Standing pretty old

Chapter 116 Hot Miami

Chapter 116 Hot Miami

"Hello! Who is it?" Ruan Erniu heard a lazy accent.

Ruan Erniu said cautiously: "Mr. Ouyang, hello! I am Ruan Daniu's younger brother Ruan Erniu!"

"What big bull, two bulls? Wait a moment... You said you are Ruan Erniu, the Kraft Ruan who played in the NBA?" Ouyang Haotian asked.

Ruan Erniu smiled and said, "That's right, I am Ruan Erniu. I don't think there will be another Kraft*Ruan in the NBA!"

Ouyang Haotian said: "How did you have my mobile phone number? By the way, Bull must have told you, so what is your purpose of looking for me?"

Ruan Erniu then briefly explained the ins and outs of the matter.

Ouyang Haotian on the other end of the phone was silent for a while and said: "Well, I checked the schedule on the Internet, and the Hawks will have three consecutive away games to play. I will return to Atlanta on the 28th to play at home, and then I will go to the United States. Looking for you, how about arranging a meeting that night?"

Ruan Erniu was overjoyed, and quickly said: "Of course, of course there is no problem, then we will make a deal!"

If a person wants to be successful, in addition to his own continuous efforts, it is also very important to meet the right person at the right time.

The word chance is sometimes so wonderful.Ruan Erniu didn't even think that after the black bully in the country went crazy, he would send him a nobleman who would help him to achieve his next success.

This kind of opportunity can't be found!

After the game against the Spurs, the Atlanta native packed up his bags again and embarked on the journey to the away game.

They are about to usher in back-to-back, and this time the opponent is the Miami Heat.

"Huh? Why are you all in such a good mood?" Ruan Erniu originally thought that these guys would feel tired and uncomfortable after back-to-back games, but now it seems that it is not the same thing.

Larry Drew said to Ruan Erniu: "Kraft, you have to know that in this increasingly cold November, the beaches of Miami are still full of eye-catching beauties in bikinis!"

Ruan Erniu was puzzled and said, "What's the matter? We don't have time to go to the beach. After the game, don't we just go to the next away game?"

Woodson added on the side: "Because the flight is scheduled for 1 day after the game, which means we have one day to stay in Miami, but if you lose the game, then take all of you to the hotel and you are not allowed to go out! "

The lunar eclipse immediately swears to the sky that he will give full play today and vow to defeat the Miami Heat.

Ruan Erniu was about to say a few more words to boost morale, when he suddenly found that the whole team was focusing on him.

Er Niu, who didn't know why, touched his face, and then asked doubtfully, "Is there something dirty on my face?"

Jon Jonson said: "There is nothing dirty, but before you play against the league's first center, don't you want to say something on the spot?"

Ruan Erniu then smiled and said: "That is to say, your trip to the beach is all in my hands? If I am defeated by Shaquille O'Neal, you guys can only play cards and brag in the hotel me?"

Marvin Williams put his arms around Er Niu's shoulders and said, "That's right, so you have to stand against that shark. If necessary, I can come over and attack him with you at any time!"

Ruan Erniu broke free from Ma Wen's arm with a smile, and said confidently: "I haven't had a formal fight yet, how can I show weakness so easily. After all, this shark is 35 years old, and I may not lose!"

On November 11, US time, the Heat played at the American Airlines Arena.

Ruan Erniu led the Eagles to challenge the previous year's NBA championship -- the Miami Heat.

It is really interesting to say that the arrangement of the league this season is really interesting. After the Eagles beat Duncan White, they beat Duncan Black.

Ruan Erniu said in an interview before the game that this is very interesting.

Before the game started, 193 Jordan took the initiative to say hello to the contemporary Jordan.

"Joe, do you really have to give up the leadership position?" D. Wade said this at this time, somewhat maliciously.

Ruan Erniu, who was not far away, heard this, and immediately came over and said, "Hey, D. Wade, don't sow discord, Joe and I are the leaders of the team, and Joe is also my eternal big brother!"

Shark also stepped forward to join the fun at some point, and said with a smile, "Hey! Tianchao boy, don't be too complacent. You are just lucky to meet Joe Johnson who is willing to assist you. If the leader of the Eagles is Kobe Bryant A bastard like Leant, you have already been traded!"

Ruan Erniu looked at the fat guy who was abandoned by the Lakers, and replied: "I am the Lakers, and I will choose whoever is more willing to control the weight. Shaq, are you sure you can still run now?"

O'Neal was actually not angry. After winning the championship with the Heat, he gradually let go.

Even so, the first center forward who was offended still pretended to be fierce and said: "Rookie, you will soon be in the game and know what the difference in absolute strength is!"

Ruan Erniu, however, saw his inadequacy, smiled and gave him a high five and said, "I'm looking forward to it, old bird!"

In the jump ball session, Ruan Erniu had no chance of winning against the 216cm tall shark.

But he still tried his best to fight the ball!
"Crack!" Hmm, won so easily?

After landing, Ruan Erniu took a surprised look at O'Neal who turned back to defend. This fat man didn't try his best to fight for the ball at all.

At the beginning of the game, the Eagles were different from usual, and first handed over the offense to the outside Jon Jonson.

Woodson arranged this way to allow Ruan Erniu and O'Neal to have a confrontation process.After all, the opponent's size and tonnage were of a type Er Niu had never encountered before.

It's a pity that Jon Jonson's opponent today is none other than D. Wade, who is also known for his tenacious defense.

Why does Wade want others to use the title of D. Wade to call him?This is not just an American appellation habit.

More importantly, the prefix D also shows Wade's playing attitude - Defense (defense).

If any stupid reporter went to interview Wade and called him Dwyane, then D. Wade would understand that this was a rookie who came out of nowhere.

Compared with Bowen's black feet, Wade's defensive moves are much cleaner.But his defensive strength is also much more terrifying. Constant physical contact and confrontation are Wade's defensive characteristics.

With a little hesitation, this guy, who is fondly called "Sau Wei" by Tianchao fans, will steal the ball away, then make a lightning strike, and end the battle before everyone reacts.

Jiong Jisen's shooting percentage in the first quarter was still not ideal, just 5 of 2 shots.

However, in terms of making fouls, Jiongsen was very efficient. After making 7 of 6 free throws, he still scored 11 points in the first quarter, the team's highest score in a single quarter.

In contrast, Wade did not do much under the defense of Jon Jonson, making 4 of 2 shots and not getting free throws.It seems that the impact of injury on Wade is still huge, 193 Jordan still needs time to adjust himself.

O'Neill and Ruan Erniu kept fighting in the paint, but there was no scene of mutual explosion in the first quarter.

The real surprise was Ricky Davis' outburst.He made 5 of 4 shots in a single quarter, 3 of 3 3-pointers, and scored 11 points.In terms of this performance, even if he can't be the boss of James, it is no problem to be the second in charge.

Of course, in view of his idiotic speech and even more idiotic performance art, (for a triple-double to shoot to his own basket to rebound, as mentioned above.) It is better not to have too much hope for him!

(End of this chapter)

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