The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 131 The Air Crash Occurs

Chapter 131 The Air Crash Occurs (4)

Sura's words made Meng Le calm down immediately, obediently let the makeup artist do the final makeup for her, while Sura at the side pulled Xiyue out of the room.

As soon as she walked out of the room, she saw Yu Kaixing walking towards the end of the corridor. Seeing the serious faces of the two of them, Su La suddenly became uneasy: "What happened to Yu Kaixing."

Yu Kaixing glanced at Xiyue, who was ashen-faced, and then suddenly made a decision in his heart: "Sura, Yueyue and I will probably leave first, and Meng Le's wedding will be all right for you to survive until the end of the wedding." .”

Yu Kaixing's words suddenly made Sura's heart sink to the bottom. She knew that if it was not an urgent matter, Yu Kaixing would not say such a thing. Although this man loves to joke, he never made jokes: "What the hell? What happened." No matter what, she still needs to know what happened before she knows how to face the next thing.

"The news just came that the plane flying from Italy to China last night exploded at [-] o'clock this morning." Yu Kaixing finished the message lightly. Before Sura could react, she had already seen it the next moment. Xiyue disappeared in the corridor today's figure.

"Yu Kaixing, hurry up and chase Yueyue. I'll deal with her on Lele's side and tell her the truth after the wedding." Sura made the final decision concisely.

Yu Kaixing nodded silently: "Take good care of yourself." After speaking, his figure disappeared at the end of the hotel corridor. He knew that he could only do this at this time, because if Meng Le knew that Xiying had participated in her There was an air crash during the wedding, and the kind-hearted woman would definitely do her own thing and not even hold the wedding.

Taking a deep breath, Sura knew that the next battle would be tough, and she must not behave in any way, or if Meng Le was so shrewd, she would definitely notice something strange.

Standing at the door for another 10 minutes, sorting out my emotions, just in time someone came from the hall to urge the wedding time to come, Meng Le walked into the room again, with a smile on his lips: "Lele, it's time, we should go downstairs gone."

Meng Le glanced behind Sura hesitantly, and then asked suspiciously, "Where did Yueyue go?"

"Yueyue just received a call from the president. She went to the airport to pick him up." According to the reason she had thought up in advance, Sura told Meng Le.

Although Meng Le had doubts in his heart, he still complained more: "Brother Ying, it's true, the wedding is about to start, and it's not here yet, and now it's still a month to pick him up."

"Yeah, the president will be here a little later, Lele must make him drink a few more glasses to make amends." Sura echoed carefully, watching Meng Le's face, but fortunately everything seemed normal.

"Well, I must." Meng Le gritted his teeth after speaking.

"People from the hall are urging, Lele, let's go down first." Sura reminded Meng Le that it was time for the wedding.

Although she was not reconciled, but this was her lifetime happiness, Meng Le still didn't dare to delay, with a happy smile on her face, she walked out of the room with the support of everyone.

Su La, who was standing at the back, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and kept praying in her heart, hoping that the president would be fine, otherwise Yue would definitely go crazy.

When Su La appeared at the entrance of the hall with Meng Le, several families were happy and some were sad. In the past seven years, Su Feng thought about countless scenes of reuniting with his daughter, but he never expected that it would happen. It was such a scene, he was so excited that he didn't care about his own image, and burst into tears, which made the friends on the side feel a little puzzled, and said jokingly: "It's not that you marry your daughter, Mr. Meng. Why are you crying first?"

(End of this chapter)

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