Chapter 256
TD North Shore Garden Arena, fanatical Boston fans continue to make noise before the game, they want to cause great psychological pressure on the visiting team.

Some radical fans even chanted the slogan of "BEAT-ATL" (kill the Eagles) that they would only shout in the playoffs.The strengthened Eagles not only became a stumbling block for the Celtics to win the championship, but also became another goal for Boston fans to get rid of besides the Pistons.

As for the other Eastern Conference teams, for the time being, they do not yet have the ability to subvert the Celtics.

Before the start of the game, the two teams conducted warm-up training at both ends of the field as usual.

Hearing the sparse "BEAT-ATL" in his ears, Ruan Erniu said to Mike Bibby: "Is this how the playoffs are? Or are Boston people naturally so noisy?"

Bibby said: "Of course it is the latter. Boston's basketball has been brilliant, but after so many years of silence, it finally ushered in the dawn again this year, so they are so excited."

Ruan Erniu nodded, and casually threw the ball out of his hand. Unexpectedly, with too much force, the ball hit the front of the basket and flew straight towards the backcourt.

As a result, the basketball rolled to Ray Allen's footsteps. Ray Allen picked up the ball and was about to throw it back, but was snatched by Garnett. He directly sprayed Ruan Erniu across half court: "XXX People from the Celestial Dynasty, do you want Lei to be injured? Bastard!"

Of course Ruan Erniu knew that he was deliberately looking for trouble, but even so, he had no intention of backing down.Er Niu stood near the middle circle and said, "KG, don't you want to come over and discuss this issue with me?"

Garnett, the villain, is not that stupid, but he will be surrounded by the Hawks after he passes by.

The two just stared at each other fiercely in the middle circle. After a while, Rondo and Pierce surrounded Garnett, and Jiongsen and Bibby also surrounded him.It didn't take long for the players of the two teams to form two walls in the middle circle.

Rivers and Woodson had to stand up and pull the two teams apart.In the two months of the final sprint, no one wants to have conflicts outside of game time, which will affect the team.

The game is about to start, and the two teams have announced their starting rosters.

After more than half of the season's running-in, the starting lineups of the two teams have basically been determined.

Celtic side:

C Kendrick Perkins

PF Kevin Garnett

SF Paul Pierce

SG Ray Allen
PG Rajon Rondo

C Ruan Erniu

PF Marvin Williams
SF Josh Smith

SG Joe Johnson

PG Mike Bibby
The two teams had a jump ball, and Ruan Erniu had no advantage against Garnett at all, so he lost the jump ball as expected.

Rajon Rondo got the ball at the first time. He just wanted to pass the ball to Pierce, but he was intercepted by Mike Bibby on the side.

Bibby didn't stop the ball and passed the ball to Ruan Erniu.Er Niu just passed the middle circle at this time, and after getting the ball, he also kept the ball, pushing forward with both hands, and the ball flew towards the backboard rapidly.

The lunar eclipse happened to hit the horse at this time, and the whole person almost flew into the air obliquely. After getting the basketball, he dunked the basket vigorously and scored.

As soon as the game started, the Eagles fought a blitz, raiding the sky above the heads of the Bostonians.

The ball was so fast that even the close-up camera lens couldn't keep up with it in the first place.

The audience in front of the TV had to slow down the camera to see how Ruan Erniu passed the ball.

"Nice job, J-Smoove!"

"Beautifully dressed, Kraft!"

Ruan Erniu and Lunar Eclipse clapped hands to indicate that this is indeed a classic passing and cutting cooperation. Of course, all this stems from Mike Bibby's alert interception.

On the offensive end of the Celtics, Rondo and Garnett made a high pick-and-roll cooperation. Rondo easily cut into the inside, attracted the defense, and passed the ball to Garnett who cut in from the wing. Garnett jumped high Facing Marvin Williams' defense, he dunked the ball into the basket.

This is purely a ball that compares the speed and height of the ball. Marvin is not out of position, it's just that Garnett is faster and bigger.

After Garnett landed, he let out a long howl, as if dreaming back to the Timberwolves.

Eagles possession.

Ruan Erniu got stuck in the low post, and behind him was Kendrick Perkins, who was dubbed "the second fat" by Chinese fans.

Why do you call him that?Because in the Celtics, there is a "big fat" who is fatter than Perkins-big baby, Glenn Davis.

Here comes the ball!
Ruan Erniu held the ball in a low position, and Perkins resisted the Celestials.


Er Niu's turning speed was something that Er Fatty couldn't keep up with. Without Garnett's defense, Perkins was just an extremely slow meat shield.

It just so happens that Marvin Williams has the mid-range shooting ability to pull out the inside line. Although Garnett is conceited, he dare not completely empty the North Carolina team.

Ruan Erniu turned into the Celtics inside line like a spinning top, dunked with one hand, and looked back at Perkins when he landed.

This black fellow was half a meter away from Er Niu. When Ruan Er Niu completed the dunk, he had just turned around and succeeded.

Rondo held the ball across the half looking for opportunities.

Ray Allen found an opportunity with a back run, and Rondo passed the ball to Junzi Lei immediately.

Allen didn't stop the ball, and after receiving the ball, he directly pulled it out. This is a large two-pointer, but the shot is fast enough. Jon Jonson on the side just took off, and Ray Allen has already completed the shot in the air.

Go in!

The two teams were evenly divided again.

Bibby held the ball for halftime, Joe Johnson received the ball from the outside, and after a tentative step, he entered the penalty area, facing the defense of Garnett and Ray Allen, and passed the ball to Ruan Erniu.

Er Niu made a back pass, and the ball reached the unguarded Marvin Williams.

The North Carolina young man did not hesitate to make a mid-range shot and made a hit.

It was Garnett again, holding the ball with his back on the offensive end, facing Marvin Williams' defense, made a "big iron jumper", leaned back at a difficult zero-degree angle, and hit 2 points.

From the beginning of the game, the two teams confronted each other without any intention of probing or saying hello, and entered the game state immediately.

The Celtics can already be sure that the opponent in front of them is the biggest problem for them to enter the finals.

Compared to the old and unchanged Pistons.The young Atlanta Hawks are clearly a tougher team.

They have infinite vitality and may burst out unimaginable power at any time.

This is what the Celtics are most worried about. The upper limit of some teams is known, but for a team like the Hawks, no one knows what he will do.

When the team is not going well, they can even lose to underdogs in the league who basically missed the playoffs, but once the team enters the team and enters the state, even a team like the San Antonio Spurs can win by a big score.

In fact, daring to put a rookie like Ruan Erniu in the leadership position fully proves that this is not a team that plays cards according to routine.

The two teams began to rotate in the first quarter.

For the Celtics, Glenn Davis, Leon Powe, Eddie House, James Posey and Tony Allen were replaced successively.

The Hawks obviously don't have so much room for rotation.Today Asi Law missed due to injury, Van Exel, Pachulia, and Childress got the chance to play successively.

Van Maniac was the best off the bench in the first quarter.

As soon as he arrived on the field, he hit two consecutive three-pointers, which instantly opened the score between the two teams.

At 31:26, the Hawks led the Celtics by 5 points in the first quarter.

(End of this chapter)

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