Standing pretty old

Chapter 255 Unclear

Chapter 255 Unclear
"Hey, Brother Yao, are you still alive?"

"By your good words, I'm not dead yet!" Yao Ming replied angrily, this Ruan Erniu is really getting more and more out of tune.

It's interesting to say that there are so many condolence calls and good things to say, but there are not many that really make him feel kind, and Ruan Erniu is one of them.

"Oh, that's it! Can the imperial capital make it to the Olympic Games? It doesn't matter if you can't make it. It's also a good choice to cheer us on."

"Get lost, I'll take care of you when I return to the national team!"

The two chatted for a while before hanging up the phone.

For a player of Dayao's level, pity is likely to be an insult to him, and Er Niu's kind ridicule may even inspire his fighting spirit.

In the 08 Olympic Games in the imperial capital, relying on Er Niu and A Lian alone was somewhat meaningless.

Yao Ming's side had a lot of troubles, but Ruan Erniu's fight became smoother and smoother.

After defeating the Spurs by a big score, they defeated the Sacramento Kings and the New York Knicks at home one after another.

After a four-game losing streak, they ushered in a three-game winning streak. As of the end of February, the Atlanta Hawks had a record of 2 wins and 44 losses, just behind the Celtics and ranked second in the Eastern Conference. They are also second in the league. According to this If the state continues, they are likely to get 13 wins this year.

Last season, neither the Celtics nor the Atlanta Hawks qualified for the playoffs. This season, the Eastern Conference is very likely to have two teams with 60 wins in the regular season. This is indeed a season full of surprises and disruptions.

In contrast, the performance of the Eagles is more amazing than the Celtics.Early in the season, even the most optimistic media people thought this was just a playoff contender.

But more than half of the regular season has passed, and the Eagles are still firmly seated in the second place in the league. The young Atlanta youth army has the momentum of being black to the end.

Especially after getting Mike Bibby in the trade, it allowed them to make up for the last absolute shortcoming.

After Ruan Erniu's four-game losing streak, he called out the championship declaration at the right time, which completely inspired the fighting spirit of his teammates.

Awesome already blown out?Then what else is there to say, work hard, it is a man who is going to fight.

The Eagles finally passed the short period of pain after their teammates were traded, reintegrated, and made great strides towards the playoffs.

Of course, if they want to win the championship, they still have to do a big mountain to cross-the Boston Celtics.

According to the schedule, three days later, on March 3, US time, they will go to Boston to challenge their opponents.

After the Celtics and the Lakers successively issued championship declarations, the dark horse of this season-the Atlanta Hawks also expressed their attitude.

Before the game, various sports news media focused their attention on the Celtics. They wanted to know, how did the Celtics view the Eagles' championship declaration?
The first to speak out was head coach Doug Rivers.

He Document is the hero who "helped" Ruan Erniu win the AMVP. He smiled and said: "Theoretically, any team that reaches the playoffs has the possibility of winning the championship, and the Hawks are no exception, but I Personally, I still think they are too young and lack experience in the playoffs."

Then Paul Pierce was also interviewed.

He said: "We played against the Eagles this season. You should still remember the 'throat cut' of the super rookie. Of course, the result is obvious."

"But at that time, Mike Bibby didn't join the Hawks, and the Atlanta people now have the Big Three."

Pierce frowned and said, "Then let the game decide everything!"

Then, Kevin * Garnett also stood up.

KG was the same as usual, not interested in talking about the opponent at all. He said simply and straightforwardly: "No matter who the opponent is, our goal will not change, and that is the championship."

Ray Allen was the last to stand up.

He showed his charming smile, and said calmly and calmly: "The Eagles are indeed not an ordinary young team. After getting Mike Bibby, their No. [-] position has been strengthened, but I believe the Celtics The strength of the team is still better, and we will win the championship."

Jun Zilei's words are neither humble nor overbearing, but they are enough to reflect the Celtics' determination to win the championship.

It is a pity that they never bothered to discuss their opponents, but had to stand up and show their toughness.This actually proves a point on the side.

The Atlanta Hawks are now qualified to pose a threat to the Celtics.

Looking back at Atlanta, Ruan Erniu didn't immediately join the war of words, he had more important things to do.

Now, he is entertaining Ouyang Haotian who just flew over from Germany at his home.

Ouyang said regretfully: "Adidas still failed to negotiate in the end!"

Ruan Erniu said: "The Germans are a bit conservative, but it doesn't matter. They did it with the mentality of giving it a try. By the way, what is their excuse?"

Ouyang Haotian smiled and said: "It's still the same old style, sports performance series (classic diagonal three-stripe LOGO), sports tradition series (clover LOGO), sports fashion series (Y-3, SLVR, NEO), these three series are not suitable for Add other things in. They say our design is too subversive to classify.”

Ruan Erniu nodded and said, "It's purely that I don't have enough weight, otherwise my independent brand can be included in the sports fashion series."

Ouyang Haotian patted Erniu on the shoulder and said, "Yes, your performance ultimately determines your value. Kraft, keep working hard."

At this time, Dr. Han brought a plate of fruit to the two men.

It was also the first time for Ouyang Haotian to see Han Meimei. To be honest, he had a good impression.A middle-class dentist with half Chinese descent is quite beneficial to Erniu's development.

Successful people must have a successful partner. In this regard, Ruan Erniu's performance did not disappoint Ouyang Haotian.

Ruan Erniu suddenly said: "This time, you and I will go to Boston together!"

Ouyang Haotian nodded and said, "Well, Johnny's A-round financing is about to start, right?"

Ruan Erniu said: "That's right, 300 million yuan, I contracted it. However, you can't escape those capital predators in the B round. This is also an inevitable choice."

Ouyang Haotian looked at Han Meimei's back, and asked suddenly: "Is Johnny May's younger brother?"

Er Niu said: "That's right, I should have told you about this, is there any problem?"

Ouyang Haotian suddenly became a little hesitant, waved his hands and said, "Oh, there is no problem. I just don't think there is any contradiction between your partner and being your relative."

Ruan Erniu felt a little baffled, what does this Steven mean?I usually speak very frankly, why did I become hesitant?
However, Ruan Erniu did not delve into it.

On March 2008, 3, the Atlanta Hawks flew to Boston. At the beginning of the season, they fought the Celtics to the last minute with a weak body.

This time, the Eagles with a strengthened lineup vowed to win a victory at the North Shore Garden Arena.

According to the usual practice, Ruan Erniu must respond to the Celtics' speech before the game.

Looking at the extremely crowded reporters, Hawks assistant coach Larry Drew said from the side: "Has the playoffs started early?"

Ruan Erniu said with a smile: "Then let me, a rookie, experience the intensity of the playoffs in advance!"

(End of this chapter)

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