The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 136 Meng Le Wedding

Chapter 136 Meng Le Wedding (1)

After she finished speaking, she turned her gaze to Su Feng who had been silent all this time: "Old Su, I will take Sura away first."

After finishing speaking, she signaled her daughter to support Su La and leave with her with her eyes. Meng Le knew that it was not suitable for her to say anything at this time, so she suppressed the resentment in her heart, and obediently supported Su La with her mother. Pull out of the banquet hall.

But once back in the room, Meng Le's temper that had been suppressed all night broke out: "Mummy, why do you think that woman is so annoying." Good upbringing prevented Meng Le from swearing.

Ying Cai tried to comfort her daughter: "Stop talking about Meng Le." After speaking, she gestured to Sura who had been silent all this time.

Meng Le became quiet all of a sudden, she walked carefully to Sura and sat down, then gently hugged Sura's head in her arms, and said softly to her: " Lara, don't think too much, okay? No matter how the world changes, you have to remember you and us all."

Listening to her daughter's sensible words, Ying Cai's eyes suddenly turned red. On the one hand, she felt that she had raised such a big daughter and became someone else's overnight. On the other hand, she also saw that her beloved baby became sensible. The mother's pride is more because she loves Sura: "Lala, I will call me aunt like Yueyue and others in the future, and your mother and I used to be good friends. I was very sad about your mother at that time. Later, I also tried to find you, but at that time you had already left the Su family and disappeared, and I didn't know your identity until just now, sorry."

Lifting her head from Meng Le's arms, Sura looked at Ying Cai with calm eyes and then shook her head: "Auntie, I'm fine. It's been so many years about Mommy, I just can't let it go, I don't know how to face it to him."

Although they didn't name the "he" by name, Ying Cai and her daughter knew it in their hearts, but as outsiders, they were powerless and helpless.

Maybe it was because of the worries of the mother and child, Sura suddenly smiled: "Auntie, Lele, I am really fine. After all these years, I have seen such life and death by Yueyue's side. Forgive me."

"That's good, that's good." As someone who has experienced it, Ying Cai knows how tiring it is to be alone with a heavy heart, so even though she resents what the mother and daughter surnamed Yu did to her friends and daughter, but She hoped that the child would be relieved, at least it would be easier to live that way.

Suddenly Meng Le became agitated, and Ying Cai and Sura, who hadn't calmed down, were suddenly at a loss.

"What's wrong with Lele?" Ying Cai looked at her daughter worriedly.

Meng Le looked at her Mummy, then at Sura, and said with a choked tone, "Mummy, Lala, Brother Ying will be fine, right? How could such an outstanding person like Brother Ying be in trouble? "Although these words were asked to my mommy and Sura, they were also a little psychological comfort from Meng Le. Because there was nothing I could do, I could only do psychological hypnosis for myself.

Meng Le and Sura looked at each other, and then Ying Cai said: "Lele, no matter what happens in the future, you must be strong. You are an adult now, do you know that?"

(End of this chapter)

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