Chapter 200 Is Imminent (3)

"Daddy, where do you want me and my mother to go?" Yu Xinmeng looked at Su Feng with tears all over her face. Her tears were not all because of Su Feng's ruthlessness, but partly because if she and Mommy left Well, since then, there will be no protection from the Su family, so what else can Yu Xinmeng be proud of.

Su Feng didn't look at the tears on Yu Xinmeng's face, because this child can be said to have entrusted all his feelings after Lala left, and now he is unwilling to let her go, but in order to keep the child he has missed for many years, He can't care about that much anymore.

Sura looked at the scene in front of her like watching a drama, and then the smile on the corner of her mouth slowly began to widen, but there was no emotion in it, she just yelled at Su Feng with a cold smile: "Enough, now Are you putting on a show in front of me? Why did you go all these years?"

Being questioned by his daughter, Su Feng suddenly aged a lot. He stood there trembling, opened his mouth slightly, and then spit out three words: "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry?" Sura sneered with disdain: "It's not necessary." Sura said this very lightly. She suppressed the dissatisfaction in her heart, and then slowly closed her eyes to hide her fragility. Said to Su Feng again: "Go to your study and have a chat."

"Okay, okay." Su Feng agreed to one of his daughter's things no matter what. He looked at the mother and child beside him and said to Su La, "Lala, let's go to my study."

Sura nodded lightly, and followed Su Feng to go upstairs. When passing by Yu Xinmeng, Sura suddenly stood up, and then smiled at her: "Take your mommy to rest."

In fact, Sura's words didn't have any superfluous meaning, but in the suspicious Yu Xinmeng's eyes, some good intentions were distorted, and she shouted angrily behind Sura: "You don't need your kindness."

Su Feng immediately turned around and glanced at Yu Xinmeng with a dissatisfied face. He was about to reprimand her but was stopped by Su Feng: "Let's go."

It wasn't until the figures of the father and daughter disappeared that Yu Xinmeng looked at her mother with a face full of tears: "Mommy, what should we do now." Their original plan was to let her be naturalized in the Su family first, and then Looking for an excuse to deprive Su Feng of the rights of the president of the Su Group, the mother and daughter settled in the Su Group smoothly. How could Yu Xinmeng be willing to pull this Chen Yaojin.

Yu Xinmeng has lost her mind, but Yu Jie on the side is calmer. Although she is a girl, but she can change from a rural girl to the current wife of the president of the Su Group. She still has her means.

"Don't cry." She first scolded her daughter severely for a while, and then she began to cast her deep eyes on the end of the corridor: "Xin Meng, don't worry, the Su Group will make us mother and daughter, that Su I will definitely make her leave Su's house again, and this time I will make her never come back."

Perhaps because of being intimidated by her mother's words, Yu Xinmeng, who was depressed a moment ago, suddenly became more confident at this moment: "I know Mommy."

Standing up straight, showing the charm she should have as the wife of the president of the Su Group, Yu Jie wiped the tears off her face lightly, then walked to the sofa in the living room and sat down, and by the way, she also signaled Yu Xinmeng to sit down , although Yu Xinmeng didn't understand what she was going to do, she still obediently sat down opposite her.

Eyes lightly swept across the face in front of her that was similar to her, before Yu Jie asked, "How are you and that Nangongya doing lately?"

(End of this chapter)

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