Chapter 176 Wrong Time (4)

Every step was so difficult. When he walked to Xia Nan and saw his face that had been there for four years and seven years, his heart suddenly calmed down. Why did he come back?He asked Feng Wei in his heart.

The smart Xia Nan had already noticed something strange about her fiancé, but she didn't show it, she just smiled and took Shangguan Ziqi's arm, and said to him with a smile: "Ziqi, this is the Wind I've been mentioning to you. "

As soon as Xia Nan finished speaking, Shangguan Ziqi suddenly smiled: "Wind, Feng, long time no see." That sentence is very vicissitudes, implying countless pasts that only Feng Wei understands.

The person who kept his head down slowly raised his pale face, then looked at Shangguan Ziqi and suddenly smiled: "Yeah, long time no see."

Feng Wei spoke those words very slowly, and his face became paler and paler. Situ Shen looked at her worriedly and said, "Wei, are you okay?" I can feel the teasing of fate, today's scene is really a drama.

"It's okay." After saying these two words to Situ Shen lightly, Fengwei once again looked at the two people in front of him with a pale face: "President Shangguan, President Xia blesses you." Feng Wei couldn't say the word.

Xiyue, who was standing far away in the corner, had seen Fengwei and Situ Shen from the moment they entered the banquet hall, but seeing that Fengwei seemed to be familiar with Xia Nan from the Xia Group, she didn't go up to say hello But when she saw Fengwei's face suddenly pale after seeing her brother Shangguan Ziqi, she felt more doubts in her heart. When she saw Fengwei's crumbling body, she was about to As soon as he stepped forward, he was stopped by Sura and Yu Kaixing at the same time: "Xiyue, look, it's Xiying." It was Yu Kaixing who said this.

Then Xiyue saw her elder brother Xiying walking slowly through the crowd to Fengwei's side, then smiled and asked Fengwei's shocked face, and then said mischievously: "Long time no see, little fairy."

Looking at such a gorgeous face as it was five years ago, Xiying suddenly felt that all hardships have paid off, he had worked so hard to find her.

Looking at Fengwei's reaction, he was stunned and then terrified: "Xiying, why is it you?" After speaking, under the shocked eyes of everyone, Fengwei's figure had already rushed to the entrance of the banquet hall, and was still speeding out Running away, Xiying was stunned for a moment, then looked fiercely at the door where Fengwei disappeared, and then said through gritted teeth: "Run away again." This girl's nature really doesn't change, every time she sees herself, she just runs away , After speaking, Xiying's figure also disappeared in the banquet hall.

Shangguan Ziqi looked at the empty entrance in disappointment, her eyes were very gloomy, Nangongya already understood what was going on according to what her friend said before, so she could only pat her friend's shoulder lightly, although the comfort was silent Yes, but Shangguan Ziqi still understood, he closed his eyes, and said to the people around him with a forced smile: "Let's go, it's time for the ceremony."

When saying these words to Xia Nan, Shangguan Ziqi tried hard to tell himself in his heart that this woman is the one he should like and will live for the rest of his life in the future, but there is always a voice of rebuttal shouting in his heart: "Shangguan Ziqi, are you willing? Are you willing to miss the most beautiful dream in your heart just like that?"

But he could only ask himself sadly: "So what if I'm not reconciled?"

(End of this chapter)

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