Chapter 249 panic (5)

As if recalling, or thinking about how to answer the question of the woman beside him, Xiying suddenly became silent, and it was not until Fengwei was getting impatient that he murmured: "The first time When I saw Yue, she was in the water. When I asked someone to salvage her, she was unconscious, but when she finally woke up, she didn’t remember anything. When she had any plans, she just hugged me tightly and said "Brother, don't leave me", at that moment my heart softened, although I knew that the brother she was calling was not me, but I still took her with me We left together."

Speaking of this, Xiying paused slightly, and then continued in Fengwei's already red eyes: "Maybe it's because there has never been a girl in my family, my father and mother like Yue very much, and Yue also likes Yue very much." She is sensible and has excellent academic performance. For me, Yue is my younger sister. Since she is a younger sister, Xi's Group naturally has her, so I am very relieved to let Yue take charge of the company."

After Xiying finished all the story, Feng Wei excitedly said three words to him: "Thank you."

After Fengwei finished saying thank you, Xiying fondled her hair and said, "What stupid things are you talking about?"

"Xiying, thank you very much, you don't know what kind of life Zitong lived in Shangguan's house in the past, I'm afraid even Shangguan Ziqi's real brother is not as good as your half-way brother." Feng Wei said to him excitedly.

Hearing Fengwei's words, Xiying's heart froze for a moment, then he continued to ask the woman beside him with dark eyes: "Did you live well at Shangguan's house a month ago?"

"Don't you know?" Feng Wei asked suspiciously.

"Well, although Yue has recovered her memory a long time ago, I didn't ask because she didn't want to bring up the past." Before, he only thought that his sister was an orphan so he didn't want to return to China. He didn't know until Yue recently returned that she not only There are a lot of families, and those families don't seem to treat their sister well.

But because she didn't actually see it, so she was just guessing, but until today when he heard Feng Wei's words, he began to confirm what he thought in his heart.

At the same time, a thought also formed in his heart, that is, he must make those who bullied his sister regret, and the first one was Shangguan's family.

Although he was thinking so hatefully in his heart, on Xiying's face, he was still very gentle.

He continued to ask Feng Wei: "Wei, I have never heard Yue talk about her feelings. Does she like someone?" Xi Ying asked cautiously, and he also began to be afraid of hearing things that made his heart hurt again. Well, he really didn't understand how long God would have to torture his little sister before giving up.

Mingmingyue is such a girl.

This time, Feng Wei still looked at him with surprise on his face, and asked back: "You don't know?"

At this time, Xiying's face has already begun to show a slight twitch, he really doesn't understand, isn't it strange that he doesn't know?

And Fengwei explained with a strange expression that he didn't know: "Of course Zitong has someone he likes, isn't it Nangongya?"

"Nangong Ya, President of Nangong Group?" Under Feng Wei's reminder, Xiying thought of this person.

(End of this chapter)

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