Standing pretty old

Chapter 121 Fighting the Bulls

Chapter 121 Fighting the Bulls ([-])

Before the start of the game, Ruan Erniu also accepted an interview with ESPN reporter Nick Friedel because he won the title of NBA Eastern Conference Player of the Week last week.This is also the first time Ruan Erniu won the best honor of the week.

After Yao Ming, the second player to receive the league's best player of the week, Ruan Erniu achieved a total of 11 wins and 17 loss in the 11 regular season games from November 24th to November 4th. The data is 3 points, 1 rebounds, and 26.4 assists.

Such exaggerated data is even lower than Ruan Erniu's average data.So far, Ruan Erniu in the rookie season has shown the world the appearance of an ancient behemoth.

There is great curiosity about his future development.

After defeating O'Neill, some people have put forward the idea of ​​"yellow shark", thinking that Kraft Nguyen may become the next ruler of the alliance.Erniu's super data has also become evidence of this assumption.

However, Ruan Erniu was not without opponents in last week's best selection of the week. LeBron James of the Cleveland Cavaliers also scored shocking data in the past week. He led the Cavaliers to a 2-1 victory. Results, personal average data is a phenomenal 38.7 points, 9 rebounds, 8 assists.

If it wasn't for Er Niu's superiority in the record, it may be true who will be the best player this week.

"I admire James very much. As a high school player, he entered the ranks of the top stars just after he joined the league and has maintained it until now. From the data alone, I don't have much advantage at all." Ruan Erniu is humble road.

"So what do you think the Eastern Conference playoffs will look like this year?" Friedel asked.

Ruan Erniu thought for a while and said: "I don't know what the final pattern will be. After all, the first month of the regular season hasn't ended yet, but I believe the Eagles will definitely be one of them (playoffs). There is no doubt about it. !"


Ruan Erniu, who returned to the team, naturally accepted the congratulations and playfulness of his teammates.For a team like the Hawks, it is not an easy task to win the best of the week.

Jon Jonsen came to the Eagles in 05. In two and a half years, he only won the best of the week twice.Ruan Erniu has only played more than 2 games in the regular season, and he has already won the best of the week for the first time in his life. This is a remarkable achievement.

Everyone in the Eagles stepped into the competition venue of the United Center Arena with a relaxed mood.

Looking at the number 23 (Jordan) and 33 (Pippen) retired jerseys hanging above the arena, Jon Jonson suddenly said with emotion: "Kraft, do you think that one day, the Hawks will retire our jerseys for us? "

Ruan Erniu said without thinking: "Of course, the premise is that we also establish a dynasty!"

The Bulls' starting lineup for this game is:

C Ben Wallace

PF Tyrus Thomas

SF Ruhr Deng

SG Ben Gordon
PG Kirk Hinrich

On the Hawks side, apart from using veteran Anthony Johnson as the starting point guard, there seems to be nothing to say about other positions.

There are two points worth noting:

06. Joakim Noah, the MOP of the 4 NCAA, has no chance to qualify for the starting lineup.This seems to be no surprise, because standing in front of him is the [-]th best defensive player-Ben Wallace.

Second, the height of the Bulls' frontcourt combination is exactly the same, both are 6 feet 9 inches (206CM).

This point made Ruan Erniu slanderous, the reason is very simple: Ben Wallace, a guy with a similar figure to himself, but with an obvious difference in appearance, has not had an afro recently.

So Ruan Erniu naturally judged that Wallace's height was definitely overreported, and the unspoken rules of the league are really everywhere. At this moment, Erniu felt that he was still too-young and too-native.

Ruan Erniu is observing Ben * Wallace, and Ben * Wallace is not observing Ruan Erniu.

The two are about the same height and body shape, Ruan Erniu is slightly slender, but he is also a strong man.

But the positioning of the two in the league is very different.

Naturally, Ruan Erniu needless to say, the proud son of heaven, who was born out of nowhere, has been regarded by people of insight as a player destined to leave his name on a big stage like the NBA almost from the moment he stepped into the NCAA.

But Ben Wallace's journey was much more bumpy. In the 96 NBA draft, he was just an undrafted rookie.In other words, he didn't even make it to the second-round pick.

If it wasn't for the Celtics giving him a chance in the summer league, if it wasn't for him meeting a nobleman, the general manager of the HSD Wizards at the time, Wes Unseld, who was also based in the league with a short stature, would have given him a chance. A preseason spot.I'm afraid it will be difficult for Big Ben to ring in the NBA.

A grassroots player who climbed up from the bottom, and a proud boy who also climbed up from the bottom but was praised very early.

The struggle between the two started before the game even started.The two muscular men didn't have any nonsense, and when they gave each other a symbolic high-five, the flames of battle burst out.

The referee threw the ball into the air, the young Ruan Erniu jumped a little early, and Ben Wallace jumped a little late, but the two just collided in the air.

The basketball was slightly deformed under the weight of the two people's gravity, and the moment the two landed on the ground, the basketball was still slowly falling in the air.

Ruan Erniu, who took off better the second time, jumped up again and gave the racket to his teammate.

The whole process only took 2 seconds, but on the big screen, the moment the basketball deformed attracted the attention of countless people.

Then the whole audience gasped in amazement!
Real games are not cartoons. It is really rare for two players to seize the opportunity at the same time in such a power confrontation!

The Eagles took possession of the ball, and Jon Jonsen singled out Ben Gordon, and after attracting a double-team, he distributed the ball to Eclipse outside the 3-point line.

The lunar eclipse felt good today. He hit a three-pointer at the beginning. According to the agreement between him and Woodson, he can shoot two more three-pointers today, one in the first half and one in the second half.Assuming he can still hit, he can make additional shots.

For the Bulls, Captain Hinrich dribbled the ball across half court without haste.

As the team's brain, Hinrich was once considered the hope of white point guards after Stockton. Unfortunately, although his development is stable, he has never been able to play a sufficiently explosive performance.

After Nash played a gorgeous RUN-GUN in the Suns, few people have such hopes for him anymore.

The NBA is a business league. If you don't show your value at the most appropriate moment, the league will naturally not bother to package you.

Hinrich also did not attack, but gave the ball to Ben * Gordon.The latter dribbled the ball into the interior and wanted to complete aerial work in front of Ruan Erniu, but the result was naturally a tragedy.

"Crack!" Ruan Erniu, who stood up from the ground, sent out a big hot pot of Tianchao.

Veteran Anthony Johnson caught the ball on the far end, and with an easy pace, layup…

In the first quarter, the Eagles were in steady control of the situation, while the Bulls obviously had a bad hand. In the entire quarter, only Ruhr Deng and Ben Gordon scored 13 points, which was their all-time high. The team scored.

For the Eagles, Ruan Erniu scored 6 points and Jiongsen 8 points.Eclipse had 4 points, Marvin 2 points, and Johnson 2 points. Although the shooting percentage was not high, the team scored 22 points, which was enough to ensure that the Hawks entered the second quarter with a 9-point advantage.

(End of this chapter)

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