The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 183 Successful Surgery

Chapter 183 Successful Surgery (1)

On the night when the engagement banquet ended, in Shangguan's mansion, Shangguan Qi looked at his grandson angrily, and said in a stern tone: "I tell you Shangguan Ziqi, now that you are engaged to Xia Nan, from now on Cut off all the fancy intestines in your heart, and don't let me see the side of you that lost your temper at the wedding today, it really embarrasses my Shangguan family."

Shangguan Qi is such a smart person, and this grandson was raised by himself, as long as he makes any move, he will know what he is thinking. Today is also the first time that Shangguan Qi saw his grandson almost for a woman. He lost his composure at his engagement ceremony, and he couldn't vent that kind of anger at the wedding, but now that he has returned to Shangguan's house, Shangguan Qi no longer has any guards, and began to vent all his anger.

At the beginning, Shangguan Ziqi just stood there and let his grandfather blame him, but finally he couldn't help it anymore, raised his head with red eyes and said, "Grandpa, do you really want to force me like this?"

Suddenly Shangguan Qi's eyes turned cold: "Did I force you to do something? Isn't Xia Nan good? He has a good family, and he is also beautiful and gentle. What else are you dissatisfied with?"

"Yes, everything is good, but he is not the one I love." Shangguan Ziqi said this very softly, but Shangguan Qi still heard it.

"What is love? A man's ambition is all over the place, don't think about it all day long, you don't love." Shangguan Qi shouted this sentence at Shangguan Ziqi angrily.

Even Shangguan Ziqi stared at her grandfather with wide eyes in surprise, unable to believe that he said that just now, this is the first time since she remembered that she heard her grandfather speak to her so angrily. When Shangguan Ziqi was silent, Shangguan Qi suddenly supported his heart and fell to the ground.

"Grandpa, grandpa." Shangguan Ziqi shouted in shock.

Shangguan Min, who had been waiting anxiously outside the door, immediately opened the door and walked in when she heard her brother's call. When she saw the livid-faced grandpa lying on the ground, she yelled out in shock: "Brother, why is grandpa?" gone."

Although he was very anxious at the bottom of his heart, he was still very calm on the surface: "Min'er, bring grandpa's medicine first."

"Yes." After finishing speaking, Shangguan Min stood up and stumbled to find medicine, while Shangguan Ziqi took out her mobile phone, first dialed the hospital number, and then dialed Xiyue's number.

After Xiyue received the call, she immediately went to the hospital. Shangguan Min also found the medicine. Shangguan Ziqi fed the medicine to Shangguan Qi, and then said to Shangguan Min, "Go to the hospital and wait for the ambulance."

"Okay, I'll go right away." Half an hour later, Shangguan Qi was rushed to the hospital, and then immediately entered the operating room to start anesthesia.

Shangguan Ziqi waited anxiously outside the door of the operating room, watching the doctors and nurses coming in and out, not daring to breathe, for fear of hearing bad news from inside the operating room.

According to the usual practice, Su La sent the agreement to the patient's family: "Mr. Shangguan, please take a look and sign if there is no problem."

When Shangguan Min, who was standing by the side, saw the big words on the notice, he couldn't calm down anymore: "That woman didn't claim to be a genius, my grandfather will not die, he will not die."

Sura has seen this kind of situation countless times, so she calmly faced the calm Shangguan Ziqi and said, "Sign it, don't delay the operation time."

(End of this chapter)

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