The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 116 Chapter One After Another

Chapter 116 Returning one after another (9)

The three obviously did not expect that Sura would be such a young woman, with a slight distrust on her face. Although the expression was very subtle, Sura, who is good at observing people, still felt it. She took it out of her bag calmly. He took out his own business card, and each of them handed over one: "Please give me your advice."

Although business cards can't represent anything, they can also make people know a person better.

"Excuse me, please sit down." Shangguan Ziqi knew that he didn't have to doubt anything at all.Because there was nothing worthy of his doubts.

"Hello, Mr. Shangguan, Miss Shangguan, Mr. Nangong." Sura lightly revealed the identities of the three of them under their shocked eyes.

Nangongya's face sank, and then she smiled and said: "Miss Su is indeed Dr. Katherine's most trusted assistant.

Nangongya's compliment didn't make Sura's face more emotional, she just replied lightly: "Mr. Nangong is not bad, I guess you know about my information."

Su La's words immediately made Nangong Ya's complexion darken. He really realized that the woman in front of him should not be underestimated. She even knew that he was investigating her a while ago. He and Shangguan Ziqi looked at each other, and they fell in love with each other.

Knowing that her intimidation had worked, Su La did not continue this topic, and directly handed the information in her hand to Shangguan Ziqi: "This is for you."

"Why is that?" Shangguan Ziqi's complexion darkened after a simple move, he had already realized that the other party was rejecting him, and the consequences that followed were something they could bear.

Shangguan Min also turned pale: "Miss Su, why do you have to say no, my grandfather will die if he doesn't have the surgery."

Sura could see the sadness in the eyes of both of them, and she didn't want to reject them, but there were some things she could do nothing about: "Sorry, I can't do anything either."

"Why? Why did you refuse, isn't Katherine a doctor? Why do you want to die." Shangguan Min yelled at Sura loudly.

"I'm sorry." That was all she could answer.

The only one who was calm was Nangong Ya, who looked at Sura indifferently: "Give us a reason for your rejection, this will make us give up, and it is also responsible for a patient's family.

Sura locked it deeply, and then said: "Dr. Katherine personally refused this in the operating room, and I am just a person who implements her decision. I have no ability to change this result, so I'm sorry, I'm leaving first." After explaining, Sura got up and prepared to leave.

"Miss Su, please wait a moment." Nangongya's timely voice came to mind again.

"What's the matter, Mr. Nangong?" Sura turned and looked at him indifferently.

"Excuse me, does Miss Su know Yu Xinmeng?" Nangongya looked intently into the other's eyes when she said this.

Although her heart fluctuated when she heard the name, Sura had perfectly concealed all her emotions in the past seven years, and her answer was still light: "I don't know." After speaking, she turned and left again.

After Sura's figure disappeared, Shangguan Ziqi looked at his friend struggling: "Ya, why do you think Katherine refused the operation?"

Nangongya shook his head: "I don't know."

"Then what about grandpa." Hearing that grandpa's operation was completely hopeless, Shangguan Min became very sad.

"Min, don't get excited, you will figure out a way." Shangguan Ziqi tried his best to think why Katherine refused the operation, and at the same time, he wanted to comfort the emotional Shangguan Min.

(End of this chapter)

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