Standing pretty old

Chapter 145 Attacking Orlando Again

Chapter 145 Attack on Orlando Again ([-])
"Kafe, what are you rubbing?" Jiong Jiong asked as he watched Ruan Erniu rubbing his shoulders constantly.

"I got elbowed! However, Howard won't feel good either, look at the way he touches his ribs!" Ruan Erniu said with a smile.

That's right, although these two people didn't fight each other to death, they did not lack insidious tricks at all.In general, Ruan Erniu, who is relatively short in stature, took advantage of it.

An inch is short and an inch is dangerous. When fighting close to the body, Ruan Erniu's force is faster and more rapid.

While rubbing his ribs, Howard complained to the assistant coach beside him, "Gorilla" Ewing, one of the top four centers in the NBA: "This Chinese man is too dark! I doubt that after the game, I can go to The hospital put on a plaster cast!"

But Ewing said disdainfully: "This is the NBA's inside competition, Dwight, put away your complaints. You only have two options: defeating your opponent or being defeated by your opponent!"

To be honest, Ewing doesn't like Howard to some extent now. This big boy is far from Yao Ming, not to mention O'Neal.

The center forward's skills are constantly polished, and although the statistics of the sparks have been on the rise, most of the time, the sparks are only fulfilling their physical talents normally, and his center skills have not fundamentally improved.

After O'Neal went to the Lakers, he developed unparalleled inside pace and small hook skills.After Yao Ming got Ewing, he quickly learned the unsolvable offense of turning around and jumping.

And Howard?His defensive stats are constantly improving, but his skills are progressing slowly. The reason why his scoring stats have increased is largely due to the fact that Van Gundy created a big and four small attack mode for him to open up space.

Relying on the one-on-one physical advantage, Howard certainly got more chances to score points.

But facing the league's top insiders, and encountering centers like O'Neal, Yao Ming, and Ruan Erniu who can't lose to him in the inside confrontation, Sparks' offensive power will drop sharply immediately.

It can be said that Stan Van Gundy tapped the best sparks by using his strengths and avoiding his weaknesses.However, Spark himself's technology is basically in a state of standing still.

Big Van Gundy arranged tactics nervously off the court, while his younger brother, Jr. Van Gundy, bragged and fucked with his ESPN colleagues Mark * I was the biggest victim of the 5-second rule * Jackson and Mike * Brin on the scene.

Why ESPN's ace host will appear in Orlando, because the game of the Eagles VS Magic is broadcast live on the whole meter.

Mark Jackson said: "Jeff, after watching the first quarter, do you have anything to say? I think if the Magic continue to play like this, your brother will definitely clean him up during the intermission." player!"

Jeff Van Gundy said: "I don't care how he trains his players. I care more about the performance of the Chinese players now. I thought Yao Ming was the top Chinese player, but now it seems that Kraft Ruan It's the best one!"

Before Fan Bald could finish his sentence, Mike Breen next to him continued: "So, do you think the Chinese is the number one insider in the league? Especially after he defeated O'Neal."

Mark Jackson shook his head and said, "But can he really be considered a center forward? His style of play is closer to that of a ball-handling power forward, although he has a high proportion of scoring inside."

Jeff Van Gundy said: "I think Kraft Nguyen will become the center of the new era. The common practice of the NBA uniform group in the past is: If there is no suitable candidate, then choose a big man who looks reliable.

However, judging from this year's draft situation, it may be a better choice to choose a super athletic insider! "

Mark Jackson said: "The data of the Celestial Dynasty is indeed too exaggerated. I conservatively estimate that according to this situation, his data after the end of the season will not be lower than 25+18. Even with such a harsh prediction method, he will It is comparable to the crazy data before the 80s!"

Jeff Van Gundy said: "I think if Kraft Nguyen is in D'Antoni's system, maybe he can average more than 30+25 points per game."

Mike Breen laughed and said, "I can't bear to interrupt you two when you praise the Chinese people so much. However, the second quarter has already started, let's watch the game first!"

Although the ESPN commentator crazily praised Ruan Erniu, but at the beginning of the second quarter, Ruan Erniu was put on the bench by Woodson, and Sheldon Williams replaced Erniu on the field.

Woodson's substitution method is becoming more and more incomprehensible.

Before Sheldon played, Woodson said to him: "Don't fight Howard in the paint, use your footwork and mid-range shots to fight him."

Woodson swears to God, he doesn't have much hope for Williams.The reason why he arranged such a rotation was purely to let Ruan Erniu get a little more rest time in this game, but the "landlord" collected the rent from Zhenhua in this game.

Howard holds the ball in the low post and eats Sheldon Williams alone.

Without Ruan Erniu, the annoying Chinese man behind him, the sparks came alive immediately.

Once, twice, Williams retreated again and again, and was about to be crushed by sparks and enter the danger zone.

Just when Sparks thought he had gained enough room to attack, Sheldon Williams made a sudden shot and cut off the basketball in Warcraft's hand.

After receiving the ball, Childress quickly ran to the Magic half court, and then overwhelmed Nelson to complete a beautiful dunk.

Sparks naturally thought that the unknown person behind him was provoking him, and immediately asked Turkoglu for the ball, and he wanted to teach the opponent behind him severely.

"A high school student! I'm a student who graduated from Duke!" During the Quanmi live broadcast, the landlord went into a rage.

In fact, although there are many extremely successful high school students in the league, such as Garnett, Kobe, James, Sparks and others, they advertise that reading is useless and never admit defeat in front of others, but these people really have no regrets about themselves. Low education?Huh, that's a problem.

Sheldon Williams' trash talk pierced Spark's inner inferiority complex. Americans worship money, but they also discriminate against uneducated guys.

"I'm better than you..." Before Huohua finished speaking, the ball in his hand was stolen by Williams again. Asilao ran with the ball, and after facing double-teams, he passed the ball from behind Plug in the "landlord".

Sheldon Williams took advantage of the layup, split a dunk with one arm, and then returned to defense while pretending to spread his hands.

Whoever said that a substitute is a supporting role that will remain unchanged for thousands of years, whoever said that marginalized people cannot have the dream of standing in the center of the stage.

Sheldon shouted in his heart: "I also graduated from Duke, you bunch of illiterates, when I was killing the Quartet in the NCAA, you were still playing mud in high school!"

Sheldon Williams' physical talent is really not top-notch in the NBA where there are so many fierce men.

But he finished four years at Duke and obtained a diploma in marketing management. Duke also retired his jersey for him, so his IQ and golf quotient are not weak.

After all, he was the fifth overall pick in 06. It is really regrettable that he failed to make a name for himself in the NBA.

Even so, he can still display his light and heat in a certain period of time.

(End of this chapter)

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