Chapter 251 panic (7)

But in the eyes of Xiyue, who happened to come to this restaurant for dinner, such a scene became a symbol of brother Shangguan Ziqi's unhappiness.

But she didn't go forward to disturb the two, but sat down with Sura in a corner where neither of them could see.

Sura looked at the person in front of her, then at the two people not far away, finally sighed slightly and said nothing.

As a close friend for so many years, Sura can understand Shangguan Ziqi's position in Xiyue's heart with just one look, but because she knows that Xiyue cares about her brother, sometimes she really can't understand why she went to To deal with the Shangguan Group.

Just when she saw Shangguan Ziqi getting up and going to the bathroom, Xiyue who was opposite her also got up and said to her: "I'm going to the bathroom." Then he followed.

Standing at the door of the restaurant's bathroom, Xiyue stood there casually, attracting constant glances from passers-by, but she didn't seem to care at all, just standing there waiting for the person she wanted to wait for.

Finally Shangguan Ziqi came out from the inside, Xiyue didn't walk up immediately, but stood there looking at him, waiting for him to find herself, just like the two of them when they were young, she always liked to hide in Shangguan's house The most hidden corner, just when everyone has forgotten her, only brother will find her.

It's just that this time Xiyue waited for a long time for Shangguan Ziqi to discover her existence, but she didn't care, because she just wanted this person to see her, at least it didn't just pass by.

So when Shangguan Ziqi looked at her in surprise, her eyes were filled with surprise, and she happily called Shangguan Ziqi: "Brother."

That cute expression immediately made Shangguan Ziqi feel that his sister had returned.

The next moment he stepped forward in surprise and asked, "Zitong, why are you here?"

Shaking her head, Xiyue didn't answer his question, but changed the subject and said, "Brother, you've lost weight."

"No, you lost weight." Shangguan Ziqi shook his head, and while speaking, he did not forget to pinch his sister's nose. Of course, the person in front of him was indeed much thinner than he remembered.

In that instant between the siblings, a lot of old feelings came back, and this scene was also very weird. I didn't expect that seven years later, the first time that the siblings' feelings came back was indeed at the bathroom door of the restaurant.

But even this feeling didn't last long before Xiyue's next sentence broke it: "Brother, do you really want to marry Xia Nan?"

Xiyue is not a fool, of course she understands that her brother's engagement with Xia Nan is nothing more than a political marriage, but she really doesn't want her only brother's marriage to be ruined by a political marriage. Shangguan group.

Thinking of this, Xiyue's eyes were unconsciously filled with hatred, yes, she hated, she hated everything about the Shangguan Group and the Shangguan family.

As if understanding her sister's mood at this time, Shangguan Ziqi stroked her hair and said, "Sister, if you want to do something, do it, don't worry about me."

Although in his heart, he attaches great importance to the Shangguan family, but if the only sister is unhappy, she would rather she destroy the family he values ​​most, because the family can be rebuilt, but there will always be only one sister.

Shangguan Ziqi's words made Xiyue's eyes slowly turn red, and then she said: "I'll go back first, Sura is still waiting for me." After finishing speaking, she left.

Looking at the back of his sister leaving, Shangguan Ziqi felt very melancholy, but in the end he returned to the dining table silently, but his eyes were still looking around in the hall. When he didn't see his sister, The light in his eyes dimmed.

Why, they are obviously the closest brothers and sisters, why everything has become like this.

No one could give him an answer, and Shangguan Ziqi knew it himself.

(End of this chapter)

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