with her head down, her shawl is straight and her hair is black and smooth, covering half of her face, but she still can't hide her gentleness and beauty.She seemed to feel my gaze, and raised her head slightly to give me a charming smile. The smile accompanied by body fragrance made people ecstatic.I didn't dare to look any more, but my heart was disturbed by her smile.

At noon, I walked out of the reading room, the alluring smile of that girl was still lingering in my mind, I tried hard to forget it, but I couldn’t get rid of it, I was walking alone in a daze, the corridor was extremely quiet, the elevated shelves and the European-style floor-to-ceiling windows made people feel Solemn and solemn.

In the early winter season, the sunlight came in through the windows, gentle and charming, and the sound of my leather shoes hitting the marble floor echoed in the corridor.As I strolled towards the elevator, a sweet voice called out, "Wait a minute, sir!"

I looked back and saw that it was the lady who was sitting diagonally across from me just now.She walked towards me quickly, her charming figure was like clear and flowing water, like a waterfall falling in mid-air, like a lake with vast stars in the night, like wisps of rain and mist in spring, it made me feel dizzy for a sweet moment. dizzy.

"Sir, you forgot your mobile phone!" I suddenly remembered that I put my mobile phone on the table when I was reading a book, and I forgot it when I left due to random thoughts.I took the phone and said shyly, "Thank you!"

She smiled sweetly and said, "You're welcome!"

We stood in front of the elevator and looked at each other involuntarily. The girl smiled faintly, with a fashion magazine under her arm.She was so beautiful that I was embarrassed, the elevator door opened, I subconsciously let her go first, she smiled again, stepped into the elevator, I followed her into the elevator, and the elevator was filled with a woman's fragrance.

I have always thought that a woman's fragrance may attract men's attention more than a beautiful face, because the smell is invisible but has a strong penetrating power, which can enhance a woman's charm.What's more, the beauty in front of me has fair and pink skin, her eyes are as clear as the pool water in February, her nose is tall and round, her lips are as attractive as cherries, and her long hair is light red. On the neck of the ivory tower, the lines are graceful and smooth, and the whole body exudes a youthful and beautiful atmosphere.

Neither of us stood there in silence, when suddenly the fashion magazine she was holding under her arm slipped to the floor.Without thinking, I bent down to pick it up very gentlemanly, dusted it and handed it to her.She took the magazine and smiled.

"Thank you!" she said softly. "You're welcome!" I also said quite gentlemanly.The elevator door opened, and she floated away. I was stunned for a long time, leaving a numb daze.

Every weekend, when I leave the Provincial Library, I eat a quick snack nearby, and then go to the Left Bank Cafe opposite the Provincial Library for a cup of coffee.I like the humanistic atmosphere of this cafe. There are two floors above and below. There are not heavy wooden doors. The bottom floor is the lobby. There are carpets and several stylish oil paintings on the walls.Rather than a coffee shop, it might be more accurate to call it a cultural salon.Because it is adjacent to the Provincial Library, there are many people who like to read, drinking strong coffee while reading here.

I walked through the center of the house looking for my usual seat near the big glass window, only to be taken by a girl.When I took a closer look, it was a long black dress with a purple crescent on the chest, so elegant, and a black fur coat next to it. Isn’t this the girl I met in the elevator?
At this time, the girl had spotted me and smiled at me. This smile was extremely charming, and that beautiful face was so charming and intriguing.There was an inexplicable excitement in my heart. "What a coincidence, let's sit together!" She said shyly.

I struck up a conversation and said, "What a coincidence!" Then I sat down politely.At this time, the song "When Love Comes Suddenly" from the Japanese drama "Tokyo Love Story" that I especially love came to my ears. I was fascinated by the familiar melody.

Through the large glass along the street, the afternoon sunlight slanted in, making me feel warm.Strange machines for grinding or boiling coffee are placed on the stage. Behind the counter are aged whiskey, exotic coffee beans, and long-lost old-fashioned bakelite record players.Because I come here often, the waitress already knows me.

"Sir, is it still a cup of instant coffee?" I smiled and nodded. "Let's get to know each other. My name is Yao Miao. I'm a dancer. I work in the Provincial Song and Dance Troupe."

Dance is full of sacredness and mystery to me, the son of a clerk who was born in a remote small county. I never dreamed that I would meet a dancer as beautiful as a witch, and my inner world was agitated.

"My name is Lin Qingtang, and I work in the Neurosurgery Department of the Affiliated Hospital of Northern Medical University. Nice to meet you." "So you are a surgeon?" "Exactly."

Yao Miao stretched out her slender hand, and we shook hands.The moment I shook hands with her, I seemed to be able to sense her characteristics. The extremely soft and slender hand was a little cold, making people feel that what was held in the hand was flowing water, blowing wind, and floating clouds.

"I also dreamed of being a surgeon when I was young." When I was struggling to find common ground between neurosurgery and dance, she naturally threw me a step. "I didn't see that."

"Really, my grandpa is a surgeon, and I have admired him since I was a child." "So your parents are also doctors?" "No, both of my parents are engaged in dancing." "Is it hard to practice dancing since childhood?" I struck up a conversation asked.

"My dance teacher often said that if you want to do dance, you must have the spirit of dyeing your shoes with blood. If you want to have a brilliant success in dance, you have to pay a huge price, and you are even prepared to sacrifice everything."

I didn't expect the girl in front of me to be so shocking when she said it. I immediately thought of Cai Hengwu and Mu Huaizhong, two mentors. They seemed to be the ones who were ready to sacrifice everything for a noble cause. Compared to Yao Miao, I was a little ashamed.

At this time, the waitress brought me hot coffee that had just been brewed. "Can you tell me about your teacher?" I said very reverently.

"She is not only my first teacher, but also my mother's teacher. For the sake of dance career, she never married. I have heard from her since I was a child that female dancers should not get married. Taking a step back, even if you get married, you will definitely not be able to have children. , otherwise it will definitely damage the body image, damage the body, and will inevitably endanger the career. When she was young, she lived in Hong Kong and was busy performing all day long. Her life was irregular, and unfortunately she suffered from acute appendicitis. Friends sent her to the hospital. At that time, the surgeon The surgeon in charge is a dance "enthusiast" and is familiar with her, so he performed the appendix operation on her duty, and at the same time, considering her sacred determination to devote herself to the dance career, he performed a hysterectomy for her on his own initiative. In this way, she lost her chance to have children forever. The most amazing thing is that many years later, whenever people asked her if she hated the surgeon, the silver-haired she always smiled and said, 'No, we Best friend forever, that surgeon is my lifelong dance fan.'”

"It seems that dance has become a major part of your teacher's life." "Everyone who has achieved brilliant achievements in his career will integrate his career into a part of his life."

At this time, in my mind, the charm of Yao Miao's inner world has long surpassed the beauty of her appearance. I know that this is not an ordinary girl, but a dancer with passion and sex, a peony blooming on the stage , is a bosom friend full of thought and spirituality.

Yao Miao picked up the coffee and sipped it slowly. It was vivid and soft, fresh and gentle, peaceful and peaceful, giving people endless reverie. "Does Ms. Yao like coffee very much?" I could only ask about coffee.

"I prefer the mood when drinking coffee." Yao Miao said shyly. "Feeling?"

"Yes, in fact, tasting coffee is to pursue a feeling. Take a sip lightly, close your eyes, and still have the bitter taste in your mouth, and all your moods will be rippling because of it."

"Miss Yao deserves to be an artist, her words smell like coffee."

I noticed that Yao Miao looked at me with a kind of melancholy beauty, this kind of eyes is the most attractive kind of women, I hardly dare to look at them.I thought to myself, this is an extraordinary girl, there is a coffee table away from me, and the fragrance on her body has the power to overwhelm the coffee.

I picked up the fashion magazine she put on the table and opened the title page, only to find a sentence written in the blank space: "I am in the cafe when I am not at home, and I am on the way to the cafe if I am not at the cafe." I saw When I heard this sentence, I couldn't help but read it out loud.

"This is the words of a Viennese artist, I like it very much." Yao Miao explained. "Actually, coffee can reflect the essence of good dance." I put down the magazine and said. "How do you know?" Yao Miao asked with wide eyes curiously.

"On the surface, the coffee is quiet, but a cup of Italian espresso is full of forceful confrontation and passion, just like a Latin dance that combines strength and beauty to achieve the most perfect combination in the dance." I said somewhat coquettishly.

"I never imagined that you know so much about art that you can use coffee as a metaphor for dance. It seems that you must be a good neurosurgeon." Yao Miao said in surprise, obviously moved by my insight.

"There is a famous saying in Italy," I said a little arrogantly, "a man should be like a good coffee, strong and full of enthusiasm." "I like this kind of man, do you mind if I say so?" Yao Miao generously said ask.

"I don't mind. In fact, all good surgeons are artists. This kind of art is called the art of life. Especially our doctors who specialize in brain research must have a personality like coffee. But I am still far from this state Wow!" I exclaimed.

Obviously, Yao Miao is interested in all topics related to art. "According to what Mr. Lin said, we are traveling together?" Yao Miao said charmingly while staring at me.

"No no no, I'm sorry, Ms. Yao, I mean, the brain and art are connected," I said sheepishly, "a good neurosurgeon should have a heart and a sword, and a good dancer should First of all, she is a wise man, because she dances with her heart and wisdom, not just with her body."

"You are a thoughtful person, I like it," Yao Miao said affectionately, "We are friends from now on, please don't call me miss, call me by my name, okay?"

"Then don't call me Mr., but call me by my name, too?" I said with some surprise in my heart. "Okay, Mr. Lin, oh, no, Brother Lin." I laughed out loud at Yao Miao's good-looking embarrassment, which attracted the attention of many neighbors.

"Yao Miao, there are many people staring at us." I whispered with a smile.Yao Miao also noticed this, she looked around and said, "It's not surprising, a person who lives on the stage needs to have the ability to catch eyes."

"That makes sense." I said approvingly, and Yao Miao showed a proud expression.I looked at my watch, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.Yao Miao saw that I wanted to leave, so she asked the waiter for a pen and paper, wrote down her contact number and handed it to me.

"Brother Lin, please call when you are free." I took the note and looked at it, then wrote her a contact number on the paper.After paying the bill, we walked out of the cafe together, and she walked towards a white Honda car in front of the door.

"Brother Lin, where are you going? I'll drive you." Yao Miao said while walking. "That's so embarrassing." I said embarrassedly. "You're welcome, get in the car!" Yao Miao said sincerely.I would look petty if I declined again, so I got into the car.

"Brother Lin, where are you going?" "Go to Northern Medical University."

Yao Miao drove the car skillfully, and the scent of a woman in the car made people dream about it.We didn't speak, and for some reason, I had a feeling of déjà vu with this girl.I always feel that she seems to be very familiar with me, especially the way she looks at me as if she has known me for a long time.

"When will there be a performance tell me, let us ordinary doctors also open their eyes." "It looks like you are a busy person, will you have this kind of leisure?" "I am a person who is good at sneaking in time."

"I'm a person who is good at stealing my heart." Yao Miao said provocatively, and then she gave me a look with a pair of almond eyes, and I was a little embarrassed.

When the car drove to the east gate of the hospital, I felt reluctant and pretended to say: "Okay, let's go here, thank you for sending me."

"Brother Lin, I'm glad to meet you. Don't forget to call." After Yao Miao finished talking, the Honda disappeared into the traffic.I stood there blankly for a while as if in a dream, and as soon as I turned around, Danyang stood behind me, startling me, my heart was pounding, wondering if Danyang saw Yao Miao?
"What are you looking at? You're out of your mind." Danyang asked slyly. "When did you stand behind me? Why do you look like a ghost?" I said in shock.

"They came to see you as soon as they got off the plane, and you still say that about me." Danyang stood pretending to be angry.I quickly coaxed her, "I'm sorry, baby, it's my fault." I took Xie Danyang's trolley black suitcase, and walked towards the dormitory with her in my arms.

22. Old Black
I wanted to call Yao Miao for a whole week. This is a woman I will never forget. Talking to her is a kind of enjoyment.But what happens on the phone?I'm afraid of the outcome because I'm about to marry Danyang.

Although rationality prevailed over emotion, this suppressed impulse made me repeat a dream every night: in a villa, I chased a beautiful girl, and the girl ran upstairs, and I I ran up the stairs to catch up with her, she sat in front of the piano and played a beautiful piece of music, I carried her to the stairs and kissed, after the kiss, she ran down the stairs laughing, I ran down the stairs, we were on the stairs After chasing and chasing, I was finally too tired to breathe.At this point, I would wake up to the wetness of the bed.

I had this dream repeatedly and it made me miserable.In graduate school, I read Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams.In this book, the stairs in the dream represent coitus, and Freud believed that the rhythmic movements of coitus were repeated in going up and down the stairs.The keys of the piano are also variations of the stairs.

Every time I wake up from the dream, I am ashamed of myself for having this dream, especially a man who is about to get married is still having nocturnal emission, which makes me even more terrified.

I remembered that when I first met Jiang Yezhen in college, I dreamed of having sex with her every night. At that time, I didn’t dream of any stairs, but directly dreamed of going to bed with her. During those days, I always kept a clean pillow under my pillow. panties.

This was the first time I dreamed of going up the stairs. Because I was not prepared, I had to get up in the middle of the night to look for underwear, which made Luo Yuanwen baffled.

However, when he got busy with work during the day, he forgot about Yao Miao and persuaded himself that this was just an ordinary affair, and there was nothing worth nostalgic about.

On Monday morning, Luo Yuanwen and I were working in front of the computer in the doctor’s office when a tall, elegant black international student walked in. He looked less than 30 years old, but his forehead was already bald and shiny.

There are many African students in Northern Medical University. They are optimistic and unrestrained, and they like to chase after Chinese female college students. I heard from Director Mu that one of his female students married a Congolese (Kinshasa) student in the early 60s after all the hardships. International students.

"Excuse me, is Zhao Yuqiu here?" Seeing that it was a foreigner looking for a female nurse, Luo Yuanwen asked curiously, "Who are you? What can I do with her?"

"My name is Aihua, and I am an international student from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. I am Zhao Yuqiu's boyfriend." Aihua's smiles and actions are filled with the unrestrained and passion unique to Africans.

When I heard this, I laughed secretly, thinking that this Zhao Yuqiu is quite romantic, and his relationship with Qu Zhongqian is full of ups and downs, how come there is another black boyfriend?
"Zhao Yuqiu worked the night shift last night. I don't know if he has left now. You can go to the nurse's station and ask." Luo Yuanwen said enthusiastically. "Thank you!" After Aihua finished speaking, he turned and left.

"Yuan Wen, this old black is cool enough. He claims to be Zhao Yuqiu's boyfriend. If Director Qu finds out about this, his nose will not be crooked." I joked.

"Qingtang, you are really a nerd. This kid is a Congo (Kinshasa) student who competed with us for Director Mu's doctorate. It is said that this kid's level is not inferior to yours and mine." Luo Yuanwen said with a smile.

"Really? How did he know Zhao Yuqiu?" I asked wonderingly.

"I heard from Chen Xiaorou about Yuqiu and this old black. It is said that they met at a dance held by the hospital union," Luo Yuanwen said with great interest, "Aihua fell in love with Zhao Yuqiu as soon as she saw her, but Zhao Yuqiu was very fond of it. This old black man just doesn't care."

"It's no wonder that Aihua is African after all, and the situation will be reversed if he is an American." "Qingtang, you know Zhao Yuqiu quite well. By the way, I forgot that she was interested in you before." Luo Yuanwen haha said laughingly.

"Yuan Wen, you kid, don't make fun of honest people. If this gets to Director Qu's ears, don't let me wear shoes!" I said unhappily.

"Hey, Qingtang, I heard from Director Mu that in the early 60s, he had a female student who married to Africa, which seemed to be the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Do you think this Aihua has anything to do with Director Mu's female student? ?”

"You mean that Aihua might be the son of this female student? It can't be such a coincidence!" too much."

"Who dares to go through Director Mu's back door? With your ability, I'm afraid that this old black will fail." "I have to guard against it. Someday I will ask Director Mu to find out where this old black came from." Luo Yuanwen said treacherously. .

"If you don't ask, I'll ask too. If Aihua is really the son of Director Mu's female student, the story must be legendary!" "Qingtang, do you think Aihua can catch Zhao Yuqiu? According to Chen Xiaorou, this old black is really moving." true love."

"I don't think it's possible!" I said, shaking my head. "Why is it impossible?" "Congo (Kinshasa) is hot and poor, Zhao Yuqiu is so vain, how could he suffer that kind of crime." "It makes sense, it makes sense." Luo Yuanwen nodded.

"Yuanwen, didn't you say you got married soon? Why hasn't there been any movement?" I asked curiously. "I originally wanted to get married after finishing my Ph.D., but Huihui's grandfather was in a hurry and wanted to have a grandson. I made up my mind and got married on New Year's Day."

"Your boy is looking for a good wife. The advertising department of the TV station is a place to make money. In the future, your boy must be a rich master."

"How can you be romantic, find the stewardess, seeing how you see Xie Danyang, you may be afraid of your wife in the future." Luo Yuanwen said with some jealousy. "Who is afraid of his wife, let's wait and see."

Luo Yuanwen looked at his watch while smiling and said, "I won't talk to you anymore, I have to go to the intensive care unit to see some of my patients." After speaking, he hurried out of the doctor's office.

At this time, Zhao Yuqiu also walked past the door of the doctor's office, followed by that Aihua.I walked to the door and looked at the backs of the two of them, Zhao Yuqiu walked forward arrogantly, Aihua followed behind attentively, thinking to myself, it seems that this old black really fell in love with Zhao Yuqiu.

As soon as I got back to the computer and sat down, the text message alert sounded. I took the phone out of my belt and saw that it was a text message: "I have a performance at the Qingjiang Grand Theater at six o'clock tonight. Are you coming? I will You left your ticket, Yao Miao."

After seeing this text message, I was a little excited, but also a little nervous. I was excited because Yao Miao contacted me on my own initiative. I was nervous because once Danyang found out, the consequences would be disastrous.But it is difficult for people to resist the temptation, so I boldly called Yao Miao back and agreed to meet in front of the Qingjiang Grand Theater at 05:30.

23. Pilgrimage
I was absent-minded all day long, and finally got off work without eating, so I took a taxi to Qingjiang Grand Theatre.There was a crowd of people in front of the Grand Theater, and the huge advertisement was very eye-catching, which read:

The large-scale music and dance "Pilgrimage" was created by the famous dancer Yao Miao. The dancers used body language to naturally express the religion, totem, love, labor, and singing of the Tibetan compatriots. The colorful life of the Tibetan people.

The editor-in-chief was actually Yao Miao.I was fascinated when a young man asked: "Are you Mr. Lin?" "Yes, you are...?" "Ms. Yao asked me to give you the ticket." Tickets run away.

I was stunned for a while to open the ticket and saw that it was No. 15 in the third row. Such a good ticket is hard to get, and I couldn't help feeling a little moved.Not long after the ticket check-in, the bell for the start of the performance rang, and the curtain slowly opened.

In the first "Kingdom of Heaven", the pilgrims trek along the road, and the prayer wheel is always with them. They measure the road with their bodies and kiss the earth again and again.Despite the wind and sun, despite the rain and snow, there is a fire burning in their hearts.In the end, they went to the holy mountain and the ideal kingdom of heaven.

The performance uses a large number of dance elements of Tibetan culture to express the beauty of human nature. The costumes are mainly robes from Tibetan pastoral areas, which are fat and spacious, and the colors are mainly black, red and yellow. The song sings: In the kingdom of heaven, there are A golden cloud, in the golden cloud there is a golden sun, the golden sun shines on the golden mountain, the golden mountain is covered with golden trees, and on the golden tree is a golden bird, the golden bird sings a song auspicious song...

More than a dozen girls in Tibetan costumes sang and danced in elegant costumes, and the music tunes were passionate, simple and beautiful, with unique ancient Tibetan music characteristics and strong local flavor. These dancers gave me the impression that they were not performing, but intoxicated in their own ceremony. inside.The lead dancer is Yao Miao...

I was shocked by Yao Miao's dance: this is not a dance of the body, but a dance of the soul.She has an unfathomable magical power on stage, every move, even a rest, is like a breeze passing over a pool of still water, there is the sound of small waves chasing in her silent body, she makes people feel emotional Because of her own emotions and her own discoveries, her world can be understood without using human language.

I was completely moved, and my heart seemed to be beating with the rhythm of Yao Miao. From the subtle language of her admirable fingertips and slender wrists, I realized that there is an aura in the charm of dance, and this aura exudes A timeless spiritual beauty makes people have an instinctive romantic awareness of life, love and death. Yao Miao is like a mysterious messenger conveying the natural life of heaven and earth, dancing with a beautiful and moving figure, exuding every detail The rhythm of life, this rhythm is very pure, far away from the smoke of reality, but very close to what our soul desires. Yao Miao is simply a dance poet, almost reciting with his body.It turns out that dance is derived from life in this way, and it is extraordinary and refined.

Yao Miao has four dances in the whole performance, but they are not solo dances, but group dances. They are just the leading dancers in the group dances, but this gives people a more peaceful state of tolerance, and makes people feel that Tibetan women are in the Bear the vicissitudes of life, and realize from these plateau women that human nature is common, and the truth of life is the most shocking.Although the dance is too physical, too emotional, and too visual, it is the concrete embodiment of reality.

I didn't expect that dancing would make people cry. I was so moved that my eyes were blurred with tears, and I was deeply immersed in the enjoyment of beauty.

The one-and-a-half-hour performance was over, and the audience burst into warm applause. The actors thanked them three times before the audience dispersed.I wanted to go to the backstage to express my thanks, but I also thought that the show had just finished and I would talk about it another day, so I went out with the flow of people.

As soon as I walked to the door, Yao Miao ran over without taking off my makeup. "Brother Lin, don't go, wait for me for a while, I'll come right after I take off my makeup."

Yao Miao enthusiastically asked me to stay, and my heart was very nourished.I just stood there and waited, watching her slim figure run backstage.I thought to myself, I should invite Yao Miao to dinner to express my gratitude, but I don't know what flavor she likes?
About 10 minutes later, Yao Miao arrived wearing an elegant and delicate embroidered Tang suit. "Let's go, Brother Lin, I'll treat you to dinner." "You, the chief editor-director, have just finished a performance. If you don't celebrate with your colleagues, how can you have time to accompany me?"

"It's not the first time to perform "Pilgrimage". There is no new program, and everyone is tired of acting. I really want to hear your opinion. Let's go." We walked out of the theater together and went to Yao Miao's white Honda car. car.

"Yao Miao, I'm treating you tonight, what would you like to eat?" I said sincerely. "Then I won't be polite, I like to eat Sichuan cuisine." "Then let's go to the Lion House."

"It's really a tacit understanding. I just want to go to the Lion Tower." Yao Miao said while driving. "Yao Miao, how did you create this large-scale dance?" I asked with admiration.

"Three years ago, in order to find inspiration for dance creation, I decided to collect folk songs. It took me about two years, and I went to Tibet four times, traveled all over half of Tibet, communicated with Tibetans face to face, and gained a lot of inspiration. I went to Liangshan, Ganzi and other places in Sichuan to find materials. I think that if you just dance the ordinary Guozhuang, then the Tibetan dance is not interesting, so I designed the scene of the kingdom of heaven in this large-scale music dance. There is no dance movement, just through Don’t you think it’s wonderful that music, lighting, and pilgrimage show the spirit?” Yao Miao said proudly.

There is no doubt that Yao Miao is very satisfied with his work. "You have been to Tibet so many times. I really envy you. Tibet is the place I dream of. I don't know when I will be able to go there again."

"Now the Qinghai-Tibet Railway is being built. When the railway is completed, I will accompany you. I can be your guide when you arrive in Tibet." "Really? I mean what I say." I was afraid that Yao Miao would go back on his word. "Of course it counts!"

"However, I really admire you. A girl dared to go to Tibet alone for her dance career and created such excellent works. I firmly believe that you will create more and more excellent works. It's not that some people say that the more ethnic The more it is the world, the national dance resources are so rich and colorful, if you follow this path firmly, you will definitely be able to shake the world stage in the future."

Yao Miao was very happy when she heard this, and she said charmingly: "Brother Lin, you are really good, you are almost becoming my bosom friend, and you have spoken out everything I thought in my heart."

"In fact, we have indescribable and inexhaustible national cultural resources. Any artist who can sink his heart into life, extract bits or pieces from them, and dust off these gems is a fine product. The "Silk Road" "The Language of Flowers" is a fine art created by excavating national cultural treasures for re-creation. It's just that this kind of excavation and creation requires real vision and taste, whole-hearted devotion and enthusiasm, and more importantly, it requires calming down and deepening life." I Putting it a little coquettishly.

"Brother Lin, I didn't expect you to have such a deep understanding of art that you can come to our group to plan." Yao Miao said from the bottom of her heart. "I'm just playing tricks, but your performance was so wonderful that I was moved by it." I said with a silly smile.

"Actually, surgery is also a kind of dance." "How do you say that?" I think Yao Miao's metaphor is very interesting. "Dance on the tip of the knife!" "Your artistic imagination is rich."

"Brother Lin, I think you can succeed no matter what you do. You are the kind of person who can hold your breath and grasp the key points." Yao Miao glanced at me and said, "The conversation in the cafe last time, for you I'm particularly impressed, a neurosurgeon who can artfully connect coffee and dance, which in itself intrigues me. I thought you'd call me, but you're so calm, I know that if I don't call you, you will never talk to me again, I don't want to lose a friend who may become a bosom friend, in fact, you are a man with strong self-esteem, am I right?" Yao Miao asked charmingly.

I glanced at Yao Miao, just smiled and didn't speak.

24. Lion House

After Yao Miao parked the car, we walked into the Lion House together.The hostess ushered us to sit by the window, and the waitress handed us towels and poured tea.

"What would you like to eat?" "I or you?" I looked at Yao Miao and asked. "You order, Brother Lin, I want to see if the dishes you ordered suit my taste." I smiled, flipped through the menu and ordered four dishes in a row.

"Brother Lin, you really know how to order food, I like to eat." Yao Miao said happily.I ordered two more bottles of Yanjing beer, and said, "Yao Miao, I didn't realize that you can eat spicy food so well."

"I have loved spicy food since I was a child. After working, people thought I was from Sichuan." After a while, the dishes were ready.I filled two glasses of beer.

"Yao Miao, thank you for allowing me to enjoy a unique dance. I feel very hearty. Come, let me toast you and congratulate the success of the performance!"

"Brother Lin, although we met by chance, we feel like old friends at first sight," Yao Miao said emotionally, holding up his glass, "Brother Lin's thoughts and knowledge impress my younger sister, it is difficult to find a bosom friend, and it is even more difficult to find a bosom friend. We only met twice, but my little girl seems to have met a bosom friend, and I feel very lucky, come, brother Lin, I respect you with this cup."

Sichuan cuisine is numb and spicy in the mouth, as if the mouth is on fire, and a glass of beer makes people feel extra refreshing.

"Yao Miao, watching your dance, it feels like you are talking to God, as if your soul is flying out of your body, just like your soul is dancing. How did you do it?"

"Whenever I stretch my arms and dance, I feel that my soul is extending infinitely and merged with the heaven and earth. This wonderful feeling makes my whole body and mind get the purest comfort. Dancing is to be with God Dialogue, when you dance, you should feel that God has touched your hand. You must know that dancing is not a performance, not a profession, not a so-called art, but a way of life, a ritual of communication with heaven and earth, this is dance essence."

"So, the dance on the tip of our surgeon's knife is also communicating with God?"

"Of course, at least you are communicating with the god of death! People eat whole grains, and no one is immune to birth, old age, sickness and death. This is the way of life. Every surgeon wants to save the patient when he picks up the scalpel. At this time, you need your soul Only when it is as pure as heaven and earth can it eliminate distracting thoughts. Brother Lin, am I right?"

After listening to Yao Miao's words, I feel that Yao Miao may be an elf, an elf sent by God to the world to convey the ultimate beauty of life and nature through dance. She is indifferent in nature, spontaneous, and dances from the heart. , as if far away from the impetuous world of desire.

"Yao Miao, you never seem to set dreams for yourself." "The stage has limitations, but life has no limitations. I hope that dreams are like water."

"What a dream is like water. Flowing clouds and flowing water, come as you like, but infiltrate life. This kind of dream is broad and easy to be satisfied." I admired sincerely.

"When I was young, my mother told me a story: A thief went to a temple to steal something, but found nothing. Angrily, he ran to the abbot and asked why the temple was so poor. The abbot pointed to the moon in the sky and said, we are here Very rich, we have a garden full of moonlight and green mountains and green waters. In fact, the greatest wealth of a person is the soul."

When Yao Miao spoke, her eyes were soft and clear like water waves, rippling with an almost distressing beauty.

"When I was in college, my anatomy teacher told me a story: A doctor finally became the best surgeon after years of hard work. When he became the chief of surgery, his colleagues and friends came to congratulate him. But he looked depressed, and his friend asked him: "Why don't you seem happy to be promoted to the director of surgery?" He said with emotion: "I never wanted to be a surgeon, but I succeeded because of it. There is no way to escape, if I fail, there is a chance to choose again, but now I can’t move.” His friend asked in disbelief: “Are you kidding me?” He said: “No, my childhood dream is Be a dancer, but my parents don't allow it, I have to obey, I'm a coward, now my parents' dream of becoming a good surgeon has come true, but my dream of being a good dancer is shattered Now, do you think I can be happy?'”

"Brother Lin, this surgeon who wants to be a dancer should be your teacher, right?" "Yao Miao, you are so smart, you are him!" Bright as a peach blossom.

"Brother Lin, thank you for making me so happy. Let's drink to our acquaintance and our friendship!" I didn't expect that the beauty in front of me was a kind-hearted person who valued love and righteousness.Yao Miao and I were pushing glasses for a drink when someone patted me on the shoulder.

"Senior brother, you are so elegant!" I looked up, my face turned red, it turned out to be Jiang Yezhen.I thought, it's broken, Jiang Ye must have misunderstood.

"Ah, it's Ye Zhen, what a coincidence," I said feigned surprise, "Yao Miao, this is my postgraduate classmate Jiang Yezhen, who is now the deputy director of the Provincial Department of Health." "Nice to meet you! My name is Yao Miao, works in the Provincial Song and Dance Troupe." Yao Miao offered to stretch out her hand and said.

The slender hands of the two beautiful women held each other as if they had a repulsive force, and they loosened after clicking each other. "Ye Zhen, have dinner again? If you don't mind, just sit down for a while." I invited.

"If Ms. Yao doesn't mind, I'll just sit down for a while." Jiang Yezhen sat next to me and said bluntly. "Junior sister should have a drink when meeting senior brother!" Yao Miao said generously.Yao Miao poured Jiang Yezhen a glass of wine and filled it up for me.

"Ye Zhen, it's rare for the two of us to meet each other, come, let me toast you!" I raised my glass and said.

"When you were in school, you were like a nerd. I didn't expect to have friends who were dancing now. I really admire you more and more. Come on, brother, let me respect you."

After Jiang Yezhen finished speaking with jealousy, he clinked glasses with me and drank it down in one gulp.I had to follow suit.It can be seen that since Jiang Yezhen went to the provincial health department, his speech and behavior have become more and more official, far less pure and pure than Yao Miao.Yao Miao seemed to see that Jiang Yezhen was jealous of her being with me. She was very angry, but she rarely interrupted.

"Ye Zhen, what's the dinner today?" I asked teasingly.

"Qingtang, it's a pity that we are classmates, and you don't care about me at all. Yesterday, the party group of the department appointed me as the director of the medical administration department. The colleagues in the department gathered together today, which is a welcome for me." Jiang Yezhen blamed say.

After I heard this, I felt strange, so I had to say: "Ye Zhen, you are born to be a politician, come here, I wish you a high promotion, let's have another drink."

I filled the three glasses with wine, and Yao Miao also picked up the glasses. Jiang Yezhen said "Thank you" with a little pride, and then drank it all in one gulp. "Brother, I went to the United States for a meeting a few days ago, and I brought you back some materials. I have been wanting to send them to you, but I haven't found the time. Come to my house to pick them up when you have time." "What kind?" I couldn't wait asked.

"They are all the most cutting-edge research materials in neurosurgery, and there are some materials on resection of tumors invading the cavernous sinus, slope and sphenoid plateau through the transsphenoidal approach, which are guaranteed to be urgently needed by you."

"Really? Ye Zhen, you are really helping me. I just want to take advantage of my Ph.D. to attack this restricted area." I said excitedly. "I knew you needed it. I got it from a lot of friends in the United States." Jiang Yezhen said proudly.

"Ye Zhen, thank you so much, come, let me toast you!" I said gratefully. "Count me in, I'm glad Brother Lin has a junior sister like Sister Ye Zhen!" Yao Miao said along with the excitement.The three of us clinked our glasses.

After drinking heavily, I asked with concern: "How is Su Yang? What masterpiece has he painted? He is a thoughtful painter, and his artistic achievements will be limitless in the future." I was very impressed with Su Yang, and I always felt that she and Jiang Ye is really two kinds of people.

"I went to Tibet. I said I wanted to create a series of sky burials. I couldn't sell a single painting. I'm going to be Van Gogh." Jiang Yezhen complained. "Drawing should not be distracted, you have to fully immerse yourself in it to draw a good work." Yao Miao interjected.

"He is completely immersed in it. The family of the two can only be supported by me alone. Didn't he call from Tibet just now, saying that he has no money again." After hearing this, Yao Miao and I could only look at each other.

At this time, a male colleague came over and said, "Director Jiang, why are you here? The brothers have already arrived and have been waiting for you in the private room!"

Jiang Yezhen stood up and said, "Brother, Ms. Yao, I will take my leave first, and I will treat you next time. Qingtang, bring Xie Danyang to take care of her, and just say that I like her very much." After speaking, he shook hands with Yao Miao and me, giggling Went with male colleagues.

I could tell that Jiang Yezhen purposely said Xie Danyang's name to remind Yao Miao that there were many women around Lin Qingtang.I was thinking wildly, but Yao Miao said, "Brother Lin, you junior sister don't look right at you!"

"Yao Miao, you're kidding me too." "It's not a joke, a woman's intuition is the most accurate, your junior sister must have loved you, and now I still have you in my heart."

"When I was in college, I did have a relationship with her, but it passed by accident," I said frankly, "Now she is not only the director of the Medical Affairs Division of the Provincial Health Department, but also a The successful painter's wife."

"But I don't think she's happy." "How can you tell?" "It's very simple, your junior sister has too much bureaucracy, which is the most disgusting thing for men who really engage in art." "Su Yang's first impression on me is that He’s got a lot of personality, he’s a maverick.”

"So it might be a mistake for these two people to come together. Brother Lin, you have to be careful, she won't let you go." "Brother Jingna is happy, come, drink."

Yao Miao laughed loudly, and after laughing, she said seriously: "Actually, many women are a man's experience. To become a man's eternity is the highest state." "How can I become a man's eternity?"

I didn't expect Yao Miao to discuss men so bluntly. "After you get love, you have to find out the distance of love." "It makes sense, Yao Miao, I didn't expect you to be an expert in love." "No, people just express their feelings!" Yao Miao said shyly.

I laughed out loud after hearing this. "Brother Lin, there is a Yebaozi nightclub nearby, shall we go to disco together?" "Okay!" I readily agreed.

I paid the bill, and Yao Miao didn't argue with me.However, when I went to the Yebaozi Nightclub, I was a little nervous because I only had more than 300 yuan in my pocket, and I was afraid that I would make a fool of myself if I couldn't pay the bill.

There are [-] cars parked in front of the Yebaozi Nightclub, and there is a long queue of taxis. This is the most popular nightclub in Dongzhou City. I rarely go to this kind of place, so I feel a little nervous.Yao Miao parked the car and walked into Yebaozi nightclub holding my hand.

The dance floor was full of people, and the fast-paced music made people enthusiastic. We first found an open seat and sat down. "What do you two want?" the waitress asked.I was so shy in my pocket that I didn't dare to speak.

"One fruit plate, two cans of Coke." Yao Miao said casually.Then she grabbed me and said, "Come on, brother Lin, let's go dancing."

To be honest, work and study were too stressful during this time, and I was looking for an opportunity to vent, so I jumped into the crowd with Yao Miao and jumped up crazily.Yao Miao was surprised by my dancing skills!
"Brother Lin, I didn't expect you to dance so well!" Yao Miao shouted amidst the loud music. "I won first prize in dancing in college," I yelled too.

After a wild dance, it was changed to a slow four.Yao Miao was very close to me, I put my arms around her slender waist, and danced the ballroom dance solemnly, but I was intoxicated while holding her warm hand.Yao Miao's hand is as soft as boneless, as if it can extend infinitely, stretching, light and easy to fly in the light and shadow, full of affection.

Gradually Yao Miao leaned her head on my shoulder, and my face was pressed against her hair.I was calm on the surface, but my heart was pounding. I don't know in what life I was lucky enough to meet a high-end girl like Yao Miao. Her beauty and generosity deeply shocked me.

We were silent and danced close to each other... When the song was over, I didn't know it was coming down. Yao Miao pulled my hand, and I realized it and walked out of the dance floor in a daze.We just danced dance after dance, and finally got tired.

"Yao Miao, it's getting late, let's go." I said softly.Yao Miao leaned on my shoulder, as if she didn't hear her, so I had no choice but to dance around her, and finally wet tears dripped down my neck, and I hugged her tightly subconsciously.

"Cousin Qing, I'm tired, let's go!" Yao Miao said softly.I found that she no longer called me Brother Lin, but directly called me Brother Qing.

The night was deep and the traffic was thin. Yao Miao drove me to the door of the hospital dormitory. We sat quietly for a while.My heart was a little tight, I closed the car door, and waved again.

The car drove away, and I looked at the white Honda car that disappeared into the night with great melancholy.At this time, the mobile phone at my waist gave a sharp notification tone, and I saw it was a text message from Danyang: "Where did you go crazy, why didn't you answer?"

I looked at my watch, it was already one o'clock in the middle of the night, and I thought I had to explain it tomorrow.

25. Butter tea complex

I have been in contact with Jiang Yezhen to go to her home to collect materials, but she is too busy to spare time. After becoming the director of the Medical Affairs Department, the social activities have increased significantly, almost every night.I especially wanted to get back the materials she brought back from the United States, so I called her almost every day. Occasionally, when she had time, I didn't have time, either on the operating table or on night shift.

We finally made an appointment on Friday morning, and in the evening I went to her house to get the materials, and then we had dinner together.After get off work, I took a taxi and went to Jiang Yezhen's house with great interest.

Along the way, I was full of doubts about how to enter the restricted area of ​​the cavernous sinus from the sphenoid sinus. Thinking of the ancients' assertion that "one who is not close to the immortal cannot be a doctor", I couldn't help but sigh that medical research really needs great wisdom.However, I am determined to keep engraving the word "China" on the world's top neurosurgery list. This is my ideal and my pursuit. For this reason, I will bravely break into the restricted area.I feel that my drive and passion to fight for my career is like the sun rising at eight or nine o'clock in the morning.

Jiang Yezhen and Su Yang's family lived on the first floor. When they got off the taxi and walked into the corridor, they heard Jiang Yezhen's house yelling and arguing.I wondered, who is Jiang Ye really arguing with?Could it be that Su Yang came back from Tibet?
I walked to the door without knocking, and leaned against the crack of the door trying to hear some clues. Sure enough, Jiang Ye was really furious at Su Yang: "Su Yang, since you can't leave Tibet, why are you going back to this house? Go back to you Go to Tibet, people like you don’t deserve a home!”

"Ye Zhen, calm down, okay? I went to Tibet entirely for my career!" "Don't lie to me about your career. For your career of drinking northwest wind, our family is short of selling the house. If you have the ability, you can sell the house." , Let me sleep on the road!"

"Ye Zhen, I came back this time just to discuss with you about selling the house and you go back to your parents' house." "Su Yang, you fucking bastard, get out!"

Jiang Ye was really cursing, the door opened with a "huh", and she suddenly threw a lot of things out, which happened to be thrown into my arms.I saw several oil paintings, one of which was cloud-like banners floating on the snow-capped mountains and plateaus, and an eagle looked around among the white banners. I thought this was probably Su Yang's sky burial series. This kid is really persistent, for his career Actually want to sell the house.At this time, Jiang Yezhen found me standing at the door, covered his face and ran into the house crying.

Seeing the helplessness on my face, Su Yang took the painting Jiang Yezhen threw in my arms and said, "Brother Lin, I made you laugh!" I had no choice but to stand at the door and persuade: "Ye Zhen, why are you so angry? Yeah? Is there anything we can't discuss calmly."

"Senior brother, he is a big bastard who doesn't eat fireworks in the world, how can we discuss it?" Jiang Yezhen cried even more after finishing speaking. "Ye Zhen, Su Yang also wants to do something for his career!" I smoothed things over.

"That's his career? He's a prodigal son! If he is capable, he won't eat or drink. The man's career is all to support his family, and he almost sells his wife for his career!" Jiang Yezhen cried unrelentingly.

"Okay, don't cry, I invite you two to dinner, let's sit down and have a good chat." I said comfortingly.

Jiang Ye really stopped crying, she came out of the back room wiping her tears, "Senior brother, this is information for you. I'm really sorry, I wanted to invite you to dinner, but I was disturbed by the bastard. Let's try another day!"

"So, Su Yang," I patted Su Yang on the shoulder and said, "It's rare for us brothers to meet each other. I invite you to dinner, and you tell me about Tibet. I dream of going there, but I just don't have the chance."

Su Yang glanced at Jiang Yezhen. Jiang Yezhen flicked his sleeves and went back to the back room. Su Yang shook his head helplessly. "Okay, Brother Lin, I'm just looking for someone to complain about. I'll buy you a drink! I know a Tibetan restaurant, let's go there."

Su Yang and I took a taxi and headed straight to Dongshuncheng Road. This old street is famous for its bars. Unexpectedly, there is a small Tibetan restaurant with a different style in it.

As soon as you enter the door, you will be greeted with a strong Tibetan style. Except for murals, wood carvings, thangkas, Tibetan knives and other artworks, the waiters are all dressed in Tibetan costumes.It was a novelty to find a Tibetan-style restaurant in the ancient city of Dongzhou.

Su Yang had a sad face along the way, but as soon as he entered the restaurant, he was turned away by the strong Tibetan customs. It can be seen that Su Yang has a strong Tibetan plot.

We found a table and sat down, and I said frankly: "Su Yang, I don't know Tibetan food, you have been in Tibet for so long, please introduce to me the characteristics of Tibetan food."

Su Yang smiled and said: "The taste of Tibetan food is light and peaceful. Many dishes, except salt, onion and garlic, do not use any spicy seasoning, which reflects the trend of the era of food culture returning to nature. The most representative one is roasted lamb. , beef, tsampa, buttered tea and highland barley wine.”

At this time, a waitress in Tibetan costume came over and poured milk tea for us and asked, "What would you two like to eat?" Su Yang said in an old-fashioned way: "Mutton with hands, stewed vegetables, yak tongue in cold sauce, sausage, Tsampa, highland barley wine and buttered tea."

I smiled and said, "Su Yang, it seems that you are about to become a master of Tibet."

"Brother Lin," Su Yang said earnestly, "The first time I entered Tibet, I was attracted by the sacred mountain and holy water on the snow-covered plateau. My intuition told me that there is my artistic soul here." When talking about Tibet , Su Yang's expression looked very solemn.

"Su Yang, why did you choose to go to Tibet?" I asked curiously.

"For me, it may be my unforgettable butter tea complex!" Su Yang said affectionately, "When I was in college, I went to Xining to sketch. I planned to sleep at the train station to save money. When I was trying to find shelter for the night, I found a group of Tibetans, covered with sheepskin blankets, who had already slept soundly on the street. Because it was too cold, I didn’t care much, and next to an old Tibetan When I lay down, I tentatively put my feet in, and then leaned half of my body in. It was very warm inside, and I fell asleep quickly. When I woke up, the Tibetans didn’t say anything, and handed me I had a bowl of buttered tea, and I was so touched at the time, this is my plot of buttered tea.”

"I heard from Ye Zhen that you went to Ali, Tibet?"

"I went to Ali to imitate the murals of the Guge Kingdom ruins. It was a narrow escape!" Su Yang shook his head and said with emotion, "Begging there is a basic skill, and I bought some silk scarves before I went. You can go to the Tibetan people’s house to exchange for some food. However, the worst thing is being trapped in the mountains. I once ate black beans that were only eaten by livestock for more than ten days, and even snatched a dried one from the mouth of a wild dog. Beef bones."

At this time, the food and wine were all served, and we drank like we met confidants.From Su Yang's conversation, I deeply felt that in order to pursue success in his career, he had thought deeply about the ultimate meaning of life in an extreme state.

"You copied the murals of the Guge Kingdom, what about food and lodging?" "Live in the cave under the castle." "Are you alone?" "Alone." "How long?" "A few months." "How about eating?"

"In the cave are all kinds of wooden and bamboo arrow shafts left over from ancient times. I made a bed and slept on them, and burned these arrow shafts when I cooked. One day, I found a piece of skin in it. I thought It was a piece of sheepskin, I was very happy, and I was worried that there was no cushion when copying the murals. After enjoying it for a while, I found that something was wrong. Why is there no hair on this piece of leather? After careful observation, I found that there are men's nipples on the leather. It turned out to be a piece of human skin, from the buttocks to the neck, with a left arm and no right arm. I was so sick at the time that I lay on this human skin for so long, so I quickly threw the human skin away. My hands were trembling when I was in bed, and since then, I can’t sleep at night, and I have nightmares when I fall asleep. I always wonder who the owner of this human skin is? Is it a slave, or a minister of the Guge Kingdom, or It belonged to foreign invaders, under what circumstances was it skinned? Later, I made this experience into a painting called "Nightmare."

"So Ali's murals have had a profound impact on you!" "Yes, paintings are the most direct reflection of the soul, and Ali's murals opened the door to the soul of my life." "Why did you sell the house?"

"I want to hold an art exhibition in Beijing, and I need money." "Su Yang, do you really want Ye Zhen's support?"

"Brother Lin, I know you two had a relationship. She left you when you needed her the most. She is such a person. I need her understanding and support so much, but in her mind, career is Being an official and getting rich, official career is more honorable than art, we can hardly communicate. Brother Lin, I have opened the door of art, I can’t close this door anymore, I will go on no matter what.”

I'm not surprised by Su Yang's words. A person who can survive from no man's land in the world must have strong inner strength. I began to worry about Ye Zhen's marriage.

Su Yang and I drank until midnight before breaking up. I was deeply shocked by Su Yang's relentless dedication to his artistic career.Compared with Su Yang's careerism, I am a bit ashamed, because I am not as pure as Su Yang, he can abandon everything for art, but I can't, I can't abandon love for career.

When I think of love, I think of Danyang. If I want to sell my house for my career like Su Yang, will Danyang support me?I dare not think deeply, maybe Danyang can sacrifice his life to love me, but it is impossible to sell the house for my career, and even quarrel with me like Jiang Yezhen.What about Yao Miao?

I don't know why I thought of Yao Miao, we are just friends, but I firmly believe that even if Yao Miao is my confidante, she will do anything to support me.But I am not a selfish man, I think I still have a sense of responsibility, because in this world, if there is no love, what if I win the world?

Thinking of this, I can't help but think of a passage in Zhang Ailing's novel "Red Rose and White Rose": "Maybe every man has had two such women, at least two, who married the red rose. Became a smear of mosquito blood on the wall, the white one is still "moonlight in front of the bed", married a white rose, the white one is a grain of rice on the clothes, the red one is a cinnabar mole on the heart..."

In the early winter, the white mist at night filled the air, and the sky and the earth seemed to be a cup of condensed milk that was too thick to be entangled. The buildings on both sides of the street were all turned into blurred monsters under the dim light of the street lamps. , the sound of an ambulance sounded in the distance, and when I staggered into the dormitory area of ​​the Affiliated Hospital of Northern Medical University, I was like a ghost who could not find hell...

26. Christmas Eve

The days passed quickly, and it was Christmas in a flash, and tonight was Christmas Eve.In the morning, Danyang asked me to go shopping with her to buy clothes. I don’t like shopping the least, but Danyang has a theory: observing a man’s shopping behavior with himself can tell the future of love. Shopping is a good love test paper.

She often said to those stewardesses, if a man refuses to carry your bags for you, don’t expect him to treat you in every possible way after being passionately in love; if he chatters and interferes with your purchase of this or that, don’t believe that he will respect your freedom in the future; If he says yes and then acts very impatient, he may be a different person.So to see whether a man loves you or not, don't listen to what he says, just take him shopping and observe.

I know that there are not many men in this world who like to go shopping. According to Danyang's theory, none of these men can be trusted.Danyang's shopping is different from other girls. She doesn't even buy anything for a whole day. In fact, Danyang's shopping is not only a favorite, but a habit.

On Christmas Eve, many shops have been remodeled and put on Christmas clothes.The brightly colored glass doors and windows are spray-painted with colorful words like "merry christmas and happy new year!" in English. The beaming Santa Claus, red hat, verdant Christmas tree, and white fluffy decorative snowflakes are full of joy. New Year's atmosphere.

With the continuous deepening of reform and opening up, it has become a fashion for Chinese people to celebrate Christmas, especially young people, who prefer Christmas to Spring Festival.But I've always thought of Christmas as half a Valentine's Day, and everyone who has a significant other is pretty much on the go.

The handsome men and women all over the street are looking for sweet and unique gifts for their loved ones, and there is a sweet smell in the air.Looking at the endless stream of shoppers, I can't help but sigh: lovers seem to be waiting for Christmas to squander romance.

Danyang insisted on buying me a cashmere sweater. I only have one cashmere sweater. It was given to me by Jiang Yezhen when I was a graduate student. Danyang didn’t know, but this one was old and white, and I was too lazy Wash, so dusty.Danyang doesn't like it, so he wants to buy me a gray one, the gray one looks more gentlemanly.

We walked through several shopping malls, but Danyang was not satisfied, so we went shopping one by one, and finally Danyang stopped in a cashmere sweater specialty store. She spotted a gray cashmere sweater and asked me to try it on.

When I was about to try it on, a text message rang on my phone: "Today is Christmas Eve, can you accompany me? Please call back. Yao Miao."

I panicked for a while, afraid that Danyang would notice it, so I said: "A colleague sent me a text message and asked me to call back at my convenience. I will call my unit back."

Danyang didn't care, because I'm a neurosurgeon, and it's normal for my unit to look for me at any time.I left the specialty store while dialing, and hesitated for a while before dialing.As long as something starts, it will continue by itself, whether you like it or not, time is arranged for you.

"Qingtang, is that you?" "Yes." "Tonight, can you accompany me?" "Okay, where is it?" "At night in Room [-] of the Champs Elysees Hotel, see you soon."

After I finished calling on the mobile phone, I was stunned for a while, and then hurried back to the cashmere sweater store, Danyang was getting impatient. "What's the matter? Have you been on the phone for so long?" "I'm sorry, Danyang, I have to be on duty for Luo Yuanwen tonight."

"No, tonight is Christmas Eve, you have to accompany me!" "I'm sorry, I promised him." "Why Luo Yuanwen is like this, it's so annoying!"

"Danyang, don't be angry, everyone has a special situation, no, there is another afternoon, I will accompany you all this afternoon." "Okay then."

After the salesperson packed the cashmere sweater, Danyang took my hand and walked out of the store.All afternoon, I felt very ashamed and felt that I shouldn't lie to Danyang, but I couldn't resist Yao Miao's temptation.

Emotion is the most complicated thing in life, and what can be clearly stated is not emotion. Persistence is a kind of morality, and it is also a kind of suppression of human nature.To me, Yao Miao is like a Yiren on the side of the water, but she has the temptation of "looking back while leaning on the door, but sniffing the green plum". I can't tell what kind of relationship I should maintain with Yao Miao. Confidante to explain.But how red should a beauty be?Should it be as hot as the summer sun?Should it be as shy as a peach blossom in spring?Should it be as red as the fire in a steel furnace, scalding itself with cuts and bruises?Should it be as clear and transparent as the fairy tales on postcards?I have no idea.Because Yao Miao has more and more sense of belonging in my soul, she is the Shangri-La of my soul.

I just went shopping with my fiancée for a day with this kind of contradictory mood.

After sending Danyang home, I couldn't wait to part with her.I couldn't see Yao Miao empty-handed on Christmas Eve. I walked through several gift shops, but none were ideal. When I walked into a flower shop, a staff book on a chair attracted me.

"Sir, do you want to buy flowers?" the beautiful female boss asked, "It's very romantic to send a bouquet of roses to your lover on Christmas Eve." "Is this staff for sale?" I tried to ask. "I bought this for my daughter to play the piano." The female boss said with a smile.

"All I need is a staff paper and a rose," I said, holding out my index finger. "Okay then." The female boss said with a smile.She carefully cut out a piece of staff paper and handed it to me, I took out a pen and wrote on the staff paper:

Christmas Eve is just such a day, so sad, God!Why don't you call it Safe Week, Safe Month, and Safe Year, so that the warmth of heaven can fill the whole body of that girl named Yao Miao. May the light of Christmas shine on every day of your life, and may the sunshine and flowers fill your life journey. .Merry Christmas!

I rolled the staff paper on the bouquet of roses, and the female boss decorated two colorful ribbons on it. "Sir, you really know how to please girls!" the female boss said enviously.

I am also a little proud in my heart, I know that Yao Miao is not that kind of pretty vulgar girl, she is a girl with depth, connotation, and understanding of emotion, she doesn't care about the value of the gift, but the meaning of the gift.In front of her, any kitsch from a man would disgust her.

However, dating Yao Miao in Room [-] of the Champs Elysees Hotel made me a little nervous, because the popular way for handsome men and beautiful women to spend Christmas Eve is to go clubbing, have an ingenious concept party, romantic candlelight dinner, and indulge in hot dancing , binge drinking... But how would you live in a five-star hotel room?I dare not think deeply, but I have to, because I feel that something is going to happen...

Walking into the lobby of the Champs Elysees Hotel, the atmosphere of Christmas Eve is everywhere, and the atmosphere of Christmas is especially vividly reflected here.

The Champs Elysees Hotel is a five-star hotel with the best reputation in Dongzhou. The colorful Christmas decorations seem to be in a western legend. The luxurious Christmas trees, Santa Claus, Christmas wreaths and unique snow-capped Christmas huts put The Champs Elysees dressed up like Manhattan.I know there's going to be a big and wonderful carnival going on here tonight.

I walked through the magnificent lobby, got on the elevator, and walked along the long corridor covered with red carpets to Room [-]. I knocked lightly on the door and rang the doorbell again.The door opened, and Yao Miao was wearing a long brown dress, standing in front of me affectionately.

Looking at her who is both dignified and hard to conceal her sexy edge, I was shocked, but the inner turmoil did not affect my demeanor.I walked into the room and handed her my staff rose. She opened the staff paper and looked at it with a happy expression on her face.

"Qingtang, it's so romantic to write these blessings on the stave. How did you come up with it?" Yao Miao asked shyly. "This staff is like a dance you dance, and associations can inspire people." I said proudly.

A square dining table has been set up in the room, with Western-style cold cuts, salads, red wine and birthday cakes on the white cloth. "Yao Miao, what's the matter with this cake?" I asked in a daze.

"Today is my birthday, and it is one of my wishes to celebrate your birthday with you on Christmas Eve." Yao Miao said happily. "So you were born a day earlier than God," I joked, "Be careful God is laughing!"

"God doesn't laugh at women, he only laughs at you men." "Why?" "When a man thinks, God laughs." Yao Miao said with a chuckle.

"How dare you tamper with this classic Jewish proverb. It is obvious that when humans think, God laughs! How come to you, God only laughs at men, not women?"

"Because most men are dazzled by reason, the more they think, the farther the truth is from them. Men are never the same as they imagine themselves. Men can't even see themselves clearly. Can God not laugh?"

"So God is laughing at me?" "Except for the neurosurgeon!" "Why?" "Because the neurosurgeon is closest to God."

Although Yao Miao's words were jokes, they were full of philosophy, which convinced me wholeheartedly. I had to admire Yao Miao's intelligence and dexterity.

"However, I don't quite understand. Although we met each other late, we have only known each other for more than a month. How could we regard this date as a wish?"

"You may not believe me, but before I knew you, you had already appeared in my dream. I think I knew you in my previous life." Yao Miao said, looking straight at me with a pair of big eyes.

"God let us sit together today, come, happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to God too!" I said emotionally.

I picked up two wine glasses and handed one to Yao Miao.She said softly, "Thank you!" and took a sip of red wine.We sat at the dining table, Yao Miao showed a melancholy expression. "What's wrong? So depressed?" I asked softly.

"I may have done something wrong." Yao Miao said with a guilty face, "One day you may blame me, but I don't regret it, because without this mistake, I would not know you. I just ask One thing for you, if I do something wrong, I hope you can forgive me!"

"Yao Miao, what are you talking about? Out of nowhere?" I asked vaguely. "Qingtang, I found myself at the crossroads of love. What do you think I should do?" Yao Miao asked with blurred eyes.

I understood what Yao Miao meant, but I didn't dare to face her, so I had to jokingly say, "Then stand in the middle of the intersection and not go anywhere!" "Why?" Yao Miao asked suspiciously.

"In this way, all those who chase you will have to obey your command." I said jokingly. "I hate it, he is worrying, and you still make him happy." Yao Miao smiled sweetly.

To be honest, if I am not a person with rich emotional experience, I really can't bear it.It is obvious that Yao Miao has a lot of thoughts and is indeed standing at a crossroads, but one thing I am sure of is that she likes me very much.I try to speak to her as a friend or a brother.

"Yao Miao, why are you so preoccupied?" "I fell in love with my girlfriend's boyfriend, Qingtang, what should I do?"

Yao Miao is not a girl who falls in love with others easily. She said that she fell in love with her girlfriend's boyfriend, which made me feel sour. I said jealously: "There are only three choices: the first is to get out of the body; the second is to do it." A confidante; the third is to snatch him over."

"There is no way out, and I feel bad for grabbing it here, because she is about to get married, and I am unwilling to be a confidante. Qingtang, can you give me some advice?"

"Yao Miao, if I were a love magician, I would turn your girlfriend into a man and her boyfriend into a woman, so that we can still be good friends." I said treacherously.

"It's a pity that you are neither a love magician nor a woman!" Yao Miao said sadly. "Why should I be a woman?" I asked wonderingly. "Because if you were a woman, you would have no problems." Yao Miao said, looking at me affectionately.

"I don't understand." "Fool, there are times when you don't understand? Qingtang, don't hate me when you understand!" "Yao Miao, what happened to you today?" "It's nothing, I mean life always likes to play tricks people."

Yao Miao's words made me half-understand. She seemed to be confessing something to me, but she didn't have the courage to say it.At this time, a tear as big as crystal dripped from Yao Miao's eyes. I silently reached out to pick up the teardrop. It was such a thick puddle of water that immediately soaked into my fingers, as if I had been waiting for the tears to come. Moisturize.

"Yao Miao, love is not a fairy tale, it is a river, a river of life." I said with a sense of vicissitudes.

"It would be nice if love was a fairy tale," Yao Miao said, wiping away tears, "In that way, you and I can stay away from the hustle and bustle and live on the moon, where no one will disturb you. That's what it means to fly away!" Yao Miao said sadly.

"Then what about the boyfriend of the girlfriend you fell in love with?" "Aren't you a love magician? Of course you can become my girlfriend's boyfriend." Yao Miao's moist eyes touched people's feelings. "I'm not going." I joked.

"Why?" Yao Miao asked coquettishly. "The moon is full and sometimes short. If it becomes a crescent, we will fall and die." I said jokingly. "It's a happy thing to die with the one you love!" Yao Miao said firmly.

I was a little surprised by Yao Miao's words, and asked seriously: "You really think so?" "Do you think I'm flirting like this?"

I was silent. In reality, confidante is no longer unlucky, but fickle. It is really hard to stop meeting a beautiful woman who values ​​love and righteousness.

At this time, Yao Miao stood up affectionately, walked slowly to my side, lowered her body and kissed me gently on my lips.I was almost intoxicated, I hugged Yao Miao and kissed him affectionately.

"Bad guy, you ruined me, but I like it!" Yao Miao said while kissing me.After hearing this, I suddenly thought of Danyang, and a kind of guilt welled up in my heart. "I'm sorry, Yao Miao, it's late, I should go back." I gently pushed her away and said.

"Qingtang, don't you like me?" Yao Miao asked while hugging me tightly. "No, no, I'm in a mess," I stammered, "You, you know I'm about to get married, I, I should go."

I put on my coat and went out, Yao Miao suddenly hugged me from behind, I stood quietly, her tears fell on my neck again.

I gently opened her hand, walked out of the room, closed the door gently, and heard Yao Miao crying.My heart is about to break, and I can't shake off the electric shock kiss just now. I always thought that women are as hard as water, while men are as fragile as stone. There is no doubt that Yao Miao is a clear stream, but I have long been smooth at the bottom of the river bed. of stream stones.

Walking out of the Champs Elysees Hotel, there was already a little snow outside.Under the illumination of the neon lights on both sides of the road, the snowflakes are like broken diamonds, crystal clear, beautiful and refreshing.

On Christmas Eve, I deeply experienced a feeling of joy and pain. I was like a puppet lost on the journey of life. Although I was walking on the road covered with fine snow, my heart was still in Yao Miao's tears...

27. Snow White
On New Year's Day, Luo Yuanwen and He Huihui held a grand wedding.Luo Yuanwen deliberately arranged the wedding on a cruise ship named "Snow White", and the bride and groom took over the deck area of ​​the cruise ship.Although He Huihui knew in advance that Luo Yuanwen had arranged the wedding hall on the cruise ship, when she stepped off the wedding car and faced the magnificent "Snow White" decorated with flowers and ribbons, He Huihui was still stunned.Relatives, friends, leaders in the hospital, and leaders of the TV station were even more amazed.

Red and white are the biggest features of "Snow White". Red is the carpet and rose, while white is the color of "Snow White".

From the shore, all the people who attended the wedding felt the charm of red in advance, because the red carpet has been laid from the boat to the shore.As people walked into the central area of ​​the ceremony, the red temptation became more intense, and the petals of red roses almost surrounded the entire central area.With the sirens and salutes sounding, Luo Yuanwen and He Huihui finally arrived on the "Snow White" in costumes in anticipation of everyone.Looking at the many relatives and friends, Luo Yuanwen kept waving his hands to express his gratitude to everyone from the moment he boarded the ship, while He Huihui looked around the cruise ship that was their wedding palace with happy eyes , as if not enough.

When it was the groom's turn to speak, Luo Yuanwen said proudly: "Today is both New Year's Day and my birthday. Huihui and I chose to hold our wedding today, which indicates that we will be together for a hundred years and be happy. When Huihui agreed to marry me, I Ask her, what kind of wedding would she like? She said she dreamed of marrying me on a beautiful cruise ship one day, and today I finally fulfilled our dream."

Immediately after the bride's speech, He Huihui said happily: "In order to prepare for this wedding, Yuan Wen has worked hard for more than a week. Even the day before the wedding, he has been busy on the 'Snow White'. I am very touched, being able to marry him is the happiest thing in my life!"

Xie Danyang looked at the sky full of roses and the beautiful cruise ship, and was so envious that he wished he could become a bride, "Wow Sai, it's so romantic, Qingtang, I want to be Snow White too!"

"Snow White, I'm just your frog, not a prince, it's too flamboyant, I don't like it!" I said bluntly. "Then you can be your toad!" Danyang said unhappily.

At this time, the whistle of the cruise ship sounded again, and the wedding finally ended with the balloon carrying the wishes of the bride and groom into the sky, followed by the wedding banquet.The wedding banquet was arranged to be held at Tiantian Fishing Port opposite the cruise ship.

Zhao Yuqiu took Aihua to the wedding, which surprised the colleagues in the hospital!At the banquet, Zhao Yuqiu once again gave full play to his expertise in collecting other people's privacy, and vividly told the story of Luo Yuanwen and He Huihui's acquaintance, and I don't know how she found out.

"Do you know how Luo Yuanwen and He Huihui met?" It was obvious that Zhao Yuqiu was jealous of this extravagant and romantic wedding, so she asked mysteriously. "Tell me quickly, how did Luo Yuanwen chase He Huihui?" Xie Danyang asked curiously.

"What are you chasing? It was delivered to you!" Zhao Yuqiu said, patting the table lightly with her slender hands. "Don't be a fool, what's going on?" Chen Xiaorou urged impatiently.

"In the beginning, the two of them were studying at the same university, but they didn't know each other," Zhao Yuqiu said happily, seeing that everyone's appetite had been whetted, "One day, He Huihui suddenly got anxious on the way back from the library to the dormitory. Entering the public toilet next to the basketball court, after Shu Chang took out the toilet paper and was about to use it, but fell into the latrine and had to wait for someone to come in, but her feet were numb and no girl came in. At this time, He Huihui heard the man next door Someone went into the toilet, and she couldn't bear it anymore, so she shouted: "Hey! The classmate over there!" No one paid attention to her, and she shouted again: "The male classmate over there!" At this time, the person over there hesitated to answer. "What are you doing?" He Huihui said with difficulty: "Could you please help me throw the roll paper over here? I've been waiting for a long time, and it's almost dark." Over there, the laughter didn't stop. He Huihui was so anxious that she asked : "Is it going to work?" There was a crying sound! Then the male classmate threw the paper over to her. When He Huihui staggered out, the person waited outside the door and said, "I just want to see who is doing this." Embarrassment, hahaha, my name is Luo Yuanwen.' At that time, He Huihui wished to disappear in front of Luo Yuanwen immediately, but Luo Yuanwen said: 'Even if we know each other, I will treat you to dinner.' Just like that, the two of them fell in love at last. .”

"Zhao Yuqiu, you can really talk nonsense. It sounds like it's not about Luo Yuanwen and He Huihui, but about your own experience. You can tell it clearly and clearly." I teased with a smile.

"Lin Qingtang, if you don't believe me, ask Luo Yuanwen later if this happened!" Zhao Yuqiu argued. "How do you know?" I really hate Zhao Yuqiu talking about other people's privacy behind their backs.

"One time at a party, Yuan Wen drank too much and said it himself." Zhao Yuqiu gave me a blank look and said. "Yuqiu, Qingtang doesn't believe it, but I do. Come on, let's toast to your wonderful story!" Qu Zhongqian said with a bit of drunkenness.

"Director Qu, Yuqiu can't drink, so I drank this cup for her." Aihua felt sorry for his sweetheart and wanted to block the drink for Zhao Yuqiu.Qu Zhongqian had long been displeased with Aihua, he said bluntly: "Go, go, who are you, drink for her!"

"Director Qu, I'm his boyfriend, so of course I'm qualified to drink for her!" Aihua said not to be outdone. "Bullshit! Yuqiu, you have to drink this glass of wine. This is Yuanwen and Huihui's wedding wine. You can't drink it!" Qu Zhongqian said, staring at Zhao Yuqiu drunkenly.

"Okay, okay, the leader has spoken, I'll drink, I'll drink!" Zhao Yuqiu picked up the wine glass and said. "No, Yuqiu, you can't drink any more, you'll get drunk if you drink any more, if you want to drink, I'll drink it for you!" Aihua snatched Zhao Yuqiu's cup and drank it down.

Qu Zhongqian picked up the wine bottle and stood up, shaking it and said, "Yuqiu, this cup doesn't count, I'll fill it up for you." "Director Qu, I'd like to respect you!" While pouring wine, she said that she likes men the most and are jealous of her.

Aihua couldn't stop them, and the two finally had a drink.Qu Zhongqian refused to give up, and wanted to pay back, Aihua called out and said: "Director Qu, what's the point of arguing with a woman, if you have the ability, let's have a drink."

"Aihua, you are good at being a woman, but you are not good at drinking. Tell me, how do you drink?" Qu Zhongqian waved his hand and said. "Old Qu, Aihua's nickname is 'Black Whirlwind', and he's a good football player!" Chen Xiaorou teased.

Chen Xiaorou's husband is the vice president of a certain hospital in Dongzhou Military Region, with the rank of colonel, and Qu Zhongqian usually treats Chen Xiaorou with three points of courtesy.

Aihua picked up Wuliangye and poured himself a glass of beer, "Director Qu, I respect you first!" After speaking, he drank it down in one gulp.Everyone applauded in unison.Qu Zhongqian couldn't help but pour himself a beer glass of Wuliangye and drank it down.

"Aihua, come, let me toast you!"

After Qu Zhongqian finished speaking, he filled another glass of Wuliangye for Aihua, and then filled it up for himself, so the two drank three beer glasses of Wuliangye in a row.Qu Zhongqian couldn't do it anymore, he spit it out in one gulp, just in time for Luo Yuanwen and He Huihui to come over to toast.

I quickly helped Qu Zhongqian go to the bathroom.Qu Zhongqian said as he walked, "Yuan Wen, Hui Hui, congratulations, brother, I would like to offer you a toast!"

In the bathroom, Qu Zhongqian looked at me drunkenly after vomiting and said something that surprised me: "Qingtang, I can see that the neurosurgery department in the future is not owned by Director Mu, nor by me, Qu Zhongqian, but by you." Lin Qingtang's."

I quickly said: "Director Qu, you drank too much!" "No, it's okay to drink three more glasses, do you know why it's not Luo Yuanwen's?" I looked at him ignorantly and didn't speak. "Because Luo Yuanwen wants both the fish and the bear's paw, and you only want the bear's paw."

Telling the truth after drinking, Qu Zhongqian's words made me feel a little scared, because Qu Zhongqian is a very insidious person, and I have such a heavy place in his heart, and I will inevitably hinder everything in the future.

28. Brothers

One afternoon, I went to Director Mu's office to deliver medical records. As soon as I walked to the door, Aihua came out. "Hello, Qingtang!" Aihua greeted warmly. "Hello, Aihua, are you looking for Director Mu?" I was surprised, but asked calmly.

"I have some questions that I don't understand, please ask Director Mu." Aihua waved his hand and left after finishing speaking.I opened the door and walked into Director Mu's office, and found him staring out the window, as if remembering something from the past.

"Director Mu, Aihua seems to know you very well?" I asked tentatively.

"Of course I'm very familiar. Remember what I told you and Yuanwen that I once had a female student named Guan Huina who married far away in Africa, and Aihua was her son." Luo Yuanwen hit the mark.

"Director Mu, so half of Aihua is of Chinese blood?"

"Yes, his father's name is Ali. He was the son of the Minister of Health of Congo (Kinshasa) and a student of Northern Medical University, but he didn't major in neurosurgery. He and Aihua's mother, Guan Huina, met at a dance organized by the student union. Yes, the love between Guan Huina and Aihua was really vigorous and sensational inside and outside the campus. Many people said that Aihua's mother was "rebellious" and "disgraceful to the country". The cold eyes of classmates and the persuasion of teachers , Relatives and friends obstructed, Guan Huina did not waver, it is not easy!"

"Director Mu, what was your attitude back then?"

"I see that the two young people really love each other. They not only support them, but also help them as much as they can. Now Aihua's father is the director of the hospital in Kinshasa, the capital of Congo (Kinshasa), and his mother is also a famous doctor. Aihua test My doctoral student was recommended by his mother in a letter to me."

My heart skipped a beat: It seems that Aihua is indeed a strong competitor. Director Mu recruited three doctoral students this time, no wonder Luo Yuanwen was worried that he would not pass the exam.

After the Spring Festival, I passed the No.1 examination of Director Mu’s Ph.D. No.2 was Aihua, an overseas student from Congo (Kinshasa), and Luo Yuanwen was No.3.In this way, I became classmates with Luo Yuanwen and Aihua.

After receiving the admission notice, Luo Yuanwen proposed to treat Aihua to a meal so that he could get to know him well, since he is a senior brother after all.

In the evening, we invited Aihua to the Muslim restaurant at the east gate of the hospital.Aihua is about the same age as me and Luo Yuanwen, and his fluency in Chinese is astonishing.Aihua likes to eat mutton, so we ordered hot pot.

"Aihua, what wine do you want to drink?" I asked chivalrously. "Of course you have to drink baijiu to boil mutton."

Aihua was very generous, he personally asked the proprietress for a small burn.Aihua drinks a lot, which we all learned from Luo Yuanwen and He Huihui's wedding.Aihua drank the first cup, and Luo Yuanwen and I did not show weakness, so we drank it too.

Luo Yuanwen and I like Aihua's character very much: lively, cheerful, enthusiastic and unrestrained. "Aihua, congratulations on becoming classmates, come on, let's have another drink!" I raised my glass and said.Luo Yuanwen also picked up the wine glass, and the three of us drank it down again.

"Aihua, why is your name Aihua? Does it have something to do with your mother?" I couldn't help asking.

"Of course, I have two motherlands, one is Congo (Kinshasa) and the other is China. When my mother gave birth to me, I missed China very much. My father named me Aihua to fill in my mother's nostalgia for the motherland. "

"Aihua, can you tell me about the love between your father and mother?" Luo Yuanwen asked tentatively. "Tell me, Aihua, it must be legendary!" I echoed.

"My mother has suffered a lot with my father, but she has no complaints or regrets." Aihua said deeply, "China was very closed at that time, and the two countries had not formally established diplomatic relations. Many people thought it was a bit 'a bit' for a beautiful Chinese girl to marry a black man. That', but my mother still chose my father. My mother's marriage application was transferred from the school to the Dongzhou Municipal Government, and then to the relevant Chinese government departments after many twists and turns. Finally, it was approved by the Chinese government. At that time, my parents were very happy. However, there was an unforeseen situation. Just when my father and mother were dreaming about their own happy future, a military coup took place in our country. Grandpa and the whole family were imprisoned. This blow was simply devastating to my father. Yes. His stay in China is running out, and returning home is like throwing himself into a trap, and the comedy turned into tragedy in a blink of an eye."

"What did your mother think at that time?" I asked impatiently.

"My mother said to my father, no matter what misfortune you encounter, I will never leave you, and I will follow you wherever you go. At that time, my father was so moved that he hugged his mother tightly, and tears filled his eyes." Aihua's eyes Wet to say.

"What happened later?" Luo Yuanwen asked eagerly. "Later, with the help of friends, my father traveled to several African countries and wandered abroad for more than ten years before returning to China. Now he is the director of the hospital in Kinshasa, the capital." Aihua said with emotion.

Luo Yuanwen and I were moved by the sincere love of Aihua's father and mother. True love can withstand any wind and rain. I couldn't help but ask myself: Can Danyang and I do it?Can Luo Yuanwen and He Huihui do it?

"Aihua, it seems that you want to learn from your father and marry a Chinese girl?" Luo Yuanwen asked with a smile. "I love Yuqiu, and Yuqiu is the Chinese girl in my heart."

"Aihua, you can think clearly, Zhao Yuqiu is a proud girl!" Luo Yuanwen said half-seriously. "Yuanwen, Qingtang, you have prejudices against Yuqiu, but Yuqiu is actually a considerate girl!"

Luo Yuanwen likes to talk about women. He lit a cigarette and said while smoking: "Gibran said that every man loves two women: one is the work of his imagination, and the other has not yet been born. The ideal woman you think What should it be like?"

"Anyone who has read Shen Fu's "Six Chapters of a Floating Life" will never forget Yunniang. Yunniang is Shen Fu's wife. The love story of the husband and wife is written in a desolate and desolate way, and after reading it, it is so fascinating that even Lin Yutang said that Yunniang is the most ideal woman in China." I said coquettishly.

"So, Xie Danyang is Yunniang?" Luo Yuanwen took a deep puff of smoke and asked. "Danyang is Yunniang's 'reactionary'!" I said with a wave of my hand. "What do you mean?" Luo Yuanwen asked puzzled.

"Sassy girl!" I said mockingly.Luo Yuanwen and Aihua laughed loudly. "Yuanwen, Aihua, what do you think of a good woman?" I asked suspiciously.

"Let me say that a good woman is a good book: first, it is determined to be genuine, and piracy is strictly prohibited; second, it accommodates all kinds of rivers, with rich, lively and interesting content, and you will not be disappointed if you turn a page casually; third, it can accompany you when you are alone. You; the fourth is full of book fragrance, which makes you think about it; the fifth is that you can read it when you want to read it, and no one will force you to read it when you don’t want to; The person to confide in. These seven points are integrated and inherited in one continuous line, so that people can't stop." Luo Yuanwen said slickly.

"Qingtang, Yuanwen, you think women are complicated, but they are actually very simple. The woman I love is a good woman to me." Aihua said frankly.

"The woman you love is Zhao Yuqiu, so Zhao Yuqiu is the best woman. Aihua, don't be ridiculous!" Luo Yuanwen sneered. "In my mind, Yuqiu is the best woman!" Aihua said firmly.

Luo Yuanwen and I looked at each other, and we both laughed at the same time. "What are you laughing at?" Aihua asked puzzled. "Aihua, Zhao Yuqiu is a master of love, it's difficult to deal with!" Luo Yuanwen said in a reminding tone.

"Yuanwen, don't underestimate Aihua, maybe Aihua can subdue one thing, and 'get' is a handwriting plus a high character, maybe Aihua can take care of Zhao Yuqiu." I said thoughtfully.

"Aihua, are you done?" Luo Yuanwen asked meaningfully.Aihua lowered her head. "Aihua, have you told Zhao Yuqiu about your parents' love?" I asked with a smile.Aihua smiled, without comment.

"So, have you expressed it to Zhao Yuqiu?" I asked again.Aihua blushed a little and said: "I love her, but she has never accepted me." "Did she reject you?" Luo Yuanwen asked with concern.

"No. She neither accepts me nor rejects me, which makes me very painful. But I love her very much, and I will not give up easily!" Aihua said firmly.

"Aihua, I thought you were just playing around, but I didn't expect you to be so serious." Luo Yuanwen said slightly surprised. "You two are my brothers and sisters. When you see Zhao Yuqiu, please give me good words!" Aihua said earnestly.

I didn't believe that Zhao Yuqiu would marry Aihua at all, and I couldn't bear to expose it, so I had to deal with him with Luo Yuanwen.Zhao Yuqiu is different from Aihua's mother, because there is an essential difference in their understanding of love. In Zhao Yuqiu's view, love is just capital.She often told the nurses: beauty is a woman's capital, and she must be good at managing her business. If she manages poorly, she will bankrupt herself.Zhao Yuqiu is the kind of vulgar girl who wants to change the fate of Cinderella. She will ignore chastity in order to become a white swan. Luo Yuanwen commented that she may be a virgin, but she is not chaste.Right now, Zhao Yuqiu's greatest wish is to squeeze Chen Xiaorou away and become the head nurse of the neurosurgery department. This is also the root cause of Qu Zhongqian's success.

When we left the hotel, the moon was already in the sky.The three of us were [-]% drunk, Luo Yuanwen went home to hug his lovely wife, Aihua went back to the dormitory alone, I had no choice but to take a taxi to Xie Danyang's house.

Ever since I smashed the mirror of her big wardrobe with my fist, it was like throwing a stone into a swan lake, causing ripples. Danyang seems to love me even more.This kind of love makes me feel like the protagonist in a love novel, soaring in the brilliant sky of poetry all day long. My long-closed heart rushes out of the fence and runs on the boundless fields, but my body is actually snoring on Danyang's bed.

It was late at night, and Danyang's parents were already sound asleep. Danyang was lying on the bed with "Tess" in her hands. She scolded me for coming back late, and told me to wash up quickly.I first drank a glass of hydrolysis hangover, and then talked about the love of Aihua's parents.Danyang was deeply moved!
"Qingtang, do you really want me to love you like Aihua's mother?" Danyang asked with big eyes blinking. "My heart is a dry desert, looking forward to your warm nourishment!" I said playfully.

"Poor mouth. I hope your heart is a wide ocean that can accommodate all rivers." Danyang said while holding my face in his hands. "Okay, let's make the waves of love stronger!" I hugged Danyang and said in circles.

Danyang giggled and told me to put her down.After I let her go, I talked about Aihua's pursuit of Zhao Yuqiu.

"What Zhao Yuqiu needs now is not affection, but vanity; not a man, but a backer. Therefore, no matter how good Aihua is, it is useless to love him." Danyang analyzed seriously, "If Aihua was an American, Zhao Yuqiu would be desperate Falling in love with him, because the only love that solves vanity and backing is her pursuit. Zhao Yuqiu is the kind of person who must get a personal benefit from love."

"Only Qu Zhongqian can give her this." I added.After washing up, I got into Danyang's bed.Because we were about to get married, Danyang's parents turned a blind eye to both of us. "Danyang, what do you want to do with the wedding?"

"I want the blue sky and white clouds to witness our love." "You mean traveling by plane to get married?"

"You're so old-fashioned. You're an idiot who only travels to get married. I mean, our company has an aviation club. Last year, one of our pilots got married in this club. It's so romantic to get married in a hot air balloon! It's called Letting love take off into the sky will definitely surpass Luo Yuanwen and He Huihui's cruise ship wedding!"

"Grandma, how much will it cost?" I asked with wide eyes.

"The rent, use of hot air balloons and related equipment, the rental fee for the pilot who drives the hot air balloon, and the cost of make-up, inspection, testing and other series are only about 1 yuan." Danyang said nonchalantly.

"Danyang, this method will cost too much, we'd better be frugal." I persuaded with a discussion tone. "I knew you had to say that, can I pay for it?" Danyang pouted.

"Danyang, it's not about the cost. It's good to get married in the air, but there are too many uncertain factors, such as too much wind, rain, etc., and the risk is also high. In short, I don't agree." I refused.

"No. I just want everyone to remember our wedding in the air forever, and remember our eternal moment in the air!" Danyang said coquettishly. "Danyang, you must calm down about this matter, besides, uncle and aunt cannot agree."

"My parents listen to me, the key is you." "Danyang, we're getting married, not playing for our lives. What's wrong with getting married like normal people?" I said angrily.

Xie Danyang saw that I was getting angry, so he said, "Okay, I'm just kidding you. My mother is a Christian, and she has already booked the church. We will hold the wedding in the church. That's fine." Right?" "Stinky girl, you dare to tease me?"

I tickled her vigorously, and Danyang tickled me back. Although we had a lot of trouble, we didn't dare to laugh out loud.Noisy and noisy, Danyang kissed me hotly, I was so hairy from the kiss, I tore off her corset, opened my mouth and kissed her breasts, I kissed her from the breasts to the lower abdomen, and then from the lower abdomen to the breasts.

Danyang moaned, and she turned off the bedside lamp.I pressed down like Mount Tai, as if pressing on the tender grass in early spring, but it was like a lone boat undulating on the sea.

"Qingtang, I really wish there were only the two of us in this world and no one else, really!" Danyang said softly.

The moonlight came in through the window, and I found that Danyang's beautiful eyes were shining with a blurred light.I thought to myself, this is the woman I will stay with for the rest of my life, this is my favorite.Will I bring her happiness?I don't know, I don't know.I asked myself, what can I know?I was thinking about it while I was moving, and finally remembered a sentence with the rapid flow: Love is dead, but marriage is alive.

29. The third eye

At eight o'clock on Monday morning, Director Mu Huaizhong led a general practitioner to make a routine rounds. This was the first time that Luo Yuanwen, Aihua, and I accompanied Director Mu as his students for the first time as a postdoctoral rounder. very excited.

Although Director Mu's expression is elegant, he is not angry or pretentious. We are very nervous, because every round of ward rounds is like an exam. We don't know what questions Director Mu will ask, and who he will ask. Come up, it would be embarrassing in front of the general medical staff.

Director Mu casually pushed away Ward No. [-] of the cerebral hemorrhage area, and stopped in front of an old man's bed.The pain consumed the old man's flesh and spirit, and his thin face showed a look of pain.

Director Mu rubbed his hands and then caressed the skinny hands of the old man, and asked pleasantly, "How does the old man feel?" This is an old man who is nearly 80 years old, and the old man did not speak.

The head nurse Chen Xiaorou said: "Mr. Mu, the old man is very worried. He is worried that he will not be able to pay the hospitalization fee, and he is unwilling to eat after the operation."

Director Mu squatted down to check the old man's catheter carefully, then got up and held the old man's hand and said, "Old man, you can't eat without food, you have to eat some!" He said while picking up the porridge on the bedside table Feed the old man spoon by spoon.

Director Mu coaxed the old man like a child.The old man opened his mouth and wept as he ate.Aihua who was standing next to me asked puzzledly: "Qingtang, why did Director Mu rub his hands?"

I whispered: "Director Mu always rubs his hands to warm up before examining patients." Aihua asked again: "This old man has a lot of background, right? Director Mu actually feeds him himself!"

"Nonsense!" I said with a downcast face, "This old man is neither a wealthy businessman nor a high-ranking official, but a widowed old man with no children. He found Director Mu under the guidance of kind people."

Director Mu fed the old man for a while, and Chen Xiaorou leaned over and said, "Director Mu, let me do it." Director Mu handed the rice bowl to Chen Xiaorou, and Zhao Yuqiu walked in pushing the flat cart. "Grandpa, I've got an IV drip."

Zhao Yuqiu tied the rubber tube to the old man's arm.Director Mu asked seriously: "Yuan Wen, why does the patient use Pioneer [-], or is it imported?"

Luo Yuanwen replied a little nervously: "Mr. Mu, as a routine postoperative infection, everyone is using Pioneer No. [-] now, so it is for this patient." Director Mu's face suddenly sank.

"Yuan Wen, do you know how much medical expenses will bring such a financial burden to such a patient and family! This patient has no obvious infection and is stable after surgery. Why not use ampicillin? We used it in the past, and it works well and is cheap. You are a doctor, you should think more about your patients!"

When Luo Yuanwen was told, he lowered his head and blushed like a monkey's butt.I felt a little gloating in my heart, but I had to be impressed by Director Mu's noble medical ethics.

At this time, Director Mu went on to say: "All of you must remember that medicine is a science that warms the soul with the heart. For the doctor, the most important thing for the patient is not how brilliant the operation is, but how to dedicate to the patient like an angel." love."

At this moment, Qu Zhongqian, the supervisor on duty, walked into the ward and said, "Mr. Mu, there is a critically ill patient with a fall in the urology department. His life is dying and he suspects intracranial hemorrhage. Director Liu of their department would like to invite you to come over for a consultation."

"Understood, Zhongqian." Director Mu tucked in the quilt for the old man and said, "You can take everyone to check the rest of the wards. Yuanwen, Qingtang, and Aihua come with me."

"Director Mu, I know this patient. I went to see him the day before yesterday, and I found nothing abnormal at that time." Luo Yuanwen said a little nervously. "Okay, let's talk on the way."

We hurried to the Department of Urology with Director Mu.The Urology Department is in the back building of the Neurosurgery Department. On the way, Luo Yuanwen briefly introduced the patient's situation.

It turned out that this was a migrant worker from a remote mountainous area, named Xu Jianmin. Three days ago, during construction at a construction site near the Affiliated Hospital of Northern Medical University, he accidentally fell from the construction platform on the fifth floor. The protective net catches.However, during the fall, the head and body were violently hit in many places. After the injury, his consciousness was blurred.After being rescued by the workers who lived with him day and night, he was immediately sent to the Affiliated Hospital of Northern Medical University.The patient enters the green emergency channel of the hospital.

"Director Mu," Luo Yuanwen added after explaining the situation, "At that time, doctors from all relevant departments arrived at the first time, and I went to the neurosurgery department. After the patient's condition was relatively stable at that time, a CT scan showed that there was no intracranial neurosurgery. Abnormal, pelvic fracture, left kidney contusion, so the patient was admitted to the Department of Urology for observation and treatment."

"I've analyzed that the possibility of active bleeding is very high. Let's go quickly and listen to what Director Liu of the Department of Urology has to say." After speaking, Director Mu quickened his pace.

When we arrived at the scene, the urology medical staff were on standby.Director Liu of the Department of Urology is a postdoctoral fellow in the prime of his life, just over 40 years old, and he respects Director Mu very much.

"Director Mu, since you have come here in person, I am confident." Director Liu said respectfully. "Director Liu, let's introduce the situation!" Director Mu said kindly.

"Director Mu," Director Liu said earnestly, "Because the patient has multiple injuries, including multiple injuries to the brain, pelvis, and kidneys, injuries to these parts may have serious consequences, even life-threatening; therefore, the patient was transferred to the Department of Urology. Afterwards, the general department attached great importance to it, and the first-level nursing staff closely observed changes in vital signs such as blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and body temperature. , and formulated a corresponding emergency plan. After three days of rescue, the patient has been able to communicate with the medical staff in a simple way. Unexpectedly, when the nurse was playing Diliu this morning, he found that the patient kept patting his left leg and asked him what was wrong. Comfortable, he did not answer. The nurse quickly reported to me that after I learned that the patient's coma had deepened, the possibility of active bleeding was very high, but I didn't know whether it was intracranial hemorrhage, or abdominal or pelvic bleeding caused by kidney injury or pelvic fracture. So first I checked the patient's pupils and found that the pupils were dilated and the sizes of the two sides were different."

"Pupillary dilation is a sign that patients with brain herniation are in critical condition and their lives are in danger at any time." Director Mu interjected.Director Liu went on to say: "So I immediately decided to give dehydration drugs to reduce intracranial pressure, and contacted the radiology department for an MRI examination."

"How's the test result?" Director Mu asked calmly. "The patient has a huge intracranial hematoma and has formed a brain herniation." Director Liu said anxiously.

After listening to Director Liu's introduction, Director Mu inspected the patient himself, then he pondered for a moment, and said something that shocked and envied me: "Prepare for the operation immediately. Yuan Wen, you will perform the operation in this case. Qingtang and I , Aihua will be your assistant."

Such an important operation is performed by Luo Yuanwen. This is the first time Luo Yuanwen has performed such an important operation independently. Director Mu is not afraid of any accidents?I was very unconvinced. You Luo Yuanwen came a year earlier than me, and you may not have more surgical experience than me.But the patient's life is dying, so I don't allow me to think about it.

At this time, the patient suddenly became unconscious, the bilateral pupils were dilated and the sizes were different on both sides, and the light reflex disappeared on both sides, suggesting brain herniation.This is the most serious critical illness in neurosurgery, and the mortality rate is extremely high. The MRI examination of the head showed: a huge hematoma in the right frontal lobe, with a bleeding volume of about [-] ml, and a herniation of the tentorial notch.

Luo Yuanwen decided that the patient should go directly to the operating room, and immediately notified the head nurse, Chen Xiaorou, to shave the patient's head, prepare the skin, prepare blood, and prepare instruments for general anesthesia and craniotomy.

Surgery starts at noon.Luo Yuanwen has a pair of clean and slender hands. The palms of these hands are not big, and the palms are slightly red.The fingers are slender, each finger pad is full and well-proportioned, revealing a healthy pink color, and the edges of the nails integrated with the fingers are neatly trimmed without any excess.

Watching Luo Yuanwen skillfully cut the scalp, sawed off the forehead and temporal bone flaps, and cut the dura mater, I remembered a sentence that Director Mu often said to me: "Qingtang, let your hands be the only ones in your operation." The third eye."

At first, I didn't quite understand this sentence. Today, watching Luo Yuanwen's skilled operation, I suddenly realized that it is the feeling of the operation.

I shifted my gaze to Director Mu's hand.I have been an assistant to Director Mu in dozens of operations, and this is the first time I have carefully observed his hands.Nearly 50 years of surgical operation have left a special mark on Director Mu's hand: the first joint of his right hand protrudes backward, the fingertips are habitually curled slightly toward the thumb, and the first joint of the middle finger One joint forms a nearly right-angle arc to the ring finger and the second joint, so when he spreads his palms, if he does not deliberately close them together, the first joints of the index finger and middle finger will form a small "v" shape.

These hands have saved nearly [-] lives. Our dean called Director Mu's hands "national treasures".Yes, when will my hand become a "national treasure"? Luo Yuanwen's hand has already taken the first step towards being a "national treasure". When will I take the first step?

Thinking wildly, Luo Yuanwen had cut the patient's dura mater, and black blood gushed out from the brain immediately.Luo Yuanwen was in a hurry, Director Mu reminded him: "Don't be nervous, calm down!"

Luo Yuanwen collected himself and quickly calmed down.He carefully explored the hematoma cavity and quickly removed the hematoma.Luo Yuanwen's performance really convinced Aihua and I, especially his good attitude, he was able to calm down quickly, but my heart was sour.

After complete hemostasis, the dura mater was tightly sutured, and the bone flap was reset and fixed by perforation.Director Mu nodded appreciatively.Luo Yuanwen meticulously sutured the scalp layer by layer, and placed an epidural drainage bag under the temporalis muscle, and the operation was successfully completed.

Xu Jianmin's vital signs were stable, his dilated pupils shrank again, and the danger of brain herniation was eliminated.Luo Yuanwen had a relaxed expression on his face.

"Yuan Wen," Director Mu instructed, "The successful completion of the operation is only the first step in the rescue process. The subsequent tests are more complicated. He has not finally escaped danger, and the ensuing brain edema is still life-threatening and requires another operation. possible."

Chen Xiaorou and Zhao Yuqiu pushed the patient to the intensive care unit.

Aihua and I accompanied Director Mu and Luo Yuanwen into the shower room.While taking a shower, Director Mu said: "After the three of you go back, each of you should write a review of the operation. Qingtang and Aihua, you must remember that as a neurosurgeon, psychological quality is very important. We can't use patients' lives to practice skills. I know that Yuanwen is on the operating table today, and you are a little unconvinced. When I am fully sure of you, I will also be your assistant."

I saw Luo Yuanwen showing a very smug expression after listening to Director Mu's words.The next morning, I sent the operation experience to Director Mu.Unexpectedly, when Director Mu saw half of it, he asked me to take it back and check it before taking it back.

I had no choice but to take it back and check it twice, and found a typo. After correcting it, I just went to work in the afternoon, and I sent it to Director Mu again.Although Director Mu finished reading it carefully, he still asked me to take it back and check it again.

I felt very uncomfortable, and walked away muttering.As soon as he left Director Mu's office, he bumped into Chen Xiaorou head-on. "What's the matter, Qingtang? With a gloomy face? Have you been criticized?"

I said with resentment: "Yesterday's operation experience, I finished it according to Director Mu's request, and I showed it to him. He asked me to take it back for inspection. After I checked it, he asked me to check it. I checked out one. Typo, is Director Mu making too much of a fuss?"

Chen Xiaorou smiled and said: "Qingtang, let's go, I'll take you to the reference room." "What are you doing in the reference room?" "You'll know when you go."

I reluctantly followed Chen Xiaorou to the reference room.Chen Xiaorou searched for a long time, and handed me a yellow case.My face was red then.

"Qingtang, this is a case that Director Mu printed in English 47 years ago. At that time, he was only in his twenties. You can see how standardized the format and grammar of this case are. He asked you to modify it. Good intentions for you! In the future, what he will give you is not only a scalpel, but more importantly, a rigorous academic attitude and a scientific spirit of pursuing perfection."

Chen Xiaorou has done many major operations with Director Mu, and is known as the "golden partner" and respects Director Mu very much.What Chen Xiaorou said made me feel ashamed, and I was even more ashamed that I failed the teacher's painstaking efforts!
I immediately checked my operation experience carefully, and finally found that there were a few English words written irregularly at the end.When I handed this homework to Director Mu again, Director Mu smiled gratifiedly.

30. Love never tires of cheating
My wedding with Danyang is scheduled for May Day. Two days before the "May Day", my parents arrived in Dongzhou.Danyang’s parents kindly invited my parents to live in their home. I felt it was inconvenient and I didn’t agree. Besides, my parents are from a small place. Although my father is the manager of a county construction company and has been to some big cities, but compared For me, it’s a small family after all, especially since my mother has barely left Tangzi County in her whole life. If she really lived in Danyang’s parents’ house, my parents would be very uncomfortable.So after discussing with Danyang, I arranged for the second elder to live in the hotel of our hospital.

Since Xiaoyue's death, I have never been back to Tangzi County, and I feel sorry for my parents. In order to chat with my parents at night, I also live with them.Seeing that I was finally promising, my mother couldn't stop crying, she couldn't get enough of holding my face.

"Qingtang, your mother is happy!" my dad said while smoking. "Mom, my son is not filial, and I haven't gone back to see you two elders." I also said with blurred eyes.

"Son, you are more promising than anything else. Mom just hopes that you will turn out to be a human being and become a genius doctor like Bian Que and Hua Tuo, hang a pot to help the world, and accumulate good deeds, so that the ancestral graves of your old Lin's family will also be exposed. cigarette."

"Dad, Mom, how are your grandparents?" I asked with concern.

"Your grandparents are still in good health. I heard that you are going to get married, and you have such a good wife, and they are clamoring to come. I am afraid that they are getting old and there will be a mistake on the way, so I advise them not to come. Grandpa and grandma asked , I must take the photo of you and your new wife back home, and I will remind you." My dad said while smoking a cigarette.

"Dad, Mom, Xiaoyue's family still hasn't talked to our family?" I asked tentatively. "This settlement cannot be solved!" My dad said with a sigh.

"Son," my mother said, wiping away her tears, "it's better to get rid of enemies than to end them. Mom believes that sooner or later they will be solved. After Xiaoyue's death, your father and I have been worrying about your marriage. Your marriage will be affected. Mom can rest assured this time, my son has finally married and started a business, and when I give birth to a big fat boy, Mom will bring it to you!"

"Mom, what if I give birth to a girl?" I asked with a smile. "Qingtang, don't worry about that. Don't look at the three generations of our old Lin family, but your grandparents are not confused. They have already said that boys and girls are Bao'er." My dad took the conversation and said.

I laughed when I heard my dad's words, and I felt a lot more relieved. I was worried that my grandparents would be feudal, and I was afraid that the incense of Lao Lin's family would be broken, but I didn't expect my grandparents to be so enlightened.

On May [-]st, Danyang and I finally walked into the church.It was Danyang's mother's wish to hold the wedding in the church. Since Danyang's father underwent a major operation, Danyang's mother became a devout Christian.

In fact, I really don't like to hold a wedding in a church, because neither Danyang nor I are Christians.However, most of my colleagues in Danyang and I have never attended a church wedding, so we are very interested.

The wedding was held at the International Chapel on Hengchun Road. My best man was Luo Yuanwen, and Danyang's bridesmaid really surprised me: she was Yao Miao.When I found Yao Miao in the church, I was stunned and at a loss!My heart was up and down, as if I had fallen into a ecstasy.I don't know how Danyang and Yao Miao met, they seemed very familiar, and I immediately remembered what Yao Miao said to me on Christmas Day, on Christmas Day: "Qingtang, I'm in love with my girlfriend's boyfriend. , what should I do?" Is this girlfriend Danyang?Then of course my girlfriend's boyfriend is me, and I suddenly realized it!

"Qingtang, this is my middle school classmate and my best friend Yao Miao, a dancer of the Provincial Song and Dance Troupe." Danyang introduced to me. "Danyang, you have such a beautiful female classmate, why have you never told me about it?" I asked pretending to be calm.

"Don't you guys know each other?" Danyang asked treacherously.I was startled and thought: Did Danyang know that Yao Miao and I had a date? "Qingtang, I told Danyang about our encounter." Yao Miao glanced at Danyang and blinked.

"Meet?" I asked in surprise. "Okay, I know how you two met, let's explain after the wedding." Danyang said nonchalantly.

I looked at Yao Miao, and found a trace of painful melancholy in her eyes. I knew there must be something between Yao Miao and Xie Danyang that I was hiding from me.Yao Miao and Xie Danyang are good friends, but Xie Danyang has never told me about it, and Yao Miao will not stop asking about me from Xie Danyang. Know my identity?I was very nervous and felt like I was being fooled.Anyway, Yao Miao suddenly appeared at my wedding, and I was full of suspicion.

There is a solemn cross in the center of the altar of the church, and there are two candlesticks on the left and right sides. The flickering candlelight is warm and romantic, and it looks extraordinarily holy under the decoration of white lilies, and the surrounding seats are also decorated with flowers.

Our best man Luo Yuanwen and I entered the church from the side door under the guidance of the pastor. Then the male and female flower girls held flower baskets and sprinkled red rose petals on the bright red carpet, extending to the altar, followed by the bridesmaid Yao Miao.

"Wedding March" came out amidst the sound of the piano, and Xie Danyang, who was wearing a wedding dress, stepped on the red carpet and walked into the church with his loving father on his arm, and the audience erupted.When my father-in-law handed his daughter's hand to mine, I could almost hear my own heartbeat.

Then we prayed for the newcomers and listened to the pastor's sermon. When the pastor asked us if we would accept each other, Xie Danyang and I answered firmly.Then they swear to each other. At that moment, the audience was extremely quiet, as if they were holding their breath to listen to our hearts.Then, Danyang and I exchanged rings and kissed each other.

The beautiful music of the choir floated in the church, and everyone applauded and blessed us warmly.At this moment, I found Jiang Yezhen standing in a corner of the church and watching us quietly.

After the ceremony, everyone took a group photo with us in front of the church, and then walked to the nearby Tianyuan Hotel to attend the wedding banquet.It was already evening.Apart from me and Danyang's leaders, the old couple of Professor Cai and Director Mu, as well as Luo Yuanwen, He Huihui, Zhao Yuqiu, Aihua, Chen Xiaorou, Qu Zhongqian, etc. all attended the wedding banquet.

At the wedding banquet, after my father and my father-in-law had finished speaking, my father knew that I was today thanks to Professor Cai, so he invited Professor Cai to speak a few words.Professor Cai's kindness was hard to turn down. He took out a CD and said:

"A few days ago, my wife and I went to the United States to visit our son. On the [-]th anniversary of our son and daughter-in-law's wedding, my daughter who immigrated to Canada sent his brother a gift. This is the CD in my hand. This is a game CD. , the name is "Don't Let That Bird Fly". My son has no habit of playing games, so I keep him as a souvenir. One day I found my eight-year-old grandson pulled out this CD and played it , the grandson said to me: "Grandpa, there is a bird in here. If it is not handled properly, it will fly away from the window. Once it flies away, the game will crash." At the reminder of my grandson, I tried to run it on the computer. This disc, after opening the game, you will see a mansion with a royal style, which has all kinds of living facilities. After the player enters, he can live here as the master. If you want to play golf, you can Go to the golf course; if you want to read a book, you can walk into the study; if you want to drink coffee, you can ask the servant to bring it to you; if you want to hold a dance party, you can invite a hundred world-class movie stars including Madonna..." Everyone thought it was very interesting Everyone laughed.

Professor Cai went on to say: "Want to travel? The car is at the door, and you can travel around the world when you get on the car. In short, here, you can live as you want, and you can do whatever you want. But it is different from reality. The difference is that in this mansion there is a flying bird with a basket in its beak, flying non-stop in every room in the mansion. One of the characteristics of this bird is that whether you are going to work or traveling, or reading at home , you can't forget to put something in the bird's basket, if you forget, it will fly out of a certain window after a certain time. Once this happens, this picture will appear on the screen : The mansion collapsed and the weeds grew overgrown. In the setting sun, a lonely figure slowly disappeared into the darkness. Then, what should be put in the basket so that the birds will not fly away and the mansion will collapse? In the game There is a menu with 150 kinds of daily objects and daily behaviors including money, flowers, smiles, cries, and kisses. It is collected by game companies from 50 golden-wedded elderly couples around the world. Behaviors are endowed with different time values ​​according to the number of 50 votes for golden-married seniors. Some represent one month, and some represent three minutes. As for which represents one month and which represents three years, it is not specified above. It is up to the player to judge according to their own knowledge of them. What kind of bird is this? I give it money, and it only stays at home for 3 minutes. I give it a flower, and it can stay for three hours. Later I finally found out that it is a marriage bird, and it has many humble saviors. A kiss, a smile, a hug, a word of concern, a small gift, and a short parting It stays. This is no longer a game, but the perception and discovery of 3 golden-married couples in their married life. It tells us that a trivial compliment, a cup of hot tea, and a ten-yuan rose , these insignificant things in daily life have the magical power of nourishing marriage. Not long ago, I specially asked my daughter to send me a CD of this kind from Canada. I realized some principles of marriage, and always wanted to take my heart home and leave it to my family."

Professor Cai's words moved all the guests, and the audience burst into warm applause.I took the CD excitedly.Director Mu said earnestly: "Qingtang, Professor Cai has far-reaching intentions, you must understand it with your heart! In terms of love and marriage, I will not give you any instructions; in terms of career, Professor Cai and I hope you can grow up as soon as possible. Today I'll give you a wedding present too."

After Director Mu finished speaking, he took out several large diaries tied with red ribbons from the leather bag he brought with him, "Qingtang, this is the experience of all the operations I have recorded in my decades of neurosurgery career. Today, as a newlywed This is a gift for you, I hope you will go to the next level!"

This gift was too heavy, I took it with trembling hands, and said with tears in my eyes: "Teacher, I must live up to the hopes of you and Teacher Cai, and win glory for the neurosurgery scalpel!"

All the colleagues were stunned. You must know that this is Director Mu's life's painstaking effort. Whoever gets the experience of this operation means that whoever is the successor in Director Mu's mind.I saw Luo Yuanwen's expression was particularly jealous, and knew that the competition with Luo Yuanwen had begun.

Next, Danyang and I sat across the table to toast.I don't know why Jiang Yezhen didn't bring Su Yang here?It is estimated that this kid has taken root in Tibet.When Danyang and I went to toast, Danyang blurted out and asked, "Why didn't your great painter come?"

Jiang Ye really seemed to have something to hide. "He's gone to Tibet." A trace of melancholy flashed across Jiang Yezhen's face, and only I could see this melancholy. "Has Su Yang's art exhibition been completed?" I asked with concern.

"The house is sold anyway!" Jiang Yezhen said helplessly. "What are you doing selling the house?" Danyang asked in wonder.I tugged on Danyang's skirt, I don't like her inquiring about other people's privacy.

"Danyang, you are more fortunate than me." Jiang Yezhen smiled and said, "Brother, you can't be bothered to marry such a beautiful wife!" Jiang Yezhen said while looking at Yao Miao who was sitting next to him.Yao Miao knew that there was something in Jiang Ye's truth, and immediately blushed.

"Danyang, come, I wish you happiness!" Jiang Yezhen poured wine for me and Danyang, and poured himself a glass and drank it down.

I vaguely felt that it was not easy for Yao Miao to get acquainted with me, and there might be something hidden in it.Yao Miao seemed to have seen through my thoughts and kept avoiding my gaze.

Jiang Yezhen didn't finish the wedding banquet, so he said he had to leave beforehand.I could see that this woman I had loved was complicated.The wedding banquet ended very late.

Due to my lack of qualifications, the application for housing from the hospital has not been approved, so I had no choice but to rent a single room from the hospital and temporarily build a new house.I don't like living in Danyang's parents' house after marriage, it hurts a man's self-esteem a bit.

Since it is a rented house, the new house has not been decorated, but it is very clean.Although the house is small, only fifty square meters, it is very cozy, after all, this is my own home.

I thought that Yao Miao was genuinely moved by me, but I also felt like I had fallen into a trap.After the wedding banquet, I sent my parents to the hospital hotel.

When I got back to the new house, Yao Miao was whispering with Danyang, seeing me back, got up to leave.Danyang and I sent Yao Miao downstairs together.

"Call me some time," Yao Miao whispered to me while Danyang was not paying attention, "I have something to tell you!" I couldn't tell what it was like.

It was already midnight to send Yao Miao off.Danyang and I were tired all day. After a simple wash, Danyang sorted out the red envelopes he received. "Danyang, what's going on with you and Yao Miao?" I asked impatiently.

"What? Do you miss her very much?" Danyang asked jealously. "What's this called?" I said angrily, "You are so good, why have you never told me? Do you often talk about me?"

"Husband, don't be angry, just listen to my explanation, this is called love never tires of cheating." Danyang said softly. "What? Love never tires of cheating?"

"I asked Yao Miao to deliberately seduce you to see if you can hold yourself. If she gets your underwear, then our marriage today will not be possible. Fortunately, she said, you are the contemporary Liu Xiahui."

As soon as I heard a "buzz" sound in my head, I looked at Xie Danyang with wide open eyes and was speechless for a long time.

Xie Danyang saw that I was a little out of order, so he got up and hugged me and said, "Honey, I know I was wrong. I did it because I love you so much and I'm afraid of losing you. Besides, I was fooled by Zhao Yuqiu. That day I went to the hospital to look for you, and I ran into her in the corridor. She said, you were a playboy when you were in college, so be careful. She also said that if you try you with a beauty trick, you will know if you really love me. After hearing this, I felt guilty, so I begged Yao Miao to test you. Husband, I know you are not the kind of person Zhao Yuqiu said."

I looked at my exasperated, lovely and hateful wife and shouted: "Xie Danyang, you are a bastard! I am so blind. If I knew this, Yao Miao and I would make the same mistake and let you fight. People like you are not worthy of marriage. "

Seeing that I was really angry, Xie Danyang knew that she was playing with fire too much, so she knelt down in front of me and cried, "Qingtang, this is my fault, you can punish me however you want, from now on I won't do anything. Listen to you, don't be angry, okay?"

I looked at Xie Danyang, who was kneeling pitifully in front of me, and couldn't laugh or cry. Only then did I understand why when I met Yao Miao, there was always a feeling of déjà vu.I remembered what she said, "If you do something that I'm sorry for you, please forgive me", I didn't understand what it meant at the time, but now I finally understand.I have been hurt too deeply by women these years, and I really can't figure out their inner world.A woman like Zhao Yuqiu is too hateful. If she can't get me, she will destroy my relationship with Danyang, and she even thought of using a beauty trick to test me.I'm so angry, but I have to restrain myself because tonight is the wedding night after all.

I lay on the bed with my back facing Danyang, she was as gentle as a kitten, but I just didn't respond, and the whole night passed helplessly like this.A week later, Yao Miao called me and insisted on seeing me.

"I know everything." I said angrily, "You are Xie Danyang's love detective, your mission has been completed, there is no need for us to meet."

As soon as Yao Miao heard what I said, she began to sob on the phone.When I put down the phone, she sent me a text message: "Qingtang, I was wrong, but you have to give me a chance to explain."

My heart softened, so I agreed to meet Yao Miao at the Left Bank Cafe, because that was where we "met".We sat in our old seats at the Left Bank Cafe, looking at each other, silent.Slowly Yao Miao's tears dripped into the coffee.

"Qingtang, when Danyang told me about you, I agreed to her out of curiosity. When we met here for the first time, I was moved by your talk, and I was very jealous of Danyang. It was the first time you conquered me. When we met for the second time to watch the performance, I found that you were my bosom friend in art. I fell in love with you at first sight, but I blamed myself for falling in love with my good friend’s fiance, but I couldn’t stop, so I invited you to spend Christmas Eve with me .Actually I have never had a birthday with any man. You were the first one. I gave it to you willingly that night, but you are a gentleman. It makes me feel ashamed. I know that I have fallen deeply in love with you , but you cannot belong to me, so I am very miserable."

Yao Miao's big tears made my heart sour. I found that life is just a cup of coffee, half sober and half drunk. The girl in front of me has imprisoned me in my heart. I can't escape. The only hope is to burn His love was completely buried.

"Yao Miao," I said ruthlessly, "thank you for your affection for me. Our story will not have an end, because we have all seen nine hundred and ninety-nine roses."

"But you are the thousandth flower, and I am the woman who regards the thousandth flower as the first flower," Yao Miao said affectionately, "Love cannot be escaped, and the more you avoid it, the deeper the love."

"Yao Miao, I have no right to escape. I am my own castle, and I can't leave the city. Let's all calm down, believe in ourselves, and in life. Let time heal everything."

"Qingtang, let me be your confidante, I know you need me as a spiritual partner..." Yao Miao said almost begging.

To be honest, this is exactly what I think in my heart. For me, Yao Miao is my dream, and I don't want to wake up from the dream.I reached out and caressed Yao Miao's slender hand, then stood up and left the cafe without hesitation.I knew that if I didn't leave, I couldn't leave, because Yao Miao's sorrow turned into tears and was about to drown me...

(End of this chapter)

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