Standing pretty old

Chapter 123 The Youngest 3 Double Records

Chapter 123 The Youngest Triple Double Record

"Kraft, Marvin, J-Smovve, do you know how many rebounds we lost in the entire three quarters?" Larry Drew asked looking at the technical statistics.

"7 or 8?" Moon Eclipse asked tentatively.

"A total of 10! You grabbed 10 fewer rebounds than your opponent. This is the most critical reason why we lost 11 points in a single quarter!" Larry Drew gave the answer.

Ruan Erniu said with a smile: "We only lost 10 points after losing 11 rebounds. The Bulls' offensive ability is really mediocre. It seems that we still have hope of recovering! Marvin, J-Smovve protected the rebounds in the last quarter, We're going to strike back!"

The Bulls' defense is indeed better than the Eagles, but Ruan Erniu cleverly changed the concept, saying that the Bulls' offensive ability is average, and this is the art of leadership.

Leaders are often born because they will guide their subordinates to choose a perspective that is beneficial to them.




The generals of the Eagles gathered their mood, formed a circle on the field, and shouted the name of the team.

The young Atlanta people expressed their attitude, they have not given up on this game.

Ruan Erniu was about to get to the inside position as soon as the game opened, and Jiongsen immediately passed the ball.

At the critical moment, the point of focusing on Erniu first has been raised to the tactical level by the Eagles!

"Rookie! You're done!" Ben Wallace said behind Ruan Erniu.

Ruan Erniu sat back, then turned around and passed the slow-moving Ben Wallace, and then sent the ball into the basket with a small throw before Wallace hung on him.

The ball is scored and a penalty is added!

Ruan Erniu was hung up by Ben Wallace, and they both fell to the floor at the same time.

The younger Er Niu stood up first. He looked down at Wallace on the floor and said, "Did you get your 4th D-POY (Defensive Player of the Year) by lip service?"

Ben* Wallace was furious and ready to beat someone up.Fortunately, Ruel Deng and Ben Gordon caught him at the same time.

Just kidding, this guy Wallace is one of the main creators of the Palace of Auburn Hills incident.

Stern's repeated orders seem to be still yesterday, and the Bulls don't have the guts to stage another scene of the United Arena incident.No matter how sharp Ruan Erniu's counterattack was, the one who provoked first was Ben Wallace, which is unreasonable!
The referee gave Wallace a technical foul, but also gave Ruan Erniu a verbal warning.

"Mr. Ruan, please pay attention to your words and deeds, this is a basketball court, not a debate!" said the referee on duty.

Ruan Erniu smiled and said, "No problem, sir!"

The game continued, and Ruan Erniu hit consecutive free throws and technical fouls, recovering 4 points for the Eagles within one round.

The point difference between the two teams has returned to single digits, and the suspense of the game continues...

Ben Gordon scored a 3-pointer, and Jon Jonsen immediately responded with a 2+1.

Ruhr Deng hit a two-pointer, and Eclipse used an empty cut to catch up with the score.

Hinrich broke through with the help of the pick-and-roll, and Childress, who was replaced, used the CIC to fight back.


The two teams come and go, always keeping the score within the range of 5-7 points.

In the last 3 minutes of the game, the Eagles were still 82 points behind 87:5. Until this moment, no one can guess who will be the final winner.

Ruan Erniu suddenly exerted his strength. He first judged the path of the ball, blocked Hinrich's pass, started the "Brave Bull Sprint", and scored one-stop dunks.

Immediately afterwards, at a critical moment, Ben Wallace blocked an almost must-go basket attack.After taking the ball, he passed a long pass to Childress in the frontcourt, and Zhang Yishan of the United States scored a layup.

There was only 1 point left in the score, just when the Atlanta people saw the dawn of victory.

An Argentine stood up on the Bulls' bench, and he was Andres Nocioni.He hit 2 mid-range shots in a row, and he gave the Bulls a deadly breath in one go.

囧囧sen also made a chase 3-pointer, but the score was still 2 points behind.

90:92, and the time is only 35 seconds left, the ball is still in the hands of the Bulls!
After a timeout, the Eagles suddenly changed their defensive strategy and adopted a half-court shrinking and pressing defensive method.

Tyrus Thomas, who received the ball near the halfway line, made a fatal error and the ball was broken by the eclipse.

Lunar Eclipse made a breakthrough with the ball. After attracting a double-team, he tossed the ball into the air. Ruan Erniu, who came in from the back, received the pass and poured the ball into the basket vigorously with both hands.

With 30 seconds left, 92:92, the two teams were evenly divided!

The Bulls had the ball, and Hinrich dribbled the ball across half court under the close defense of Anthony Johnson.

From the point of view of matchup, he has a dislocation advantage, but in the end the Bulls captain still handed the ball to the team's top scorer Ben Gordon.

The court suddenly fell silent, and the Bulls fans held their breath, waiting for their Air-Gordon to throw the final decisive ball.

Ben Gordon's career with the Bulls was once very brilliant, as can be seen from the nicknames given to him by fans.Bulls fans desperately hope that after Air-Jordan, the Bulls will have an Air-Gordon.

Gordon looked at the timer, dribbled the ball slowly, and consumed time, (that is, watching the watch to play), and only the last 24 seconds remained in the 4-second regular time.

Gordon finally made a move. After a breakthrough and an emergency stop followed by a crossover, Gordon got rid of Jon Jonson's defense and threw the ball!

"Bang!" Missed!
Ruan Erniu overwhelmed Ben * Wallace to win this crucial rebound!
"RUN!" Ruan Erniu roared, but he didn't pass the ball!
He feinted and dribbled the ball directly to the frontcourt. At this moment, there were only 4 seconds left in the game.

Ruan Erniu dribbled the ball into the penalty area, and Wallace, Thomas, and Nocioni surrounded Ruan Erniu at the same time.

Ruan Erniu, who flew into the air, slammed the ball back.

In the horn position, Jiong Jisen is already ready to catch the ball, open, 2 seconds, final kill, hit!
94:92, the Eagles can almost kill the Bulls!With only the last 0.5 seconds left, the Bulls requested a timeout, but from the disappointed expressions of the fans at the scene, it can be seen that this is just a reprieve.

Sure enough, with Ben Gordon's failed 3-point shot, the Eagles finally had the last laugh in this fierce battle.

The final score was fixed at 94:92, and the young Eagles could finally return to Atlanta with a three-game winning streak in away games. This was a hard-won victory.

Ruan Erniu, who was about to celebrate the victory with his teammates, was suddenly surrounded by a group of reporters on the spot.

Just when he didn't know why, EXPN reporter Nick Friedel, who interviewed him before the game, pointed to the big screen and said: "Kraft, you became the youngest triple-double record holder, and you made history!"

In addition to the assist Ruan Erniu gave to Jon Jonson at the last moment, Ruan Erniu finally scored a super triple-double of 32 points, 21 rebounds and 10 assists in this game.

This is also his first triple-double after entering the league, and he also broke LeBron James' record for the youngest triple-double.



Not only won the game, but also won the statistics, Ruan Erniu made every step of the way, once again shocked the entire league.

(End of this chapter)

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