The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 194 Contradictions erupt

Chapter 194 Contradictions erupt (7)

Suddenly, the brothers and sisters all looked at each other bitterly and smiled, and then the smile on Xiying's face slowly disappeared, turning into infinite pain: "Yue, I love her, I love her very much, but the person she loves in her heart It's not me, but I can't let go, what should I do, what should I do."

In a word, Xiyue understood who was the person who made her brother suffer so much. She just lamented that the world is so wonderful that two people who have nothing to do with each other can be intertwined together, but seeing her brother in such pain, Xiyue understood what she should do, so she thought for a while, and spoke again: "Brother, what I want to tell you is that Brother Zi Qi actually has a meaning to Feng Wei, and this meaning is not necessarily emotional. , Maybe it’s just that Wei Wei hasn’t seen it clearly yet, but brother, you must not give up, you know?”

Suddenly Xiying looked up at his sister with confused eyes, not understanding why her words were so discretionary, but the words still gave Xiying a glimmer of hope, which reminded him of those days in Italy. During the five years, he asked himself countless times, if he insisted on not letting go at that time, would it be different now, but no one will ever give you the answer for what didn't happen.

So now, if he still wants to have such a person, the only thing he can do is to persevere until the end. Suddenly he thought of something, and then looked at Xiyue with sizing eyes. Han, said immediately: "Brother, I'm tired, I'll go to rest first." Xiying had already noticed Xiying's intention to get away.

Suddenly his eyes turned cold, and he said sharply: "You and Nangongya can take contraceptive measures."

Xiyue's raised feet suddenly froze there, her face turned red, and then she stammered: "Brother, what are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb with me, it's about you and Nangongya." Xiying's tone did not have any jokes as usual, and he became extremely serious. When he saw Xiyue's reaction, he immediately understood: "I didn't take contraceptive measures. yes?"

All of a sudden, Xiyue just stood there stiffly, not knowing what to say, so she could only tell the truth: "Brother, how do you know about my relationship with him?"

This time, Xiying didn't immediately answer her sister's words, but squinted at her with disdain before opening her mouth to explain to Xiyue: "Is there anything you can hide from me these seven years?"

Xiyue's heart suddenly warmed up, she walked back to Xiying and sat down beside him, then wrapped his arms around him, leaned her head gently on his shoulder, and said in a sad tone: " Brother, I love him, just like you love Wei, but why doesn't he believe that I love him, and still wants to force me like that? It's not that I don't want to disclose my relationship with him, I just want to settle the Shangguan family matter I'll make an announcement again, but why is he forcing me so much now?"

Hearing her sister's sad tone, Xiying suddenly felt a little bit funny, why did God like to play tricks on the two brothers and sisters so much? He obviously loved that person, but he still couldn't get forgiveness and return?

"Yue, have you thought about it? With the relationship between the two of you now, if you really have a child, have you thought about what to do?" Xiying asked lightly about her worries.

(End of this chapter)

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