The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 138 Meng Le Wedding

Chapter 138 Meng Le Wedding (3)

Even if she didn't want to face those people, Xiyue also knew that she couldn't evade her due responsibilities, so she nodded: "Okay, let Sura go to Italy tomorrow to see the situation there, and you always remember to supervise the airline, the company Go there with me the day after tomorrow." There are some things, even if you have been deliberately avoiding them, one day you will have to face them.

Early the next morning, Sura was still in a dream, and then she was woken up by the knock on the door. When she opened the door and saw the person outside, her eyes felt distressed: "Yue, have you not slept all night? "

Xiyue nodded faintly, and then said in a dull tone: "Lala, come with me, there are some things you need to do."

"Okay." After speaking, the two of them had come to the sofa in the living room and sat down. This time, Yu Kaixing didn't laugh and laugh anymore, but looked at the documents in his hand very seriously. Seeing Sura, he was only indifferent. nod.

The three of them knew that this moment is the most tense moment, so the living room was extraordinarily quiet because no one was talking, and finally Xiyue said: "Sura, you will leave for Italy right away, we crashed at the airport I didn't see my brother's name in the list, but we can't contact him now. The cooperation with several major companies is about to start. It's best if my brother can come back. If he can't, I need to attend this meeting .”

Xiyue's voice was very weak, but Sura was startled, and then looked at the other party in surprise, but she swallowed those words in the end, she just nodded respectfully and stood up: "I'm going to pack my luggage now go."

"Go." Xiyue responded lightly, and then turned her gaze to Yu Kaixing: "Let's discuss the matter of the meeting the day after tomorrow."

Sura, who had already walked to the door, suddenly turned around and looked at Xiyue who was concentrating on discussing things with Yu Kaixing in the living room. Suddenly, a little worry appeared in her heart, because she went to the company a few days ago and saw that the cooperation case seemed to be cooperation. There is a company in Fangli that is Shangguan Group, what will happen to Xiyue if she meets them?

Even if she is worried, Sura now knows that it is necessary for Xiyue to meet with them, because she is the lady of the Xi's Group. Besides the president Xiying, Xiyue is another centripetal force of the Xi's Group. Development and growth have established Xiyue's position in Xi's family long ago, so the two brothers and sisters are dragons among men, no matter which one is the king.

The air was not bad the next day, Shangguan Ziqi pushed Shangguan Qi to walk in the garden of the hospital.

"Push me to the fountain over there." Shangguan Qi's slightly commanding voice sounded in Shangguan Ziqi's ear.

"It's Grandpa." Shangguan Ziqi's answer was always obedience.

Pushing Shangguan Qi to the side of the fountain, Shangguan Ziqi quietly stood aside and waited for his grandfather's next words, because he knew that if there was nothing wrong, his grandfather would not call him to the hospital today to accompany him to the garden.

Finally Shangguan Qi spoke in anticipation of Shangguan Ziqi: "Ziqi, I heard that you and Nan Nan are very close recently." Although Shangguan Qi asked like this, the satisfaction in his tone could not be concealed.

"Yes, Grandpa." Shangguan Ziqi replied quietly.

"Very good." This time Shangguan Qi's smile finally showed on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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