The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 119 Chapter One After Another

Chapter 119 Returning one after another (12)

Today I met Shangguan Qi's grandson, Shangguan Ziqi, the current president of Shangguan Group, and his granddaughter Shangguan Min. "Sura was paying attention to Xiyue's reaction while talking, but fortunately, everything seemed calm in Xiyue.

Xiyue suddenly understood why Xiyue asked about her relationship with Shangguan's family, she suddenly smiled: "Shangguan Ziqi is okay now."

"Well, it looks good." Sura nodded while talking.

"That's good." Xiyue's tone was still flat.

"Yue, be well." Sura looked at her worriedly, and began to blame herself in her heart, why couldn't she control her curiosity and ask these questions, if Yue didn't want to say it, it must be because his heart hurts A piece of memory, why did she dig it up.

okay?Xiyue didn't know, she just smiled lightly and said: "Susu." Xiying likes to be called Sura Susu, because she said it would be different from others, which can reflect Xiyue's love for Sura. With deep dependence, Xiyue leaned her body tightly in Sura's arms, and Xiyue started the long memory of 18 years: "I have a very beautiful mommy named Xiyu, maybe outsiders don't even know the world There is such a woman in the world, but everyone will never forget the set of jewelry design works called 'Xi' exhibited by Shangguan Group 17 years ago."

When people know that no one can forget as long as they have seen it, it is simply the pinnacle of jewelry design, and almost no one can surpass it so far. Su La suddenly thought of something: "Then your mother fan designed it?" ?”

"Well, yes, it was Mommy who was just a young designer who had just returned from studying design in Milan and then worked in the Shangguan Group. Later, she met the eldest son of the Shangguan family, and later gave birth to me and my brother Shangguan Ziqi." When Xiyue said these words, her tone was so calm that she couldn't be calm, as if she was telling a story about someone else.

"Isn't this a perfect family?" Something in Sura's heart proved her conjecture. Mommy and the two children are so beautiful, so the father should not be bad either. Such a family should be very beautiful. Perfect.

"Is it perfect? ​​Can it be perfect if two children are born to a married man? And that man is not because he loves her, but because of the set of 'pity' blueprints." When Xiyue said these words, her tone Visibly mixed with anger.

"You mean, your daddy is just for your mommy's design." Sura couldn't believe what she heard.

"Daddy? Has he fulfilled his responsibilities as a daddy?" Xiyue's tone was full of wind.

"What happened after that month." Sura asked cautiously.

"After stealing Mommy's design draft, that man took his wife to go abroad, and Mommy took me and my brother alone. In fact, everything was quite happy at that time, until Shangguan Qi came to our house He took my brother away, and later wanted to take me away, so forget it, and kept forcing Mommy to hand over another set of 'language' design drafts." Xiyue said at this time that her eyes began to turn slightly red.

"Don't be sad, the month is over." Sura comforted her distressedly.

But Xiyue continued as if she didn't hear it: "But Mommy is sick and I have no money, so I went to Shangguan's house to beg them, but they said that as long as Mommy handed over the set of design drawings, Mommy would be treated. But Mommy is very stubborn, she would rather die than give it, and in the end Mommy died because she didn’t get medical treatment in time, and then I pretended to be stupid.”

(End of this chapter)

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