The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 132 The Air Crash Occurs

Chapter 132 The Air Crash Occurs (5)

When Su La appeared at the entrance of the hall with Meng Le, several families were happy and some were sad. In the past seven years, Su Feng thought about countless scenes of reuniting with his daughter, but he never expected that it would happen. It was such a scene, he was so excited that he didn't care about his own image, and burst into tears, which made the friends on the side feel a little puzzled, and said jokingly: "It's not that you marry your daughter, Mr. Meng. Why are you crying first?"

Su Feng wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, but his eyes did not move away from Sura's face: "I'm fine, I just thought of my eldest daughter."

As a friend, how could he not know the pain in his friend's heart: "Don't be sad, that girl Sura will definitely come back."

Yu Xinmeng's reaction was disbelief and resentment on her face, why did the person she didn't want to see meet again? Seeing the excitement on her father's face, her resentment towards Sura deepened in her heart, and she also understood that Plans have to be made in advance.

On the other hand, Shangguan Ziqi and Nangongya looked at each other, the two of them understood, and their eyes began to think wantonly around her, and finally both of their faces became puzzled: "Ziqi, let's see who will be Katherine what."

Shangguan Ziqi also shook his head in disappointment: "No." Those people were all people from the shopping mall he had seen, and there was no one who agreed with Katherine's identity.

"That's really strange." Nangongya muttered in a low voice, and began to suspect that his news was wrong.

"It's okay, let's look for it again." Nangongya could only comfort his friend in this way, and also tried to comfort himself.

At this time, the wedding march slowly sounded in the hall, and the bride, led by her father, walked slowly towards the bride on the other side of the red carpet.

Ying Cai looked at her husband and daughter walking on the red carpet with mixed feelings. The daughter she had raised for more than 20 years was finally going to be handed over to someone else, but she still looked suspiciously at the person standing beside her and asked : "Lala, Yueyue, where are the shadows?"

Ying Cai's words immediately made Sura turn pale, and she didn't speak after the needle was stuck for a long time.

Ying Cai, who already had confidence in her heart, suddenly slowed down her tone: "Lala, tell me what happened."

Looking at Ying Cai's calm eyes, Su La bit her lips tightly and said, "On the eve of the wedding, Yue Yue and Kai Xing both received news that Ying's flight had crashed, and now they have gone to the airport to understand It's gone."

Su La's words immediately blinded Ying Cai's eyes, but fortunately, Su La immediately supported her and asked cautiously, "Mrs. Meng, are you okay?"

Slowly standing still, Ying Cai's eyes suddenly turned red, but Sura spoke again: "Mrs. Meng, Yue Yue and Kai Xing must not let Meng Le know about this matter before the wedding is over. You must keep this matter a secret."

Ying Cai was taken aback by Su La's words, but she still nodded, because she knew that this was the best way at this time: "I will go with you to accompany Lele later, and I will help you cover up , this matter must last until the wedding is over."

"Well, good." Sura agreed, looking at the ongoing wedding with deep worry in her eyes.

Until the end of the wedding, Meng Le was also under the joint efforts of her mother and Sura to hide the matter of Xiying. It was not until the last moment that Meng Le started to ask for Xiying to drink, Ying Cai and Sura only looked at each other. Feeling that the matter could not be concealed, the two worked together to hand over the wedding scene to Meng Le's husband and Meng Le's father, and the three returned to Meng Le's previous lounge.

(End of this chapter)

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