The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 115 Chapter One After Another

Chapter 115 Returning one after another (8)

"Yeah, I'm so tired from sleeping, I haven't slept for so long." After finishing speaking, he was already lying on the sofa again, and he was still standing on his legs childishly.

After reading it, Sura shook her head slightly and stood up from the dining table and walked over: "You don't act like a great doctor."

As soon as Xiyue quit the job that insulted her, she curled her lips: "Doctors are human beings, and doctors also have their own time."

"Okay." Sura knew that she couldn't provoke her anymore, because Xiyue liked the profession of a doctor very much, and she could be slandered but not her profession of a doctor.

Seeing that Xiyue was lying on the sofa and about to fall asleep again, Sura handed over a document at the right time. Xiyue half-opened her eyes and glanced at the document, then quickly got up to do it, her eyes fixed on Looking at the photo and name on the information, his mouth opened slightly: "Shangguanqi."

Although Xiyue has always been serious about patients, Sura has known her for seven years, but she has never seen Xiyue like this. How should she describe it? Excitement, resentment, and many other emotions that she can't understand, she is careful. Asked, "Month, is there a question?"

Putting away her slightly complicated mood, Xiyue lightly threw the information in her hand on the table: "You can refuse this operation."

"Ah, what?" Sura looked at Xiyue in surprise. In the past, Xiyue would definitely accept this operation, because this is the series of operations she most wanted to undergo, but there are too few cases, but this time the opportunity is so great. Well, why did she refuse? She has been screening for a long time.

"It's nothing, you can just refuse." After saying that, Xiyue turned around and entered her room again.

Sura, who was still standing by the sofa, looked at her back disappearing at the door and said nothing, just took the information left on the table and went into her room. Willingness, although she is a little embarrassed to the patient, she still needs to explain it clearly to the patient.

"Hi, I'm Sura."

"Yes, see you at xx at two o'clock in the afternoon."

"See you then, bye."

Back in her room, Xiyue threw her whole body on the bed, and then struggled fiercely with her eyes. She thought that she would meet those people, but she never thought it would be this way. Shangguan Qi unexpectedly will be her patient.

Suddenly Xiyue smiled: "Shangguanqi, if you know that Katherine is me, how will you react? I am really looking forward to it. Are you afraid of death and begging me to heal you, or is it something else?"

Mommy's death is already the most painful memory in her heart forever. Long Yu's death seven years ago made her hate him even more. Everything could have ended seven years ago, but the resentment has continued to this day because of the car accident. And now she has that ability, but Shangguan's family, she will never let it go, for friends, she has her reasons for not contacting them even though she lives in the world, we can no longer blame anyone.

Sura arrived at the destination according to the appointed time. What surprised her was that there were so many people waiting for her alone. She suddenly wanted to laugh. If they knew that the answer she gave this time was rejection, would they still Is it as peaceful as it is now?
He casually walked over and greeted the three of them: "Hello, I'm Sura, I've been waiting for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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