The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 159 Hospital Incident

Chapter 159 Hospital Incident (1)

Seeing someone she knows, Fengwei can no longer control her depressed mood along the way. Although she is not familiar with the person in front of her, she just wants a little support, a little warmth.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, just lend me a hug." Feng Wei, who was holding Xia Nan, was so choked up that he couldn't speak.

When Feng Wei cried like this, Xia Nan was suddenly at a loss and didn't know how to react. He could only let the people in his arms hug him and cry loudly, and the strange eyes of people passing by made Xia Nan even more confused. Get up.

"Don't cry." Xia Nan said softly.

"But I can't control it." He choked up as he spoke.

"Okay." Xia Nanyue became weaker, and suddenly she saw a coffee shop on the side of the road and suddenly had an idea, and walked towards the coffee shop with Feng Wei.

Feng Wei looked at Xia Nan puzzled while crying: "Where are you taking me?"

"Go and find you a hiding place for you to cry." Xia Nan said angrily.

For this woman, Xia Nan has completely overturned her previous thoughts in her heart. She still doubts her eyesight very much. Why did she think this woman was cool when she first met? An imageless woman, she is completely speechless.

It wasn't until he held a cup of warm coffee in his hand that Feng Wei began to feel embarrassed and looked at the person sitting opposite him, and then said cautiously: "I'm sorry, Manager Xia, I caused you trouble."

"It's okay, are you feeling better now?" Xia Nan asked with a smile about the uncomfortable Feng Wei in front of him.

"I'm fine." Feng Wei returned to Feng Wei with a smirk.

"Did you break up in love?" Everyone's first sense was the same, and they all guessed that it might have something to do with being in love to make a woman cry in front of people so shamelessly.

But this time Xia Nan guessed wrong, Feng Wei just shook his head sadly after listening to Xia Nan's words: "I don't have a boyfriend and I'm not married."

"Sorry, don't say it if you don't want to." Xia Nan said apologetically, she had no intention of prying into other people's privacy.

"It's nothing, it's just because of a friend I haven't seen for many years." When Feng Wei said this, his voice was very soft.

Xia Nan didn't know what happened to the person in front of her and her so-called friend, but this was not something she should ask, so she chose to be silent and accompany her quietly.

After a while, Feng Wei's mood finally returned to normal: "Wait for me, I'll go to the bathroom to wash my face and come out right away."

"Okay, go, I'll wait for you here." Xia Nan said to Feng Wei with a smile.

When Feng Wei's figure disappeared from Xia Nan's sight, the phone in her bag rang suddenly, she took out the phone and saw the number on the phone screen, and suddenly happily pressed the answer button: "Hello, Brother Ziqi."

"What are you doing?" Shangguan Ziqi's voice on the other side of the phone was very calm, and there was an unconcealable sense of loss in his words.

When Xia Nan heard this, his heart began to ache: "What's the matter, isn't Dr. Katherine going to consult with grandpa today to determine the date of surgery?"

After Xia Nan finished speaking, a soft sigh came from the phone, followed by Shangguan Ziqi's still deep voice: "Katherine's assistant Sura is here, and Dr. Katherine hasn't arrived yet."

ps: I have a bad cold recently, so the novel has not been updated. I saw everyone leaving a message. I am really sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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