The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 155 Meeting Again

Chapter 155 Meeting Again (15)

Putting on her own clothes, Xiyue opened the door carefully, and just after closing the door, Xiyue was thankful that the person in the room didn't notice that she had left, but the sudden voice behind her frightened her again. Cursing secretly, it really is a guilty conscience.

She slowly turned around to face the person coming, and she was greeted with a sense of familiarity, but Xiyue couldn't remember where she had seen her before, and she only heard her look at her angrily and said, "Xiyue, you How come here."

The unkindness in that eyes Xiyue is not blind, suddenly she understood something, her eyes dimmed and her tone became sharper: "Who are you, what right do you have to question me."

Xiyue's sudden cold tone made Yu Xinmeng frightened for a moment, but the next moment she raised her head arrogantly, looked directly into Xiyue's eyes and said loudly: "I am the eldest lady of the Su Group, and I and I met at the meeting yesterday. My daddy, who is also the president of the Su Group, went there together."

When Yu Xinmeng said this, although she said it very proudly, she looked into Xiyue's eyes with envy. She is an adult, and she understands what happened to the woman in front of her just now in the room. When I understood the past relationship between this woman and Nangongya yesterday, my heart could not be calm.

"You are Yu Xinmeng." Xiyue's tone was not suspicious but affirmative, because after Yu Xinmeng reminded her, she completely remembered it.

"So what if it's me." Yu Xinmeng still pestered unreasonably.

Xiyue just gave her a last look indifferently, then walked sideways, and then said behind her back: "There is a saying that a good dog doesn't get in the way."

As soon as Xiyue finished speaking, Yu Xinmeng's face turned green: "Xiyue, stop for me." But the footsteps of the called person still didn't stop at all, they just walked forward steadily.

Knowing that she walked out of Yu Xinmeng's line of sight, Xiyue stopped in her tracks and her eyes dimmed. Of course she understood the reason why Yu Xinmeng appeared here. She also just realized the relationship between Nangongya and Yu Xinmeng. For this reason, the Su Group will be one of them in this development project. Otherwise, how could a small enterprise like the Su Group be eligible to participate.

It was also at this moment that she began to laugh at herself, how could she be so naive?A man and a woman you haven't seen in seven years, how could you be so naive to think that he doesn't have other women?I'm afraid it's not one of them. Yesterday Shangguanmin looked at her with resentment, but Nangongya's face was full of complex emotions, and she understood that everything was not as peaceful as it seemed on the surface.

Walking out of the hotel, when the sun shone warmly on Xiyue's face, she smiled and took out her mobile phone. There were already dozens of missed calls on it. She immediately opened one and pressed the callback button: "Sura, What's the matter, calling me so many times?"

"Where did you go, Yue? You didn't come back last night." Sura on the phone made no secret of her worry.

"Don't worry, I was at my friend's place last night. I didn't tell you because I was afraid of disturbing your sleep." Xiyue's tone was so flat that she couldn't hear anything strange.

"Ah That's good."

"Don't worry, what's the matter." Xiyue knew that Sura wouldn't have called her so many times if she hadn't been busy.

(End of this chapter)

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