The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 137 Meng Le Wedding

Chapter 137 Meng Le Wedding (2)

Meng Le nodded fiercely, then choked up and said: "Mommy, I actually know it all, but I just feel sad."

Sura on the side was silent all the time. She knew Lele's psychological affection for Xiying, because she had lived with them all those years after all, so some feelings did not necessarily have to have a deep blood relationship. The relationship between people has always been mutual. It can be said that family relationship is predetermined, but relationship can be cultivated the day after tomorrow.

At this time, in the office of the top leader of the airport, Xiyue sat there quietly without saying a word, and the man standing in front of her was already feeling dry, he didn't understand it himself, he was just a grade She doesn't look like a big woman, but the oppression of her eyes is really hard for ordinary people to resist.

"Miss Xi, our company has already gone deep into the scene of the accident to investigate, and you are sitting here waiting for an answer, but you can't come out for a while, why don't you go back and have a rest first, and we will send someone to notify you as soon as we have news about Mr. Xi, you can do it like this Is it?" The top leader of the airport, standing in front of Xiyue to dry off, said while paying attention to the change of expression on the face of the woman in front of him.

Xiyue still sat there silently, without saying a word, her eyes were so dark that people could not know what she was thinking, and finally Yu Kaixing who was standing behind her spoke: "You go out first."

As soon as the latter heard that he was asked to go out, he immediately responded without hesitation: "Mr. Yu, Miss Xi, I will go out first." After speaking, the man had already disappeared outside the door.

Yu Kaixing really wanted to laugh when he saw this scene, but he couldn't laugh at such an occasion, he could only stand beside Xiyue, wrap her in his arms, and then sighed slightly Said: "Yueyue, can you say a word? As long as you speak, no matter what."

A man like Yu Kaixing may be fearless in his life, but the only thing he fears the most is Xiyue's silence. Maybe it's because he's not used to living a too quiet life, or maybe it's the feeling Xiyue gives when he's silent. It's lifeless that makes people scary, anyway, he just doesn't like Xiyue not talking.

Just when Yu Kaixing was about to give up coaxing Xiyue to talk, the other party finally said: "Okay, what are the urgent matters of the company recently."

As soon as he heard Xiyue's faint voice, Yu Kaixing became extremely excited in his heart: "Yes, yes." In fact, he also wanted to talk to Xiyue about these things, but he never knew how to speak. Now Xiyue It was his wish to mention it on his own initiative.

Xiyue didn't take the initiative to speak again, but sat there quietly waiting for Yu Kaixing to speak again: "This year our company has a big cooperation with Nangong Group, which is to develop a resort integrating tourism, vacation and leisure. The day after tomorrow is the first meeting of the two companies and some other companies who want to participate in the development company. Originally, your brother only wanted to attend in person, but now only you can go."

When hearing Nangong Group, Xiyue hesitated suddenly, her eyes became dark, but she hid it well, Yu Kaixing didn't notice anything strange, and sighed slightly from the bottom of her heart, Xiyue understood that now At that time, she had to put aside her personal feelings. The Xi's Group was originally a family business. The previous president was Daddy, and the current president is her brother. Now that her brother is gone, she is the only one who can take on this responsibility. If she can't take up this responsibility now, no one can.

(End of this chapter)

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