The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 163 Hospital Incident

Chapter 163 Hospital Incident (5)

It's just that Shangguan Qi, who was already cold-blooded, didn't feel the slightest touch for his grandson's pain, but still gave the order cold-bloodedly: "Get out."

With struggle and pain, Shangguan Ziqi took a deep look at the sick old man and staggered out of the ward. At that moment, he felt that all the strength in his body was pulled away, only his breathing was still there. He didn't understand, he himself It's his grandson, why can he still be like that, don't even give himself a little space, just keep forcing and forcing.

After Shangguan Ziqi walked away slowly, Shangguan Min suddenly came out from the corner. She first stood there sadly watching her brother's back disappear, then walked into the ward and stood quietly in front of the bed.

"Did you hear Min'er?" The person who spoke was an old man with his eyes tightly closed, but even though he didn't open his eyes from the beginning to the end, he still knew who it was.

"Yes, Grandpa." Shangguan Min replied obediently.

"Then do you understand why I did this?" Shangguan Qi closed his eyes and asked Shangguan Min again.

"I don't know Grandpa." Shangguan Min's voice was still clear and bright, especially abrupt in the quiet ward.

This time, the sick person did not speak immediately, but after waiting for a while, Shangguan Min heard the very familiar voice since he was a child, but now he has lost the years and is obviously old: "Min'er Do you know why grandpa did this?"

"I know." Shangguan Min said this without hesitation.

But this sentence made the sick Shangguan Qi open his eyes, then looked at his granddaughter with a little curiosity and said, "Then tell me."

Calmly meeting her grandfather's eyes, the blood in Shangguan Min's whole body suddenly became excited. She knew that this was a very beneficial opportunity for her, so she thought about it in her mind, and then said: "Because of Shangguan Zitong? Grandpa " After finishing speaking, Shangguan Min looked into Shangguan Qi's eyes without hesitation, and Shangguan Qi nodded in satisfaction with his firmness and calmness.

"Min'er, you are really outstanding, it's just a pity." After finishing speaking, Shangguan Qi closed his eyes again, and then spoke again slowly: "You go back first, your brother will come back later to pick me up and leave the hospital."

"It's Grandpa." After finishing speaking, Shangguan Min left the ward as quietly as when she came in, but at the last moment when the door was closed, a smile could not be concealed from the corner of her mouth. Finally, after waiting for so many years, her chance finally came. Here she is, she must break the patriarchal concept of the Shangguan family, she must stand out, and don't be that timid woman.

Just when the sound of closing the door sounded in the room, Shangguan Ziqi's eyes opened again, and this time the light flashed in his eyes was full of joy and joy: "Shangguan Zitong doesn't matter who you are, as long as you have the blood of the Shangguan family on you You can't escape, this is your fate."

Walking out of the conference room, Xiyue saw Shangguan Ziqi who passed by her as if she hadn't seen her. She didn't catch up to ask why, but just looked at the back and said lightly in her heart To: "Brother, you can do it yourself." Then she turned and walked in the opposite direction.

Standing at the same spot and looking at the opposite figures of the pair of brothers and sisters, Sura was powerless except powerless.

(End of this chapter)

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