Chapter 174 Wrong Time (2)

As soon as Nangongya finished speaking, the last bit of strength on Shangguan Ziqi's face disappeared in an instant. He looked at his friend in despair, and after a while, he slowly began to express the complicated heart that no one had known all these years World: "I fell in love with a girl seven years ago."

As soon as Shangguan Ziqi finished speaking, Nangongya was stunned for a moment, although he guessed countless possibilities, he didn't expect this, he didn't open his mouth, but waited for Shangguan Ziqi to continue to talk about the past slowly.

"In fact, I have only met her a few times, but what I don't understand is why I fell in love with her, but I can't take back the heart I have fallen in love with, but because of some misunderstandings, she left, I thought She will come back, but seven years have passed, and she still hasn't come back. I have rejected my grandpa for seven years, and now he actually says that if I don't marry the Xia Group, he won't have the operation. Although grandpa has done many wrong things in the past, But I still can't watch him die like this, so I really have no choice, no way."

After Shangguan Ziqi finished speaking, this man who had always been very determined finally shed tears on his face: "Ziqi." Nangongya called his friend's name, but he didn't know how to comfort him, because he knew it was a matter of Shangguan's family , he can't help anything, and as a good friend, the only thing he can give now is support, no matter what decision he makes, he will support it to the end.

In the banquet hall at this time, because he couldn't find his fiancé, Xia Nan could only greet the same gazes from all walks of life in the hall alone, and then still had a smile on his face.

"Sister-in-law, where's brother?" Because she couldn't find today's leading actor, the smile on Shangguan Min's face had already started to stiffen. She couldn't imagine how she would let her brother face him if he escaped temporarily. to grandpa.

Xia Nan shook her head dimly, although she still had a smile on her face, no one knew the fear in her heart: "Min'er, entertain the guests first, your brother probably has something to do."

"En good." In this situation, it can only be like this.

At this time, Yu Xinmeng was slowly entering the banquet hall from the entrance of the banquet hall with Su Feng on her arm. A bright red evening dress instantly attracted the attention of the audience. When it fell on Shangguan Min's body, it suddenly became dark with undisguised disgust.

Then she walked proudly in front of Xia Nan and Shangguanmin holding Su Feng's arm, congratulating Xia Nan with a smile on her face: "Sister Xia, congratulations."

Seeing someone he was familiar with, Xia Nan smiled faintly: "Boss Su, Miss Yu, thank you for taking the time to come."

Su Feng smiled lightly, and then began to search the hall with his eyes, while Yu Xinmeng continued to provoke her without changing her true nature. She walked in front of Shangguan Min, and the smile on the corner of her mouth slowly outlined: "Miss Shangguan, How can you become haggard after not seeing each other for a few days?" His tone of voice and eyes were unabashedly provocative, and anyone with a discerning eye could see it.

Xia Nan on the side didn't know how to stop all this, and at this moment a voice sounded at the right time: "Mr. Xia, congratulations, you are very beautiful today." After speaking, Feng Wei handed over the gift box in his hand: "This It's a dress I rushed to make overnight, I hope you like it."

Xia Nan happily took the gift box that Feng Wei handed over, because she knew that it must be the only one in the world: "Thank you, you are too kind."

(End of this chapter)

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