The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 110 Chapter One After Another

Chapter 110 Returning one after another (3)

But he was going to wait until after his operation was over to talk about this matter.

Xia Nan stood there quietly all the time, watching the three people talking with a gentle smile, without a trace of impatience on his face, leaving Shangguan Ziqi's nostalgic eyes on his face.

The first time I saw him was at a banquet seven years ago. At that time, he was still very immature and very thin. She vaguely heard about his sister and his friend. It was a double blow, so she felt sorry for him. That time It was two years ago when we met again after we met. She was very unhappy when she heard that her father said that she wanted to get married, but when she found out that the man was him, her heart suddenly beat so fast, she Suddenly, I felt that God was so kind to her and made her life so perfect. She was born in a wealthy family. Daddy and Mommy loved her so much. Well-known colleges and universities in the United States, now even the future marriage partner is so perfect.

She originally thought that her life could continue to be so happy, but after two years, the relationship between her and this man is still stagnant. It's not that she doesn't take the initiative, but that he doesn't give her a chance at all. Want to ask him if she is not good enough?But her naturally shy character made her embarrassed to be so proactive.

Now she is 26 years old, she is no longer young, and Daddy is always saying that if Shangguan’s family is not there, she will find someone else for her, she doesn’t want it, she loves him so much, how can she live with others, think about it She was afraid, so she must find a chance to make this man fall in love with her.

Seeing that his grandfather had finished drinking the soup he brought, Shangguan Ziqi stood up and prepared to leave: "Grandpa, I have something to do now, I'll see you later."

"Okay, you can help me send Nannan back by the way." Shangguan Qi greeted his grandson.

"Okay, let's go, Nannan." Shangguan Ziqi calmly agreed and said that everything was just within his expectation. After speaking, he turned around and walked out of the ward.

Seeing that he left first, Xia Nan quickly stood up: "Then Grandpa, Min'er, I'm leaving first."

"Go." With the support of Shangguan Qi and Shangguan Min, Xia Nan ran after Shangguan Ziqi who had already walked outside the door.

"Grandpa, in fact, my brother and Nannan really match each other." They are really handsome and beautiful. She had only heard her grandfather mention this Xia family lady on the phone before. Xiaojiabiyu.

Speaking of Shangguan Qi, he became angry: "Yeah, but Nan Nan is very good, I really don't know what that bastard thinks." After listening to his grandfather's words, Shangguan Min suddenly laughed, but under Shangguan Qi's furious gaze, he hurriedly Hold back, but still happy in my heart, son of a bitch? ?Brother is a bastard, so grandpa is that rabbit's rabbit, or old rabbit for short?

Only those who ran could catch up with the man's footsteps. When she got into Shangguan Ziqi's car, Xia Nan was almost out of breath, but she was well-bred and only dared to pant softly, and then peeked at her side If he doesn't speak, she doesn't dare to speak.

Shangguan Ziqi knew that he had just come out of the ward and deliberately walked so fast without waiting for the girl to be with him, it was disrespectful, but what made him depressed was that she didn't even complain, and even now she only dared to peek at him and dared not speak loudly .

In fact, to tell the truth, this Xia Nan is really good and suitable to be a wife, but not for me. Seeing her panting and flushing, Shangguan Ziqi still has a part of his heart that softens. He took a bottle of mineral water and handed it over: "Drink some."

(End of this chapter)

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