Standing pretty old

Chapter 117 The Late Hero

Chapter 117 The Late Hero

At 23:24, the Eagles in the away game were 1 point behind in the first quarter.

In the Heat's bench, Pat Riley said to O'Neal: "Shaq, are you old enough to only chat and hang out with Chinese people?"

O'Neal was still not angry, smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will soon let the rookie know what a top center in the league is!"

Having said that, Pat Riley, the "magic fortune teller" in the mouth of Tianchao fans, of course understands that this fat guy is just perfunctory himself, even if there is a 06% possibility, he will trade this product. The championship in [-] was already his limit.

Riley is a person who believes in training attitude, and O'Neal is not even active in training now, let alone attitude.

"D. Wade, you have to control your fouls, understand?" Riley turned to Wade and said.

D. Wade fouled twice in the first quarter and had to leave the field early, which also gave Jon Jonson less trouble on the offensive end.

Wade nodded, indicating that he understood what Riley meant.

As the head of Miami, Wade still has demands on himself, but injuries hinder him.

The second quarter began, Jason Williams took possession of the ball for half court, and then made an unpretentious ground pass, passing the ball to O'Neal, who was in the inside position.

If no one reminds him, I am afraid that no one will associate this unknown white point guard with the famous white chocolate J-WILL.However, they are the same person.

Now J-WIL no longer has the gorgeous passing performance of the past. In fact, from the day he joined the Heat, he is no longer the most gorgeous passer after the magician. People No more incredible "elbow passes".

J-WILL traded the glam for a championship ring.Fans can only miss this basketball genius who once shouted "unbelievable" countless times in the video highlights.

Turning his attention back to the inside contest, O'Neill singled out Ruan Erniu.

These two strange men have fully understood the strength of their opponents through the contest in the first quarter.Just like two Tai Chi masters, although there is no hot fighting scene, the contest has already started from Ting Jin Pushing Hands.

O'Neill leaned against Ruan Erniu and bumped back, even Ruan Erniu, who was as strong as Ruan Erniu, took a step back.

However, Er Niu still supported his opponent, and O'Neal did not squeeze into the three-second zone!

The next second, Ruan Erniu's arm against the shark suddenly slipped, and O'Neill slipped in.

"So fast!" Ruan Erniu, who had a bad secret, hadn't made a quick foul, and O'Neal had already dunked the ball into the basket with one arm.

This is Shaquille O'Neal, and to his opponents, this is a flexible giant fat man!
Powerful?Of course, this is a monster that makes the league change basketball equipment!But is this guy really just powerful?Anyone who is familiar with basketball knows that the real horror of O'Neal lies in his speed.The speed of his turning around is simply unsolvable.

As an opponent, Ruan Erniu's feeling is even more intuitive. Only then did he understand what the name of the league's first center carries. Even the 35-year-old O'Neal can still play such a wonderful offensive performance!
O'Neill, who scored a goal face to face, also impromptuly performed his best "overlord dance".

The audience in the entire American Airlines Arena was instantly ignited, they loved this fat man who kept his word.When he came to the Heat, he said that he would bring the team the first championship trophy. In 06, he fulfilled his promise with the high-spirited D. Wade.

In the eagle's offensive round, Ruan Erniu also got into position in the low post.

Anthony Johnson also handed over the ball at the first time. Ruan Erniu leaned back against O'Neal, and then slammed into the shark's arms.

Without any superfluous movements, nor any annoying words, Ruan Erniu was using strength to decide the outcome.

If you compare absolute strength alone, Ruan Erniu, who suffers from both height and weight, should not be O'Neill's opponent.However, the wrestling between the two sides has never been such a simple math problem.

Ruan Erniu with a lower center of gravity is gaining an advantage, and this advantage is still expanding.

One step, two steps, three steps, Ruan Erniu, who put all his strength on O'Neill's knee, miraculously chiseled in.

When Haslem was hesitating whether to leave Marvin Williams to help defend, Ruan Erniu turned over and hit 2 points with a jumper.

The Miami fans who were shouting frantically just now fell into a brief silence.They couldn't imagine that the old shark who was forcefully eating the rookie just now turned around and was forced to eat by the rookie!

O'Neill was also a little embarrassed, he immediately beckoned to ask, and J-WILL also sent the ball to him very face-saving.

"Rookie, you pissed me off!" O'Neill held the ball with his back, and after a feint, he slammed back hard!
It is still a confrontation between muscles and muscles, and a competition between strength and power.This is a feast of duel between the old and new generations of centers in the league.It can even be said that their duel is determining the future direction of the alliance.

After O'Neal bravely squeezed away Ruan Erniu, he made a beautiful turn around and caught the basket with a layup, scoring 2 points.

Ruan Erniu held the ball head-on at the horn, and after a tentative step, he made a 2-pointer.

O'Neal continued to play back with the ball inside. After a wonderful feint, he turned over and hit a small hook and hit 2 points, which also caused a foul by Er Niu.

These two possessions are a concentrated expression of O'Neal's footwork around the basket honed over the years with the Lakers.

Then, O'Neal lived up to expectations and missed a free throw.If you have to find a fatal flaw for O'Neal, nicknamed "Big Diesel Engine" and "Superman", it must be his free throws.It was also a tragedy throughout his career.

Ruan Erniu held the ball in a low position, and after a clean inside cut, he accelerated past the Sharks, and hit a backhand dunk.

AND-ONE!Ruan Erniu also got an extra penalty and hit the goal.


The confrontation between the centers of the two teams for several consecutive rounds really feasted the eyes of the audience. Even the most demanding Heat fans have to admit that the Chinese rookie has the qualifications to compete with O'Neal!

Heat fans are optimistic enough that they think their center is just a tie with Atlanta's center!
But some people understand that O'Neill has actually lost, and it's not just Ruan Erniu who lost...

The Heat's assistant coach, Filipino (Filipino-American nationality) Eric Spoelstra lowered his voice and said to Pat Riley beside him: "Shaq's physical strength is not enough to support him to continue. In such a confrontation, we should replace him early to rest!"

Pat Riley nodded, completely agreeing with Spoelstra.On the surface, O'Neill hasn't shown signs of failure. In fact, he has lost to time and age.If he can train a little harder, maybe his career can be longer.But now it seems that sending him away is the most correct choice while he still has transaction value.

It would be perfect if we could replace the Celestials of the Eagles, although the people of Atlanta would never agree...

 The following is the list of rewards from 10/31-11/06, thank you for your support, you have given me the motivation to keep moving forward:
  Thanks to Master Sheng for the reward of 2100 starting coins, thank you for the reward of 1100 starting coins that are stronger than your father, thank you for the reward of 444 starting coins for Shabalang1000, Big Eyes, ︻◙─Crazy, thank you Xiaohumao, Rong Huan circle, qqww008hs, and A Shen’s 500 starting coin reward, thanks to Luhan Tianhe’s 200 starting coin, thanks to wocao12345 for the 180 starting coin reward, thanks to Yiyi & Feng, book friend 160622101859974, and Dream Yirudian’s 100 starting coin A reward, a certain show thank you again and again! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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