Chapter 205 Is Imminent (8)

But she still struggled in her heart, and finally took a deep breath, Fengwei stepped into the building of the Xia Group in one go. He said politely with a kind smile: "Miss Wind, you are here, please come with me, the general manager is already waiting for you in the meeting room."

"Okay, thank you." Feng Wei followed the staff and walked to the supervisor's special elevator.

Before entering the meeting room, Feng Wei didn't take a deep breath, she kept telling herself: "Don't worry about it."

But when the door of the conference room was pushed open, she still wanted to turn around and leave at that moment. With a stiff smile, she walked in, faced the two people in front of her, and greeted the two people as calmly as possible: " President Shangguan and Manager Xia, I'm sorry to keep you two waiting."

Shangguan Ziqi didn't speak, just glanced at Xia Nan, then nodded slightly to Feng: "Hello, long time no see."

Shangguan Ziqi's words of alienation suddenly made Feng Wei feel a pain in her heart, she insisted on smiling and looked at Xia Nan and said, "I didn't know that President Shangguan was here, excuse me."

"I'm the one who is embarrassed. That's how it is. Shangguan Group is also very interested in the MissWind brand and wants to work together, so today I decided to notify the president of Shangguan to come. I hope MissWind will not be angry." Xia Nan said rationally explained.

Feng Wei took a deep breath, relieved the depression in his heart, and then smiled again at the corner of his mouth: "Manager Xia, you are welcome, can we start?"

"Okay, MissWind, please." After Fengwei sat down on the chair, Xia Nan began to explain to Fengwei in detail with the materials he had prepared before.

When the one-hour meeting was over, Feng Wei stood up with a smile and said: "Those two are busy, I will think about it when I go back and give you an answer, then I will leave first."

"Miss Wind, wait a minute." Xia Nan called Feng Wei when she was about to leave, and then said to her fiancé, "Zi Qi, I still have something to do, please help me take Miss Wind back."

"No need, I drove here by myself." Feng Wei hastily refused.

"Then Ziqi, help me deliver Miss Wind to the car." Xia Nan said to Shangguan Ziqi again.

Just when Fengwei was about to refuse, Shangguan Ziqi said: "Miss Wind, let's go." After finishing speaking, Shangguan Ziqi kissed the corner of Xia Nan's forehead, and then she walked out the door, Fengwei saw that she had no one to refuse He said goodbye to Xia Nan stiffly, and followed Shangguan Ziqi's figure to the door.

Knowing that the figures of the two disappeared from sight, Xia Nan put away the smile on his face, his expression became dim, and then he muttered to himself: "Zi Qi, you must not let me down, you must not."

After talking, Xia Nan slumped on the chair and didn't get up for a long time. In fact, she didn't want to do this. That woman was willing to let her fiancé and ex-girlfriend get entangled. So what can I do, if they meet secretly in private, it's better to be more generous and let them meet openly.

Until walking into the elevator, Feng Wei carefully looked at the silent Shangguan Ziqi on one side, and did not say anything until several times.

In the end, Shangguan Ziqi couldn't stand it anymore and spoke first: "What do you want to say?"

(End of this chapter)

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