The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 113 Chapter One After Another

Chapter 113 Returning one after another (6)

"What's the name of this designer?" Shangguan Ziqi asked curiously.

Speaking of the designer this time, Xia Nan especially liked her design style, so he approached her personally, but he didn't expect that the other party didn't even answer the phone. Now not only did he receive her call, but he also got a bigger one. Surprise: "It's Wind. I always thought that Wind should be a local designer. I didn't expect that she is also Chinese. But it's really mysterious. Our investigation turned out to be fruitless."

Hearing that the identity of the other party could not be investigated, Shangguan Ziqi immediately understood that this person must have a backer, and the information should have been deliberately hidden, but he knew that the designer, Wind, absolutely relied on his own strength to be the top in the world in Milan. In the design industry, he broke through his own brand, but he is very low-key. He is good at both men's and women's dresses. The only thing he doesn't design is wedding dresses. No one outside knows why.

"Congratulations." Shangguan Ziqi smiled and offered his blessing.

"It is still unknown what has not been signed yet, and if the news of Wind's coming to China is revealed, there must be many companies wanting to win, so it is too early to congratulate all of them." Xia Nan explained everything clearly and concisely. possible.

Shangguan Ziqi suddenly realized that he really underestimated this woman. She can be a good wife in dealing with people, but she also has her unique charm in work. Now Shangguan Ziqi can also be sure that she is qualified as the general manager of Xia Group This position is not because she is the eldest lady of the Xia Group, but because she has the ability to do it.

Shangguan Ziqi suddenly let go of his heart, he decided to follow his heart and stop thinking so much, if one day he is destined to be with Xia Nan, it can only mean that he and Fengwei don't have that fate.

When the newspaper about Shangguan Ziqi and Xia Nan visiting the amusement park the next day reached Shangguan Qi, his reaction was just to smile, and then looked at his granddaughter: "Min, what do you think?"

At this time, Shangguan Min's face no longer has the usual weakness when facing the world, but has become just strong and indifferent: "Very good, grandpa, if Nangong Group can marry Xia's Group, then Nangong Group will enter the clothing industry. Much simpler."

After listening to Shangguan Min's analysis, Shangguan Qi nodded in satisfaction: "Okay, very good, Min, as expected, no one in the entire Shangguan family can compare with you, and your intelligence and intelligence are absolutely not inferior to boys. .” After the previous praise, the smile on Shangguan Qi’s face suddenly disappeared: “How could it be the Nangong family?”

The first paragraph was a compliment, but the latter paragraph suddenly changed the subject of Shangguan Qi to a sharp tone. Although he was in the hospital, his ears were not lost at all in the ups and downs outside the world.

When Shangguan Min heard his grandfather's sudden stern tone, his heart sank and he knew that what he had to face would never be escaped: "Grandpa, I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry, our Shangguan family doesn't have the word sorry." Shangguan Qi's tone was full of dissatisfaction.

"It's grandpa." Shangguan Min's tone was respectful and fearful, there was no one in Shangguan's family who was not afraid of grandpa.

Suddenly Shangguan Qi's tone became normal again, and then he looked at Shangguan Min meaningfully and said: "The Nangong family has been developing quite well in all aspects under the leadership of that kid Nangongya in the past few years. Our Shangguan Group is incomparable. Seven years have passed. Nangong Group is developing well in all countries in the world. If you can marry into the Nangong Family, not only you, but our Shangguan Family can also cooperate with the Nangong Family. Do you know ?”

(End of this chapter)

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