Standing pretty old

Chapter 122 Fighting the Bulls

Chapter 122 Fighting the Bull ([-])

At the beginning of the second quarter, Woodson didn't know what was wrong with the egg head, and suddenly used a puck he was not used to.

Josh Childress, Zaza Pachulia, Sheldon Williams and Tyronn Lue were all substituted.Only Lunar Eclipse, one of the main players, was left on the field.

Ruan Erniu was also a little puzzled. At this time, he couldn't directly ask Woodson why, so he had to discuss with Jiongsen beside him: "Is Mike crazy? Is he going to learn from Popovich? Then Why not just replace J-Smoove (moon eclipse rice foreign name, mentioned earlier) together?"

Jiongsen twisted his neck, covered his shoulders with a towel and said, "Who knows what he's thinking? It's not like..."

Ruan Erniu immediately understood what Jijisen meant, and immediately lowered his voice and said, "Have you heard any news?"

Jiongsen shook his head, also lowered his voice, put his arms around Ruan Erniu's head and said: "Don't guess, it's not our turn anyway, don't post comments lightly until all the dust settles. Rookie, remember , which is also part of the professional ethics of the players!"

Neither of them got the word out, but smart people never talk nonsense, and they never go barefoot.

While the two leaders of the Hawks were discussing the team off the court, on the court, the Bulls started a crazy defensive mode in this quarter.

Non-stop physical confrontation, countless foul-level small moves.

The smell of gunpowder in the game kept rising. Under such circumstances, the Bulls' main players who played more time slowly recovered their touch, while the new Hawks' substitutes played more difficultly. They hit the iron continuously without preparation.

The hardest hit was the Hawks' only starter-Josh Smith.He missed all 8 shots in the entire quarter and only scored 4 points with free throws.

In fact, this really can't be blamed on the eclipse, from the third attack option to the first attack option on the field, such a change is obviously not within his expectations.

What's more, he moved to the power forward position and Ben Wallace faced off.

The Bulls replaced Tyrus Thomas and put Gaul Joakim Noah on the field. After Wallace moved to the position of power forward, the offensive ability naturally did not change much, but the overall defensive strength of the Bulls , but a qualitative change occurred.

The Bulls twin towers composed of Big Ben and Noah completely dominate the rebounds on the court.

The Hawks couldn't score, and lost the rebounds they depended on for survival. The game quickly fell into the Bulls' rhythm in the second quarter.

Amidst the cheers of the audience, Ben Wallace even performed a tomahawk-style snap button in the third-line fast break.

This time, the atmosphere of the scene was completely ignited.

Ruan Erniu couldn't stay anymore, he took the initiative to say to Woodson: "Mike, replace me on the court, I don't want to waste time off the court!"

Woodson nodded, and then replaced Jiongsen and Ruan Erniu on the field.

At this moment, there are only 2 minutes left in the second quarter, but the Bulls have overtaken the score.

At 25:33, halftime was almost over, and the combined scores of the two teams had not exceeded 60 points. In any case, this was an ugly enough game.Once you become the loser, that ugliness will turn into nausea in an instant!

As soon as Ruan Erniu came on the field, he clashed with Noah, his arch-rival in the university.

Before Er Niu came on the court, Noah was omnipotent in rebounding. Under the cover of Wallace in a single quarter, he scored a total of 7 rebounds on both offense and defense.

But with the reappearance of Ruan Erniu, Noah has suffered several times in a row in front of the Celestial People.Whether it is the prediction of the ball path or the ability to block positions, he is not as good as the Celestial Monster who is still evolving rapidly after entering the league.

Finally, after Ruan Erniu grabbed an offensive rebound, Noah raised his elbow and ran towards him.

Ruan Erniu subconsciously blocked this with his arm, then Ruan Erniu pushed Noah away first, and then the two of them immediately pushed together again.

The sideline referee did a good job this time. He immediately blocked the two players and separated them!

Afterwards, the on-duty referee watched the replay and gave Noah a first-level malicious foul and Ruan Erniu a technical foul.

After the two teams exchanged free throws, the game continued.

Ruan Erniu tried his best to control his emotions. He knew very well that the importance of himself and Noah in the team must not be the same.Noah can deliberately provoke himself to end, but Er Niu must calm down and win the team for the team.

The defensive intensity in the last 2 minutes of the second quarter was exceptionally high, but today the referee's scale was not very tight.

A game of this intensity is not far from the playoffs!
Ruan Erniu scored 12 points, 11 rebounds and 4 assists in an efficient half-time after resting for almost the entire second quarter.Finally, the bleeding was stopped for the eagle who was bleeding too fast.

At the end of the first half, the Hawks trailed by 34 points 36:2. If the Hawks lose today, Woodson's inexplicable substitution in the second quarter will definitely be mentioned repeatedly.

In the Eagles locker room, Ruan Erniu called everyone together and said seriously: "The Bulls' record since the start of this season is indeed bad enough. It seems that the record of 2 wins and 10 losses is far from our record of 9 wins and 3 losses, but This does not mean that we can easily win the game. The brothers have also seen how tenacious their defense is!"

Jon Jonsen also added: "The Bulls are by no means a weak team, we must cheer up! Return to Atlanta with three consecutive victories in away games!"

For this kind of competition of defensive will, it is nonsense to say any tactics.Filling chicken soup to death is the most correct choice!

But the two leaders of the Eagles would not have imagined that the second half of the game was far more difficult than they imagined.

The first to go crazy was Ben Gordon. When the 04 third-round pick first entered the league, he was known as Iverson who had no height defects.But it turns out that compared with Iverson, he only has an advantage in height.

Even so, he is an absolute scoring strength in the Bulls system!

Gordon first passed Jiong Jisen in one step, and then made a difficult drifting shot against Ruan Erniu.

Facing such a fairy ball, Ruan Erniu has nothing to do.

Immediately afterwards, he fired from outside the 3-point line and scored consecutive points.

The second standout of the Bulls was Ruhr Deng, a silent wing master who always scored points for the team with his unpretentious offense. He made 4 of 3 shots in a single quarter and 2 of 2 free throws. Efficiently scored 8 points.Luol Deng unknowingly gave the Bulls even more of a lead.

If Gordon and Deng are the arrows of the team's offense, they should score points for the team.

Tyrus Thomas, who averaged only 6 points per game last season, scored 8 points in a single quarter by picking up misses, which blinded everyone's eyes.

Ruan Erniu and Joe Johnson fell into the dilemma of fighting alone again, desperately chasing points for the team.The Hawks' lack of a consistent third scoring point was once again exposed.

At 25:36, the Bulls took an 11-point lead in a single quarter.

At the end of the three quarters, at 59:72, the Eagles trailed by 13 points and entered the final quarter. The young Eagles dug themselves another big hole!

(End of this chapter)

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