Chapter 182 Wrong Time (10)

But he didn't forget the strange anger between her and that man when he just walked into the banquet hall. If he remembered correctly, that man should be today's hero, who seems to be called Shangguan Ziqi, who is his younger sister Xi. Yue's dear brother, thinking of this, he frowned, but another belief settled in his heart: "Feng Wei, no matter what relationship you have with him, I said, as long as I find you again, you will run away." It's gone."

Xiying, who was leaning on the back seat of the car and slowly falling asleep, suddenly raised a slight arc at the corner of her mouth: "It's great to find her."

Compared to Xiying's happiness, Fengwei's expression was timid and bitter. She was driving the car carefully. At this moment, her mobile phone rang suddenly. Seeing that it was a call from Italy, her heart skipped a beat. She was startled, and then picked it up cautiously. When the phone was picked up, a childish voice suddenly sounded: "Fengwei, don't be Luoluo." There was strong dissatisfaction and desire in that childish voice.

Feng Wei's heart softened when he heard it: "I didn't, am I busy with something? I'll be back in a few days."

Just as Feng Wei finished speaking, the man behind him suddenly said, "Where else do you want to go?"

Feng Wei has already hurriedly said to the phone: "I'll call you later." Then he hung up the phone, then turned his head and said with an apologetic smile to the man behind him: "I didn't, I didn't, I didn't go anywhere."

Now he can't let him realize that he has the intention of running away, and then come out by surprise. When he realizes that she has left, the first thing after leaving is to go to Italy and run away with Chenchen.

Hearing Fengwei's assurance, Xiying closed his eyes again, wondering if he got it wrong, he seemed to have heard a child's voice just now.

The little man who was hung up looked angrily at the phone in his hand, and then angrily glared at the smiling man sitting opposite him: "Don't laugh, I will go to China to find her tomorrow." After finishing speaking He jumped off the chair and went upstairs in a daze.

The middle-aged man who was left downstairs laughed. If he heard correctly, he just heard that man's voice on the phone. Wind actually has a man. It's really interesting.

But who would that man be?Suddenly he turned his eyes to the little man who was going up the stairs, and suddenly found that the man's tone of voice was really similar to this little man's, interesting and interesting.

How could such an interesting thing be missing him?So he decided to go to China with the little man tomorrow, no matter how the little man called him Daddy for five years, he should care about his son anyway.

Feng Wei, who was driving at this time, suddenly felt a chill in her heart, as if something bad was about to happen, but she couldn't say it, but she hoped it wasn't something bad, she prayed in her heart.

When the car arrived at the hotel where she was staying, Feng Wei knew that she was doomed today, so she could only look at the man in the back seat with bitterness and anger: "What are you going to do?"

The man who had had enough rest slowly opened his eyes and smiled faintly at Feng Wei: "I don't want to do anything."

After speaking, he got out of the car, walked to the driver's seat and opened the door: "Get out of the car." Then Feng Wei got out of the car angrily: "Smelly man."

Xiying who was scolded was not angry, she just smiled and walked into the hotel holding Fengwei's hand, the smile on her face was so happy.

(End of this chapter)

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