Standing pretty old

Chapter 144 Attacking Orlando Again

Chapter 144 Attack on Orlando Again ([-])

Ruan Erniu did not participate in this inexplicable discussion from the beginning to the end.In fact, he himself has no clear idea of ​​the influence of ALL-STAR.

After Ouyang Haotian helped him call out on the blog, he himself never paid attention to the voting.

If it hadn't been for the announcement of the real-time voting results for the next round of the alliance, Ruan Erniu would have almost forgotten about it.

As for where he would appear in the All-Stars, Ruan Erniu didn't have a firm idea about himself.

In his view, it doesn't matter whether he plays in any position, the key is whether the league can earn ratings for the stunt from now on.Anyway, it is also an exhibition match with the strongest commercial atmosphere, so why put winning or losing first.

Another point is that Ruan Erniu checked the schedule later, Erniu found that on December 12th, he was going to lead the Eagles to Orlando again.

Since there is a chance to fight one-on-one with Huo Hua, why waste so much talk, once the result of the matchup comes out, people will naturally know who is the more suitable starting candidate.

After all, things like popularity can be faked, but the strength itself is hard to fake.

After all, it is a professional player, in the final analysis, it is still necessary to use actual combat to test the level.

Ruan Erniu came to Orlando again. He himself likes this fantasy city very much. There are not only Disneyland, but also Universal Studios, Kennedy Space Center, and even the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

This is a city full of magic and science fiction, and the name of the Magic team comes from it.

At the Amway Center, home of the Magic, Ruan Erniu and his teammates were doing simple shooting exercises on the court.

囧囧sen joked: "Today, be careful of Howard getting angry and trying to kill you. If you kill you, he will be an All-Star starter!"

Ruan Erniu smiled and said, "I will be careful!"

Since defeating Sparks in the preseason, Ruan Erniu has figured out the details of his opponent.

For another duel, Ruan Erniu still has enough confidence to defeat his opponent.

As for those small actions, Ruan Erniu was not very worried. Howard would never dare to take such a risk to abolish himself, because Stern would not allow such a thing to happen.

The Magic can't afford to be without Warcraft inside for a long time.

After all, this is not the iron-blooded 80s. Compared with Malone's life-threatening iron elbow, the insiders of the current league are gentle enough.

It must be admitted that this is also the result of Stern's emphasis on commercialization and gentrification over the years.

Among the Magic, the one who really deserves the attention of the Eagles should be Turkoglu, who has reached the peak of his career this season.

He can average 19+5+5 data per game. From the perspective of connecting the team, he is more like the leader of this Magic team.


After all, in the Supersonics, he is a well-deserved second in command.But after coming to the Magic, he is often reduced to the third or even fourth attacking option, so it is not surprising that the data has dropped.

The position of shooting guard is Keith Bogans, who is quite familiar to Chinese fans. He played about 05 games for the Rockets in the 06-30 season.

For a period of time, he replaced the injured McGrady as the starter in the Rockets' position. Tianchao fans joked that Rockets coach Jeff Van Gundy (Jr. Van Gundy) was using Bogans as McGrady.

However, even the injured T-MAC is far from being replaceable by a player of Bogans' level.

At the point guard position is Jameel Milson, who entered the league in the same year as the Sparks.

His scoring numbers have dipped this season, but his assists have increased, and he's fit in nicely with coach Stan Van Gundy's system anyway.

With the end of the warm-up and appearance ceremony, the media and fans focused their attention on the players of the two teams on the field.

Ruan Erniu jumped the ball with the spark again in the middle circle, and Ruan Erniu miraculously won the jump ball again, and the spark jumped early.

In the Eagles' offensive round, Ruan Erniu was still not eager to fight the inside and the sparks at the beginning of the game. He took the initiative to mention the high position as the axis, and after tricking Howard out of the inside, he hit the ground and passed the ball to the counter-running Lunar Eclipse. .

The lunar eclipse takes advantage of the trend and completes the battle-axe snap!

On the offensive end of the Magic, Howard is not as patient as Ruan Erniu.He took the initiative to beckon and demand, wanting to kill Ruan Erniu from the very beginning.

Er Niu stood behind the spark, not giving him a chance to enter the dangerous area.

During the preseason, Ruan Erniu figured out the attacking routine of the sparks. Two months have not passed, and it is impossible for Howard to suddenly develop a new attacking method.

Sure enough, Sparks, who couldn't squeeze in, could only open his long arms and make a difficult hook shot.

Facts have proved that not every center has the potential to become Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

The "Sky Hook" stunt is not something everyone can learn. Ruan Erniu took the rebound from the backcourt, quickly advanced the frontcourt, and when he reached the free throw line, he threw the ball back and the ball went unattended. Anthony Johnson.

The old Johnson went up and down and scored 3 points. Johnson felt good today and quickly entered the state.

On the offensive end of the Magic, although Howard beckoned again, Turkoglu did not dare to waste opportunities.

He used the dribbling rhythm to cleverly shake off the Eclipse's defense.In an unhurried manner, he scored a three-step layup and scored 2 points steadily.

Ruan Erniu felt that he was well blocked, but the Turk's sense of rhythm was really good.

Basketball is by no means a sport that only pays attention to speed and strength. It is certainly powerful to drop ten with one force, but there is also a lot of room for survival in four or two.

Turkoglu does not have super physical strength, no desperate speed advantage, but with his own excellent sense of the ball and rhythm, he has still become the de facto metronome and leader of the Magic.

For the Eagles, veteran Anthony Johnson was very active. In the first quarter, he made 4 of 3 shots, scored 7 points, 2 rebounds, and 1 assist.And limited Nelson to 4 points, 1 rebound, and 2 assists.

Assuming he can guarantee this level every game, then the Hawks' No. [-] position has no need to reinforce.

Unfortunately, this is at best the wishful thinking of the Eagles die-hards!If Anthony Johnson really has such strength, he doesn't have to wander with several NBA teams many times over the years.


Ruan Erniu scored 5 points and 6 rebounds in the first quarter, while Sparks scored 3 points and 5 rebounds.

Although there is not much difference in the statistics of the two, Ruan Erniu is consciously keeping himself, while Spark is played abnormally by Erniu's defense.

At the end of the first quarter, at 31:19, the Eagles in the away game gave Orlando a head-on blow with a 12-point advantage.

(End of this chapter)

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