The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 162 Hospital Incident

Chapter 162 Hospital Incident (4)

Just when Shangguan Ziqi was trying to appease Grandpa's excited emotions in the past, Xiyue, who had been standing by the side without speaking, smiled faintly, then looked at Shangguan Qi with extremely strange eyes and said, "Hello, Mr. Shangguan , I will soon be your attending doctor, my name is Katherine."

"Katherine? How could you be Katherine? You weren't seven years ago." Shangguan Qi never said the words after that.

But the unspoken words made Shangguan Ziqi, who was supporting him, look at Xiyue again in pain, but there was no trace of strangeness on the other side's face, as if this matter had nothing to do with her Seeing such a younger sister, Shangguan Ziqi's heart is half relieved, half disappointed. What is relieved is that those who can no longer hurt her only sister in the past, but what is disappointed is that she doesn't even want her brother, Zitong, you Is it true that you don't even want your brother?But he only dared to keep this sentence in his heart, but he didn't dare to ask her, he was afraid of getting the answer that he didn't dare to accept.

Forcibly putting away her lost and complicated feelings, she tried to make herself very relaxed and comforted Shangguan Qi: "Grandpa, she is really Katherine, not Zitong, you have mistaken her."

After finishing speaking, under his comfort, Shangguan Qi lay down back to the bed again with half-belief, then fixed his eyes on his attending doctor Katherine, and said to her in a condescending tone: "Hurry up and check."

This time Xiyue didn't say anything, but just glanced at Shangguanqi lightly, and immediately a doctor came up to report Xiyue's condition, Xiyue listened quietly, and occasionally looked at the equipment, without saying much from the beginning to the end In a word, exactly half an hour later, Xiyue put down all the things in her hands, handed them to Su La who was at the side, and said to her in a concise and clear sentence: "Prepare for the date of surgery."

"Yes." After speaking, a group of doctors and Sura started to walk out of the ward, Xiyue was the last one to leave the ward, and Shangguan Min went to see them off.

Just after a group of people walked out of the ward, Shangguan Qi, who was lying on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at his grandson with a sense of exploration. Shangguan Ziqi was uncomfortable seeing him, so he quickly got up and said to him To: "Grandpa, I'm going to discuss the date of your surgery with Dr. Katherine."

After finishing speaking, Shangguan Ziqi wanted to get up and go out the door, but it was still a step late. He only heard Shangguan Qi behind him say in an orderly tone: "Ziqi, go and help me with the discharge procedures now."

"Grandpa." Shangguan Ziqi turned his head to look at the person lying on the hospital bed in surprise, his eyes were full of disbelief.

"You heard me right." Shangguan Qi's voice was still without any room for negotiation.

"Grandpa, you are not in good health to be discharged from the hospital." Shangguan Ziqi was still trying to dispel his thoughts, but Shangguan Qi's next words shocked him so much that he didn't know whether to agree or refute.

"Don't go to the company tomorrow, go to Xia's house with me to fix your marriage with Xia Nan."

"What?" Shangguan Ziqi looked at the other party in surprise, thinking that she had heard it wrong.

But Shangguan Qi didn't explain further, he just continued, "I'll have the surgery right away when you get married."

Shangguan Ziqi immediately understood that his grandfather was making a deal with his family in disguise. He looked at him in pain and asked, "Does grandfather really want to do this?"

(End of this chapter)

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