Chapter 250 panic (6)

"Yeah." Feng Wei said affirmatively, still nodding her head.

Until now, Xiying began to connect everything together. He has always supported what his sister wanted to do, and he didn't think of the grievances in it. But now after Fengwei's explanation, Xiying is really I really know everything about it.

And after knowing all these facts, Xiying also has an answer in his heart, that is, no matter what Xiyue is going to do, he will support it even if it costs the entire Xi's Group.

After learning about her sister, Xiying put all her thoughts on the woman beside her again.

He looked at her with a hint of a smile, and it was with such a smile that Feng Wei began to feel his heart agitated.

She looked at him fearfully and said frightenedly, "Don't look at me like this, I'm afraid."

"Why are you afraid?" Xiying still had a harmless smile on her face.

This time, Feng Wei was smart enough not to say what was in her heart, because she knew that if she told the truth, this man would definitely not let her go.

But Xiying is such a smart man, if the woman next to him doesn't say anything, it doesn't mean he can't guess, it's just that he doesn't want to speak so clearly.

When Shangguan Ziqi arrived at the place agreed with Xia Nan, the other party was already waiting there.

He quickly stepped forward and said guiltily, "Sorry, I'm late."

Xia Nan just smiled and waved his hands and said, "It's okay."

When she smelled the alcohol on Shangguan Ziqi's body, she looked at him in surprise and said hesitantly, "Have you been drinking?" In her impression, the man in front of her has always been a serious person. It is unimaginable that such a man would drink during the day.

Xia Nan smelled the alcohol on his body, and Shangguan Ziqi suddenly felt embarrassed, and he quickly explained to him: "Ya is in a bad mood, so I had a drink with him."

After he finished speaking, Xia Nan glanced at him knowingly and said, "It's because you are in a bad mood."

"Yeah." This time Shangguan Ziqi didn't feel melancholy anymore, but for the first time she revealed her weakness in front of Xia Nan.

And it was Shangguan Ziqi like this that made Xia Nan feel extremely distressed, and then she looked at him and said affectionately: "Ziqi, let's get married."

This time, Shangguan Ziqi was the one who was stunned. He looked at her in surprise and didn't understand what she meant. The two of them hadn't been engaged for a long time, so why are they getting married now.

Seeing Shangguan Ziqi's frightened expression, Xia Nan's heart suddenly sank, but she still said with a smile on her face: "Just kidding, I see you are so scared."

Are you kidding me?Shangguan Ziqi knew better than anything in his heart, he understood that this woman loves him very much, but before he was mentally prepared, he could only pretend to be stupid knowing this woman's heart.

It's not that he's irresponsible, but if a marriage doesn't happen when two people are happy, it will hurt everyone.

During the dinner that followed, both of them were very silent, and Shangguan Ziqi didn't have anything to say, but just ate dinner quietly, occasionally serving Xia Nan's dishes considerately, and giving a gentle smile to the opposite.

Such a scene should be the most beautiful scene in anyone's eyes, because both Shangguan Ziqi and Xia Nan are people with very superior external conditions.

(End of this chapter)

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