Standing pretty old

Chapter 265 The end of the regular season and subversive statistics

Chapter 265 The end of the regular season and subversive statistics

The NCAA Finals was extremely intense.

Rose, who basically booked the No. [-] pick, fully demonstrated his talent and strength.

Although the University of Memphis took the lead at the last moment, the University of Kansas had the last laugh in this game. At the most critical moment of the game, "Super Mario" Mario Chalmers stood up.

He used a drift 3 points to tie the score to 63:63, and the game was dragged into overtime.

In overtime, the leading side has become the University of Kansas.

There were also problems with the tactical arrangement of the University of Memphis in the last moments.They actually fouled on Chalmers.


In the end, 75:68, the University of Kansas won the NCAA Finals.

Derrick Rose also shined throughout the game. He made 17 of 7 shots and 4 of 3 free throws. He scored 18 points, 6 rebounds, 8 assists and 2 steals. Unfortunately, he lacked a little luck, but his future is still bright.

Compared to Michael Beasley and OJ Mayo, who were eliminated early, Rose, who made it all the way to the finals, is obviously more trustworthy.

Of course, the final choice is still in the hands of the uniforms of each team. Otherwise, Ruan Erniu would not be ranked behind Oden and Durant in 07.

Ruan Erniu watched the whole process of their game on TV, and he has to admit that Derrick Rose is indeed better than his friend Russell Westbrook at the moment.

But Erniu still has confidence in Westbrook's NBA career. This is a guy who never knows how to admit defeat. One day, people will understand that among the guards in the 08 class, there are not only Derrick Rose and OJ* Mayo, Russell Westbrook must also be invincible.

The NCAA game is over, and the NBA's April is still in the final battle.

The Eastern Conference is in order, and the top eight rankings will basically not change significantly. The playoff teams and the teams that are on vacation at the end of the regular season are clearly divided into two groups.

In the west, it is still chaotic. Even in the final game, the top six teams may change their picks. The competition in the west in the 07-08 season is too tragic.

A little carelessness, the team was squeezed out of the competition.

The Hawks had eight games to play in April, and the Hawks lost only two of them, against the Celtics on April 2 and the Miami Heat on April 4.

Objectively speaking, in these two games, Woodson was suspected of paddling and did not try his best to win.

Interestingly, the Celtics are the league's No. [-], while the Miami Heat are the league's last.

The Atlanta Youth Army is refreshing their lower limit.This is standard paddling to the sky.

The battle with the Celtics was the Hawks' third-to-last regular season game, and the battle with Miami was the final game of the 07-08 regular season.

Before the final three regular-season games, the Hawks' regular-season record came to 59 wins.

Atlanta's penultimate game of the regular season will be at home against the Orlando Magic.

In this game, Atlanta's fight for 60 wins was extremely difficult. A guy named Maurice Evans stood up, especially in the third quarter, scoring 15 points in a single quarter, instantly closing the gap between the two teams. Come on.

In the last quarter of the game, Ruan Erniu and Jiong Jisen launched a Jedi counterattack. In the last quarter, the two scored 27 points together and finally overtook the score at the last moment.

At 121:123, the Eagles at home finally won their dream of 60 wins.

Even with tears in my eyes, I have to complete the awesomeness I boasted.

After a big battle, the Eagles basically didn't make much effort in the back-to-back games against the Heat on the second day, and easily gave D. Wade a consolation gift at the end of the season.

In the season when the four majors were empty, he parted ways with O'Neal, the most important partner at the beginning of his career, and had to start a single-core team leadership model.

For D. Wade, his biggest pain in the 07-08 season was not just injuries.


The Atlanta Hawks won only 30 games last season, and this season, they just won twice as many.

From 30 wins and 52 losses to 60 wins and 22 losses, the Atlanta people experienced their legendary season.

At the same time, the record of 60 wins and 22 losses also created the best regular season record in their franchise history.

Who brought earth-shaking changes to this team?
This person must be Ruan Erniu from the Celestial Dynasty!

The super rookie finally continued his miraculous performance to the end of the season. Ruan Erniu, who attended all 82 regular season games, finally averaged 29.1 points, 20.3 rebounds, 5.6 assists and 2.8 blocks per game.

Among them, the scoring average ranks second in the league behind LeBron James and ahead of Kobe Bryant.

The rebound data is naturally the well-deserved No. 14.1 in the league, and the Sparks' [-] rebounds cannot be compared with it at all.

This is also the most amazing statistic of Erniu. Except for Wilt Chamberlain, there seems to be no third star in the league who can average 20+ rebounds per game in his rookie season, even Bill Russell. can do it.

The average of 5.6 assists per game failed to rank among the top 10 in the league, but as an inside player, this is a dazzling statistic no matter how you look at it.

At the same time, this data basically reflects Er Niu's tactical low position in the Hawks. He gained absolute control in his rookie season.

Although Ruan Erniu did not fulfill his idea of ​​playing Princeton, but just looking at the number of assists, it is even better than Divac's highest average per game.

As the best supporting center in the league, Divac's highest average assists per game is only 5.3 times.

From this point of view, Ruan Erniu's ability to share the ball is definitely the top inside the league.

Chaoju is born with its own system, which is really true.

The 2.8 blocks rank second in the league. Erniu's teammate Lunar Eclipse also averages 2.8 blocks per game, but he is 3 times less than him in total blocks.Ruan Erniu completed 230 times and lunar eclipse completed 227 times.It is precisely because of the existence of these two shot-blocking madmen that the Hawks' seemingly weak air defense capabilities are actually no worse than any other league team.

However, judging from the data alone, there are guys who are more exaggerated than Er Niu and lunar eclipse.

This person is Marcus Camby. This guy's average blocked shots reached a terrifying 3.6 times.

Erniu and Yuexi said privately with all kinds of envy and hatred: "Brush!"

Is the words of the two hot pot madmen of the Eagles reasonable?To some extent, because Er Niu and Lunar Eclipse still want to stand up in defense, but this guy Camby is all about the ball.

It is also an indisputable fact that Camby's leakage problem in defense is overshadowed by the data of his assist defense blocks.

Ruan Erniu also has two statistics that top the league. One is the PER value. His efficiency of 31.7 has broken through the sky, and the No.2 James has an efficiency value of only 29.1.

Except for Wilt Chamberlain, in terms of efficiency value in a single season in history, no one can stop the second bull.

There is also an even more shocking statistic, that is, in the 82 regular season games in a single season, Ruan Erniu did not have a data lower than 20+10. That is to say, in the 07-08 season, Ruan Erniu took a total of 82 doubles in 2 games.

This terrifying statistic without peeing points throughout the whole process broke Garnett's record of 71 double-double games in a single season.

Now everyone understands that this rookie is here to subvert everything.

(End of this chapter)

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