The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 111 Chapter One After Another

Chapter 111 Returning one after another (4)

In fact, to tell the truth, this Xia Nan is really good and suitable to be a wife, but not for me. Seeing her panting and flushing, Shangguan Ziqi still has a part of his heart that softens. He took a bottle of mineral water and handed it over: "Drink some."

Xia Nan took the mineral water from Shangguan Ziqi's hand with a little excitement and shyness, and said softly, "Thank you."

Shangguan Ziqi nodded lightly: "Where are you going?"

Shangguan Ziqi's words cooled Xia Nan's excited heart a lot, but she still didn't want to give up so easily, so she summoned up all her voice and asked Shangguan Ziqi: "Brother Ziqi, do you have time now?" ?" After she finished speaking, she didn't even dare to look at Shangguan Ziqi, she tightly held ten fingers on the mineral water bottle and made a sound that was especially ear-piercing in this silent carriage.

Shangguan Ziqi saw the nervousness and uneasiness of the people around him one by one, and suddenly he smiled: "Nannan, don't be so nervous."

"Okay." Shangguan Ziqi's smile calmed Xia Nan's heart a little.

Just when Xia Nan thought that the next step should be rejection, Shangguan Ziqi unexpectedly asked again: "Is there any place you want to go?"

Xia Nan looked up at the man in surprise, and then a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "I want to go to the amusement park." To meet the status of the daughter of the Xia family, she has never been to an amusement park, and her greatest wish is to go to an amusement park with her beloved.

Looking at those looking forward to pure eyes, Shangguan Ziqi's heart suddenly softened, feeling helpless and moved in his heart, maybe Fengwei was really just a dream of his past, and his past might really be in the girl beside him, but He was not reconciled: "Feng Wei, when are you coming back?"

Then he thoughtfully put on the seat belt for the girl beside him: "Okay, let's go to the amusement park." This time he decided not to wait anymore, Fengwei, I'm tired of waiting for seven years, and now I decided to step out This step, yes, he decided to take this step, is to slowly erase the past from his memory.

It is cruel to erase the past, but it is even more painful to not get out of the past.

Xia Nan's joy and happiness are self-evident. She never thought that Shangguan Ziqi would agree to her request. Now she has nothing to say to explain her inner excitement. She can only look at his handsome side face happily smile.

At this time, in a studio in Milan, Italy, Feng Wei was concentrating on looking at the blueprint in his hand, sometimes using a pen to modify it a few times, sometimes frowning and sometimes smiling.

Suddenly the phone ringing in the studio interrupted all her train of thought, and she answered the phone unhappily: "Hello, who is there?" The irritability of the words made the person on the phone understand.

Then a gentle voice from the other side of the phone came into Fengwei's ears through the microphone: "Wei, why is your temper getting worse and worse."

Hearing that familiar voice, Feng Wei immediately threw away the design of the baby in his hand and began to focus on talking to the person on the phone: "Shen, why haven't you contacted me for so long."

The nostalgia in that tone made the corner of Situ Shen's mouth on the other side of the phone slightly pampered: "Didn't I call you? You damn girl, if I don't call you, you won't find me."

(End of this chapter)

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