The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 156 Meeting Again

Chapter 156 Meeting Again (16)

At this time, Su La on the phone hesitated for a moment, but she knew that this was work, so she immediately changed her words and became business-like: "Dr. Katherine, people from the official group called to inquire this morning, and you have an appointment with them for a consultation ,When are you going."

After Sura reminded her, Xiyue suddenly remembered: "Sura, take a few experts to the hospital first and let them do a detailed examination on Mr. Shangguan. I will be there later."

"it is good."

"Yeah." After finishing speaking, Xiyue hung up the phone, and then raised her head to look at the hotel building again, but she no longer knew which room she had slept in all night, and who was in it now. Inside, thinking of this, her eyes darkened again, then stopped a car, got in the car and reported an address, and then the car sped forward.

And when the door of the room was knocked again, Nangongya sat up from the bed all of a sudden, he rushed out of the room and opened the door happily, but the excitement on his face was quickly covered up after seeing the person coming, and then became Impatiently: "Why are you here?" After speaking, Nangongya walked straight back to the room, ignoring Yu Xinmeng who was still standing at the door.

With such a big contrast, Yu Xinmeng certainly knows that this man is because of the woman who just left, so she is very unwilling in her heart. Maybe she will learn to cover up in the past, but at this moment she only wants an answer, an answer. She couldn't wait for the answer that she didn't dare to ask: "Nangongya, what am I in your heart?"

As soon as Yu Xinmeng finished asking, Nangongya looked up at her in surprise, then grinned and said coldly: "It's nothing."

As soon as Nangongya finished speaking, Yu Xinmeng rushed to Nangongya like crazy, but at the next moment, she hugged Nangongya tightly and cried: "How can you do this?"

The more hurtful words that had reached the point of his mouth were abruptly swallowed back by Nangongya. He stiffened his body and looked at the crying woman lying in his arms with puzzled eyes. This was the first time he had seen Yu Xinmeng like this. , without arrogance and domineering, he suddenly felt at a loss: "Don't cry."

Nangongya's comfort did not make Yu Xinmeng cry less, but cried louder and louder, as if she wanted to express all the grievances in her heart through tears, and said with a sob in her mouth: "How can you? so"

Nangongya couldn't understand what she was saying, and he couldn't tell her not to cry, so he could only sit there and let her cry on his body.

Gently stroking the hair of the woman in his arms, his heart softened at this moment: "Hey, don't cry in Meng."

Nangongya's tone suddenly softened, causing Yu Xinmeng, who was still crying with her head down, to suddenly have a burst of joy in her eyes, but Nangongya didn't notice it, and Yu Xinmeng didn't speak, just continued to lie on Nangongya's body and choked up, But the smug curvature of the corner of his mouth was not concealed from Nangongya's invisible line of sight.

The taxi slowly stopped at the gate of a cemetery, and after giving the driver the money, Xiyue got out of the car and walked slowly into the depths of the cemetery, until she came to an old tombstone. down.

There is no weed around the tombstone, and there is no dust on the tombstone. The flowers on the tombstone are still very bright. It can be seen that people often come here. No need to guess, Xiyue already knows who it is.

(End of this chapter)

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