The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 239 The Treacherous Villain

Chapter 239 The Treacherous Villain (6)

And she swore from the bottom of her heart that all of this would truly be hers in the near future.

After Yu Kaixing left his girlfriend's office, he did not leave immediately. Instead, he came to the office of Su Feng, the chairman of the Su Group. Standing at the door of the chairman's office, Yu Kaixing lightly knocked on the office button. Door.

After the word 'come in' came from inside the door, Yu Kaixing pushed open the door and walked in.

After Yu Kai walked in, Su Feng was still concentrating on reviewing the documents, so he didn't see Yu Kai walking in.

Yu Kaixing was not in a hurry to speak, but looked around the office first, then smiled at Su Feng who was full of surprise and said: "Chairman Su, I have admired you for a long time."

Seeing that the person who came was the special assistant of the chairman of Xi's Group, the most recent cooperation partner, Su Feng stood up from his chair excitedly, and quickly walked in front of Yu Kaixing and said in surprise: "Special Assistant Yu Why are you here?"

While speaking, Su Feng still didn't forget to look behind him, but when he saw that there was no one else behind him, the suspicion in his eyes became more serious.

Under Su Feng's puzzled eyes, Yu Kaixing explained lightly: "Chairman Su, don't look at it, I'm here alone today."

"Then I don't know what Special Assistant Yu's purpose is here today?" At this time, Su Feng was already sweating.

Although he said that he was the chairman of a company, but facing Yu Kaixing, he really became a small person.

Because as long as you are in the business world, I am afraid that no one knows the Xi's Group, and as long as you know the Xi's Group, there is a very important person in it, and that person is the special assistant of Xiying, the chairman of the Xi's Group.

Although this man seems to be smiling all day long, only those who know him well will understand the danger behind this man's smile.

And Su Feng knew this very well, that's why he was sweating profusely, because he really couldn't figure out what this man was thinking.

Just when Su Feng was at a loss, Yu Kaixing spoke again at the right time, and he said to Su Feng: "Uncle, don't be nervous, I am not here today for the company's affairs."

"Then you are?" Su Feng still couldn't figure out the purpose of this man coming here, but he still admired this man from the bottom of his heart.

"I'm for Su La." Yu Kaixing straightforwardly stated the purpose of coming here today.

And after he finished speaking, a face full of astonishment appeared on Su Feng's face, and he even repeated Yu Kaixing's words in a suspicious tone: "For Su La?"

Why is there a relationship with his own daughter, Su Feng still can't figure out the relationship at this level.

At this time, Yu Kaixing was too lazy to go to Su Feng to guess riddles, so he said bluntly: "I am with Su La now."

Yu Kaixing believes that his words have already been so monologue that this man as a father will not be ignorant of what he means.

Sure enough, Su Feng's face suddenly changed at the next moment, but instead of anger and surprise, surprise and relief were on his face.

He looked at Yu Kaixing with a smile and said excitedly: "Yu Tezhu, are you really with my daughter now?"

All these years, he has been afraid that his daughter will not believe in love because of his relationship, and he has not heard anything about his daughter's feelings in these years, so he is even more worried in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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