Chapter 175 Wrong Time (3)

Xia Nan on the side didn't know how to stop all this, and at this moment a voice sounded at the right time: "Mr. Xia, congratulations, you are very beautiful today." After speaking, Feng Wei handed over the gift box in his hand: "This It's a dress I rushed to make overnight, I hope you like it."

Xia Nan happily took the gift box that Fengwei handed over, because she knew that it must be the only one in the world: "Thank you, you are too kind." Fengwei smiled lightly after hearing this: "If you like it, just All right."

Seeing the interaction between the two, Yu Xinmeng on the side spoke disdainfully again: "Isn't it just a dress? Is it worth it?" Her voice was not loud, but many people still heard it.

Suddenly Shangguan Min on the side smiled strangely, then looked at the gift box in Xia Nan's hand pretending not to care and exclaimed, "Sister-in-law, it turned out that this was designed by Wind."

As soon as Shangguan Min finished speaking, Yu Xinmeng's face instantly became stiff. She looked at the beautiful woman in front of her in disbelief, and asked in disbelief, "Are you Wind?"

At this moment, the man who had been standing beside Feng Wei suddenly said: "Boss Su, Wind is my best friend, I don't like to hear anything that makes me unhappy."

Everyone only heard the man's unhurried tone, and saw Su Feng's apologetic smiling face, and they began to guess the man's identity, only to see Su Feng's next words dispelled everyone's doubts: "I'm sorry, President Situ, I will immediately Let the little girl and Miss Wind apologize."

With the word President Situ, someone immediately thought of the always mysterious Situ Group: "Wow, so he is Situ Shen." Someone at the scene remembered.

"Who is Situ Shen?" Another person beside him asked in confusion.

"It's the current president of Situ Group."

"It's him? He's so young." A man who was not young said with emotion.

The woman was amazed at Situ Shen's appearance: "It's so handsome."

If you ask these bigwigs in the shopping malls, who among the various groups do they want to cooperate with the most, then everyone will answer without hesitation that you are the Situ Group, because as long as the business invested by the Situ Group is sure to be profitable, and as The president of the Situ Group who finally decided on these businesses became the person everyone wanted to get acquainted with.

But he is too mysterious, he never accepts any media interviews, and does not attend any receptions or dances. However, it was a surprise that he appeared at such a banquet with world-renowned designers today, but after the surprise, everyone The gossip factor in my heart was aroused again, and they all began to speculate about the relationship between the handsome man and the beautiful woman in the middle of the field.

Although Yu Xinmeng was angry, she didn't dare to say any more. The scene suddenly fell silent. At this moment, a man's voice suddenly appeared behind Feng Wei. It was such a gentle and kind person who was familiar with him, but it was not for herself. , she saw Xia Nan yelling happily: "Zi Qi."

Ziqi?Is that Ziqi?How could it be him? With disbelief, she froze on the spot and didn't dare to turn her head. Then she heard Xia Nan speak again: "Zi Qi is here, let me introduce Wind to you."

That back is so familiar, is it her?Shangguan Ziqi walked towards her fiancée slowly with a stiff body, but her eyes stayed on Feng Wei's back without blinking.

(End of this chapter)

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