The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 118 Chapter One After Another

Chapter 118 Returning one after another (11)

After speaking, Su La hung up the phone without waiting for Yu Kaixing to say anything, leaving Yu Kaixing with a depressed face staring at the phone with hatred: "Damn girl hung up on me again."

"Don't tease her every time you call, I don't think Su La will hang up on you." Xiying's faint voice rang from Yu Kaixing's office door.

"Why did you come in so silently, and you always listen to my phone call." Yu Kaixing groaned dissatisfied.

Xiying was amused when he heard it: "I eavesdropped, and you almost opened the door and blamed me for eavesdropping." This kid has always been this kind of virtue, and he is already used to it.

"Hmph, what's the matter with Mr. Xi." Yu Kaixing knew very well that if his friend hadn't been busy, he would never have entered his office.

"Go home first." Xiying's tone suddenly became serious.

"You're not going to China with me." Yu Kaixing suddenly stood up from his chair in fright.

"I'm going to Italy to deal with some things, you go there tomorrow."

"Okay, then you can come back before Meng Le's wedding." Yu Kaixing explained uneasy, if Xiying didn't go to the wedding, he would probably be tortured to death by that girl.

"I'll definitely be there for Le Wedding, don't worry." Xiying said with certainty.

"Okay then." Looking at his friend Yu Kaixing, he felt a little struggling in his heart, but he still said lightly: "Ying, why bother, it's been so many years."

Yu Kaixing's words made Xiying's eyes dim slightly, and then he said with a faint smile: "How can you forget something that is deeply rooted in your bones?"

That memory is the best memory in his life, but it is also the most painful memory. Every time he thinks about it, his heart will feel like being stabbed by a needle, and the only person who knows all the past is his good friend Yu Kaixing.

"I just hope you can be well." Yu Kaixing said this sentence lightly, and his tone no longer had the cynicism in the phone call just now.

As the person who knows Yu Kaixing best, Xiying knows that his cynical attitude is only aimed at two people, one is his sister Xiyue, and the other is Xiyue's assistant Sura, just because these two people are the most important in his heart In the shopping mall, this guy is just a smiling tiger. If you underestimate him, you will be devoured, "I'm fine, don't worry."

"En." Yu Kaixing responded lightly, and then a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

As soon as Sura returned to the hotel that night, she reported what happened in the afternoon to Xiyue: "Yue, I have already refused Mr. Shangguan's surgery."

"Okay, I see." Xiyue was still playing with the computer in her hand, without even raising her head.

"Yue." Sura called her name and hesitated for a while.

"Well, just ask if you have any questions." While talking, Xiyue had put down the computer in her hand, and her eyes focused on Sura's face. She knew it all, but the moment she came back, she knew that there were some things she couldn't escape, but she wasn't going to hide it from her good friend, she just didn't find a suitable opportunity.

Summoning all his voice, Sura asked the question in his heart: "Yue, what does the Shangguan family have to do with you?"

"Why are you asking that?" Xiyue knew that Sura was smart, but she didn't expect that she would be able to ask the root of the question right away. At most, she thought she would ask herself why she refused the operation?

(End of this chapter)

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