The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 158 Meeting Again

Chapter 158 Meeting Again (18)

"Let's have a meal together." Situ Shen extended the invitation with a smile.

Xiyue lightly shook her head, her complexion suddenly turned dark: "Another day, I'll invite you and Wei to have dinner together, as for today, send me to the hospital first."

"Are you sick?" When Situ Shen heard that he was going to the hospital, his first reaction was that Zitong was sick.

"No, don't think about it, go to visit a patient." Xiyue explained lightly.

Situ Shen suddenly remembered something, and then looked at Xiyue worriedly: "Are you going to visit your grandfather?"

"Grandpa?" Xiyue smiled sarcastically, and said again: "I went to see the person you thought of, but it wasn't my grandpa, but my patient."

After Xiyue finished speaking, Situ Shen looked at her in bewilderment: "I heard that Shangguan Ziqi invited Dr. Katherine to perform the knife for his grandfather." At this point, Situ Shen was still looking at Xiyue in a daze.

Xiyue suddenly smiled faintly, and then extended her right hand to Situ Shen: "Mr. Situ, let me introduce myself now. I am the eldest lady of the German Xi's Group. All the hospitals under the name of the group, and my other identity is Katherine, a heart doctor."

Xiyue said that Situ Shen's face was more exciting, but in the end he smiled calmly: "I knew you would not be an ordinary person seven years ago, but I didn't expect you to be so extraordinary."

"I don't want to either, but those are my responsibility." Xiyue said lightly.

Situ Shen also knew that this was not the time to ask these things, because Xiyue's destination had arrived, so he parked the car at the entrance of the hospital, and then said to the people around him: "Tomorrow night, I will call Shang Fengwei, and we will have dinner together." let's eat."

"Okay, you can arrange it."

"What's your number." Xiyue reported her mobile phone number, then got out of the car, and walked to the hospital without looking back.

Situ Shen, who was still sitting in the car, looked at the back going there, the corners of her mouth slowly raised, Zitong was still the same as seven years ago, no matter at any time, she would never look back when she was walking, never To see what is waiting for her behind her.

Thinking of this, Situ Shen's eyes dimmed for the first time after seeing Xiyue, and then drove away slowly.

It's been seven years. The person she's been waiting for for seven years has finally returned. Everyone thinks she should be happy, but Feng Wei still can't let go of the knot in her heart. After she ran out of the cemetery, she kept moving forward. Walk, don't look at the road, just know to keep walking.

The reason for coming to the cemetery today is because she hasn't come back for seven years. I just wanted Shen to accompany her to see Long Yu, but I didn't expect to see the person I have been thinking about for seven years in the cemetery.

When she saw the familiar back for a moment, she couldn't express the complicated emotions in her heart, but after the excitement, a kind of depression came to her heart. She couldn't forget the torture of the past seven years, and couldn't forget Zitong's departure. Afterwards she was helpless abroad alone.

"Miss Feng, what's the matter with you?" A figure suddenly stood in front of Feng Wei, with worry in his eyes, Xia Nan just came here for a little business, but he didn't expect to meet Wind, the designer his company wanted most, and she I also cried, on the one hand because of worry, but more because of curiosity.

(End of this chapter)

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