Chapter 199 Is Imminent (2)

As soon as Su Feng finished speaking, Yu Jie on the side disagreed. She glanced at Su La unkindly, and then said to Su Feng, "Didn't you promise me that you would think about it?"

"Yeah, I've thought it over clearly, and I will always only have one child, Lala, as my answer." When Su Feng said this, his tone was strong.

As soon as Yu Jie heard it, she knew that her plan had failed again, so she came up unwillingly: "Su Feng, how could you treat me like this, you can make me unable to conceive your child and go for the sterilization by yourself, now I will I want you to let Xinmeng become a naturalized member of the Su family, but you still refuse, do you take me to heart?" In fact, Yu Jie also had her own reasons for doing this, when she finally waited for Su Feng to marry her, everything that was originally Everything went so smoothly, she was going to wait for her to marry Su Feng first, and then ask Su Feng to agree to let Yu Xinmeng be naturalized in the Su family, but she didn't know that that damn girl Su La came out to stop the wedding.

Although the wedding was finally held according to her wishes, when they were about to sign the marriage certificate, it was suddenly reported that Su La had gone abroad. At that time, Su Feng collapsed on the chair and looked at the marriage agreement on the table. Yu Jie on the side suddenly had a bad premonition, and when she wanted to stop it, it was too late, the man in front of her had already picked up the paper on the table and tore it to shreds.

Before Yu Jie had time to question, Su Feng spoke again: "I've already given you the wedding, and I've hurt the woman I love the most, so just obediently be your Mrs. Su, and don't ask for anything else." After speaking, Su Feng left, leaving Yu Jie with an angry face looking at the shreds of paper all over the floor.

So even though Yu Jie was Su Feng's wife in honor, she had no real legal protection. What made Yu Jie even more angry was that Su Feng went to the hospital the next day to have her sterilized.

She quarreled with Su Feng later, but Su Feng always said: "If you are unhappy, you can leave the Su family."

How could she leave the Su family so easily?She spent so much thought and finally forced Su Feng's wife to death, forced his daughter away, and made him agree to marry her. She couldn't just leave so willingly.

Over the years, her relationship with Su Feng has already existed in name only, but when facing outsiders, Su Feng is already a good husband, and she is still playing the role of a good wife.

She knew that there was no room for relaxation in the relationship between herself and Su Feng, so her only wish now was that Xin Meng could become a member of the Su family, but now this only wish was also destroyed by this woman, Su La.

"Why why did you come back?" Yu Jie had forgotten to cover it up, and angrily yelled at Sura with her dissatisfaction.

For a moment, Sura didn't know whether to sympathize with this woman or repay her. Su Feng's silence made Su Feng think that his precious son and daughter had been wronged. He didn't speak directly to Yu Jie, but looked at him The gloomy Yu Xinmeng said, "Take your mommy out of Su's house right now."

"Su Feng, how could you do this?" Yu Jie looked at Su Feng in disbelief, and shouted at him.

"Go." Su Feng's tone was still firm, and there was no room for negotiation.

"Daddy, where do you want me and my mother to go?" Yu Xinmeng looked at Su Feng with tears all over her face. Her tears were not all because of Su Feng's ruthlessness, but partly because if she and Mommy left Well, since then, there will be no protection from the Su family, so what else can Yu Xinmeng be proud of.

(End of this chapter)

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