The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 160 Hospital Incident

Chapter 160 Hospital Incident (2)

"Why didn't you come?" Xia Nan's doubtful voice came through the phone.

"I seem to have something to do, I said I'll be here later." As soon as Shangguan Ziqi finished speaking, a strange girl came from the phone: "Mr. Shangguan, Dr. Katherine has arrived downstairs."

Xia Nan said very interestingly when he heard it: "You are busy first, and then contact me when you are done."

"Okay, let's have dinner together tonight."

"Okay." Then Xia Nan heard a beep coming from the phone, and she suddenly felt a sense of loss in her heart, but she didn't know why.

When Feng Wei came back from the bathroom, what she saw was the scene of Xia Nan staring at the coffee in a daze. She sat down opposite her with a smile, and she couldn't tell that she was still standing on the road and howling half an hour ago Woman, the elegance and artistry on her clean face returned again: "Mr. Xia, why are you in a daze."

A cry of "Mr. Xia" brought Feng Wei back from the trance, and then looked at Feng Wei apologetically: "I'm fine, I thought of something."

Feng Wei knew that everyone had something on their minds, and no one else said it, so we didn't need to ask in detail, so he immediately changed the subject: "Manager Xia, go back and sort out the contract, let's sign the contract sometime later. "

Feng Wei's words made Xia Nan startled for a moment, then Xia Nan's face turned into a smile, then he stood up and stretched out his right hand to Xia Nan: "Wind is a happy cooperation, our company will definitely not let you down. "

No matter what the reason is, Wind suddenly agreed to cooperate with their company, but as long as the goal is achieved, it doesn't matter what the process is.

Excitedly looking at the person opposite, Shangguan Ziqi couldn't express her inner joy: "Miss Su, is Katherine really here?" He had been waiting for so long, and he was afraid that this hope would turn out to be empty talk in the end.

Sura glanced worriedly at the excited Shangguan Ziqi, and finally swallowed the words: "Mr. Shangguan, come with me."

After speaking, Sura turned and walked towards the elevator, while Shangguan Ziqi followed behind with an expression of expectation, waiting excitedly for that person's arrival.

When the two walked to the elevator, the door of the elevator was opened at the same time. Sura's first reaction was to look at Shangguan Ziqi's reaction, and then she looked at the person who came out of the elevator and said: "Katherine, you're here."

"Katherine? Where is it?" In fact, when he saw his sister coming out of the elevator, he understood everything, but he still hoped that things would turn around in his heart.

But when he faced the closed elevator, he had to start to face the reality: "Why is Zitong you?" There are countless emotions implied in this sentence, including struggle, pain, and many other things that cannot be explained clearly. Unseen emotions are there.

Looking at her closest blood relative with complicated eyes, Xiyue suddenly smiled faintly: "Mr. Shangguan, please call me Xiyue or Katherine."

After finishing speaking, she calmly looked at Shangguan Ziqi's shocked eyes: "Have you really decided like this?" Shangguan Ziqi asked his sister who was very strange to him in pain, why everything would become like this.

"It's not me who decides something, it's someone who caused the cause to have the current effect." Xiyue looked extremely calm when she said this.

(End of this chapter)

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