The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 112 Chapter One After Another

Chapter 112 Returning one after another (5)

"Oh, am I busy? I've been busy with press conferences recently, don't you know that?" Feng Wei still argued.

"Really? This new clothes launch conference is perfect, congratulations." Situ Shen said the main point of this call.

"Enen, thank you Shen, what about the gift?" Feng Wei asked for the gift without reservation at all.

"A gift, I'll give it to you when you return to China." Situ Shen began to lose his appetite.

Speaking of Fengwei on the phone back home, Situ Shen on the other side sighed helplessly and continued: "It's enough for Fengwei, it's been seven years, Zitong and Longyu have left for seven years, you should go Out."

Situ Shen's words kept Feng Wei on the phone side silent for a long time, and then she agreed: "Okay, I'll deal with the matter at hand, and I'll go back the day after tomorrow at the latest."

"Okay, I'll go back early and wait for you." Situ Shen suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. It has been seven years, and he tried for seven years. It is a big improvement for Feng Wei to finally return to China. He can't force her too much. Just let her be willing.

"Okay." Then Situ Shen explained a few words worriedly before hanging up the phone.

There was already a beeping sound from the phone. Feng Wei still held it in his hand for a while before putting it down, and then made another call: "Hello, is this the Xia Group? I'm Wind." Wind It is Fengwei's English name.

The person on the other side of the phone was visibly excited when they heard Wing, and then the phone was immediately picked up by another person, a girl with a soft voice, Feng Wei knew this person: "Hello, Miss Xia." Words are pure noon.

Sure enough, the person on the phone was visibly excited: "Wind, you can speak Chinese very well."

"I'm Chinese." Then Fengwei didn't want to explain too much, and directly cut to the topic: "I will go to China soon, you guys prepare the materials, let's meet in person to discuss the issue of endorsement." Before Xia's Group I contacted myself many times and said that I would endorse her brand to be listed in China, but because she was not planning to go back, she never replied to them, but now that she has decided to go back, she must find something to do.

The other party obviously didn't expect Feng Wei to answer, so he said very excitedly and straightforwardly: "Okay."

Xia Nan who hung up the phone couldn't hide the joy on his face. Seeing her so happy, Shangguan Ziqi's mouth began to rise slightly: "What makes you so happy."

This time, Xia Nan has forgotten his restraint, and he talked about work matters with Shangguan Ziqi unabashedly, his happiness and excitement are beyond words: "Our company has been in contact with a designer from Milan, and wants to represent her The agent of the brand in China, but I have not received a reply before, but I did not expect that I just received a call from her."

Shangguan Ziqi nodded slightly after hearing this. He knew that Xia Group has many clothing brands of its own, and also has many excellent world-class designers in its hands. In addition, it also sells domestic sales of many top foreign brands. The brand of the group has done very well in recent years. Many designers with their own brands want to be loved by the Xia Group. This time, Shangguan Ziqi is curious. The manager received it personally and was so reluctant.

(End of this chapter)

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