The wealthy and wealthy petite wife

Chapter 240 The Treacherous Villain

Chapter 240 The Treacherous Villain (7)

But because he is a dereliction of duty father, even if he is very worried, he is not qualified to speak, but this matter has always been a heart disease for him.

Now suddenly there is a man he admires standing in front of him and telling him that he is his daughter's boyfriend, how can such a thing not let Su Fengxin

Although Yu Kaixing didn't say anything more, he saw Su Feng's reaction in his eyes, and it was in such a reaction that Yu Kaixing began to understand one thing, that is, the man in front of him was not like this. The outside world said that you don't love your own daughter but love the oil bottle brought by your current wife. After understanding this, the smile on Yu Kaixing's face became sincere.

Because he understands his girlfriend's feelings, she still cares about Su Feng as a father, and maybe the only thing she can't accept is Yu Jie's mother and daughter.

After Su Feng got excited, his emotions began to calm down slowly.

As a father, he was more worried about whether this man treated his daughter well.

Thinking of this, when Su Feng faced Yu Kaixing again, there was less surprise on Su Feng's face, and more worry.

He knew how excellent the man in front of him was, but what he didn't know was whether such an excellent man would be devoted to his children.

But as a dereliction of duty father, he really didn't know how to ask this man everything he wanted to know.

Yu Kaixing could see Su Feng's entanglement in his heart.

He first smiled lightly, then he bowed deeply to Su Feng's surprised eyes, and then said: "My bow is because I thank you for giving birth to Lala. You promise that no matter how the future changes, my love for Lala will never change."

This sentence may not be believed in the mouth of a philandering man, but when it is said in Yu Kaixing's mouth, Su Feng really believes it.

Because he understands how eloquent the man in front of him speaks.

Then he nodded deeply and said to him: "I believe in you, I believe that you will treat my daughter well for the rest of your life." Speaking of this, Sura, a man who has been in shopping malls for half a century, couldn't help but start to grow old. Tears welled up.

Facing Su Feng's excitement and tears, Yu Kaixing's reaction was to just stand quietly aside and say nothing.

After Su Feng's mood eased, he said again: "Uncle, you should do your work first, I'll go and see Lala."

"Enen, go." With such a satisfied future son-in-law, Su Feng really has nothing to dissatisfy.

Just when Yu Kaixing was about to open the door of the chairman's office to leave, the door was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

The people who came in were none other than Yu Jie and Yu Xinmeng, the mother and daughter who had just been angered by Sura.

As soon as they saw Yu Kaixing appearing here, the faces of the two of them were filled with anger.

Yu Jie also forgot to maintain her proper demeanor, and yelled at Yu Kaixing, "Why are you here?"

She saw Yu Kaixing head-on just now, so she remembered that Yu Kaixing was the man Sura brought to the company today, but she didn't know the man's name and identity, but when she saw him, she thought of herself in Sura. She was so angry over there, so she couldn't help but vent all her anger on Yu Kaixing.

(End of this chapter)

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