Chapter 206 Is Imminent (9)

In the end, Shangguan Ziqi couldn't stand it anymore and spoke first: "What do you want to say?"

Feng Wei looked at him in surprise, then said dumbly, "Long time no see."

Suddenly the corner of Shangguan Ziqi's mouth raised slightly, he glanced at Fengwei with a sneer and said, "Is this the only thing you want to tell me?"

"Then what should I say?" Feng Wei asked in confusion.

Suddenly Shangguan Ziqi's cold expression became even more stern: "Very good, Fengwei, you did a great job." After finishing speaking, Shangguan Ziqi didn't speak again until she got into Fengwei's car.

Feng Wei carefully looked at the person sitting in his passenger seat, and then said: "You have sent me to the car."

"And then?" Shangguan Ziqi asked her back with a sneer.

Then?Feng Wei was stunned suddenly, and then said cautiously: "Thank you for sending me off, goodbye."

"Very well, Feng Wei has not seen you for seven years, you have really improved your skills." Shangguan Ziqi suddenly lost his temper.

Feng Wei was stunned by Shangguan Ziqi's anger all of a sudden, she didn't say a word for a long time, and in the gap of her daze, Shangguan Ziqi spoke again: "Drive."

"Ah, what?" Feng Wei hadn't reacted yet.

"I told you to drive." Shangguan Ziqi repeated word for word again.

"Ah, where are we going?" Feng Wei was suddenly overwhelmed by the situation.

Then Shangguan Ziqi reported a place, this time Fengwei was very obedient and didn't say anything more, as soon as he stepped on the accelerator, the car drove forward.

Shangguan Ziqi glanced at her with a sneer: "The car drives well, you are really good at it."

"Not bad, not yet." After meeting Shangguan Ziqi's sneering eyes, Feng Wei swallowed the last word abruptly, and after knowing the destination, Feng Wei didn't dare to say a word again.

Along the way, she really felt like crying, but why?Why?This time the dead men like to yell at themselves, is it so happy to yell at themselves?
Even though she was complaining from the bottom of her heart, Feng Wei didn't dare to say it out, she dared to guarantee that if she dared to complain one more word now, this man would definitely strangle her to death.

After arriving at the destination, Shangguan Ziqi got out of the car first, and walked to the store without waiting for Feng Wei, Feng Wei quickly locked the car and followed, like a little daughter-in-law along the way.

But being very curious, she still began to secretly look at the surrounding environment, and couldn't help but admire in her heart, what a good place.

It wasn't until she heard the sound of the door closing that Feng Wei raised her head and looked at the environment in front of her in surprise, then retreated to the wall and looked at Shangguan Ziqi defensively: "You, what are you going to do. What?"

Shangguan Ziqi's face turned dark immediately, he looked at Feng Wei speechlessly, and then said: "Even if you send yourself to me, I'm not interested in you."

Feng Wei blushed immediately when Shangguan Ziqi said it so bluntly, and then stood there with her head down, looking around, but she didn't dare to look into Shangguan Ziqi's eyes.

"Sit down." Shangguan Ziqi spoke again.

Feng Wei hurriedly found a chair farthest away from him and sat down, his eyes were still looking around but he didn't look at Shangguan Ziqi.

At this time, Shangguan Ziqi suddenly felt powerless, but he also found it funny. When he thought of this, the corner of his mouth suddenly raised a faint smile, but when facing the breeze, he quickly raised his head and disappeared. The tone also became sharper: "Is there gold on the ground, you keep your head down."

After being yelled at by Shangguan Ziqi, Feng Wei raised his eyes blankly and asked, "How can there be gold on the ground?"

(End of this chapter)

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