The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 195 Contradictions erupt

Chapter 195 Contradictions erupt (8)

"I don't know brother, maybe there won't be." Xiyue was still holding on to the last bit of hope.

"I'll accompany you to the hospital for a checkup in a few days." Xiying finally said a sincere solution.

"Okay." Xiyue knew that she could only do this now.

He stroked his sister's hair distressedly: "Yue, have you decided what to do with Shangguan's family?"

"Brother, I can't let go easily. Shen has already given me the design drawings of my mother's "Yu" series. I gave up once seven years ago and gave Shangguan's family seven years of breathing time. This time I will not give up. I will let it go so easily, but I am not such a person who takes advantage of others' dangers, I will wait a month later, when Shangguan Qi's self-cultivation is almost complete, and then do it." Xiyue finished her plan calmly.

Xiying listened and nodded: "Go ahead, no matter what you want to do, Xi's Group will always be your biggest backing."

"Thank you brother."

"Silly girl, thank you, do you still need to be so polite with your brother?" Xiying hugged her sister tighter in her arms with distress, and then said again: "Go and rest, after so long surgery last night , Then he teased me so much, I didn’t sleep much all night, so I’m not tired.”

After Xiying said this, Xiyue suddenly felt extremely tired, so she no longer failed her brother's kindness and got up: "Brother, I'll go back to my room to rest for a while."

"Okay, let's go." After Xiyue returned to the room, Xiying was left alone on the sofa, lost in thought for a long time, and she didn't even know when Sura would come back.

Sura, who walked into the room with a smile on her face a moment ago, suddenly became serious when she saw Xiying sitting on the sofa and didn't know what to think the next moment: "Xi Shao, you are here."

Seeing the person coming, Xiying put away the disappointment on her face, then looked at the other person with a light smile and said, "Don't be so serious every time you see me, okay?"

"Yes, Xi Shao." Sura still replied seriously.

Xiying suddenly felt powerless to ask the sky, but he didn't want to argue about this issue anymore, so he changed the subject: "Sura, how long have you been with my sister?"

Su La was taken aback for a moment, not understanding why the man in front of her suddenly cared about this question, but she still answered truthfully, "It's been five years."

"Five years." Xiying suddenly muttered to himself, "Did you go home these five years?"

"No." Speaking of this, Sura's eyes suddenly dimmed.

"Why?" Xiying then asked.

Sura's eyes struggled for a moment, and then she said slowly: "After Mommy died, Dad married that woman, and that house is no longer mine. What am I going to do when I go back?"

After listening to Sura's words, Xiying suddenly smiled: "Sura, go back and have a look tomorrow, in fact, there are many things that are not what you seem on the surface." After saying that, Xiying got up: "I'll go first, You can talk to her when you wake up."

"Okay." Sura spit out the word in a daze, and then watched Xiying leave, and then his thoughts began to fall into deep thought, should he go back?But no heat could give her an answer.

While Sura was in a daze, someone suddenly knocked her forehead hard, and then Yu Kaixing's joking voice sounded in her ears: "What are you thinking about? I was so absorbed in thinking that I didn't even notice when I came in. "

"It hurts so much." Su La rubbed her forehead and looked at Yu Kaixing complaining.

(End of this chapter)

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