Standing pretty old

Chapter 266 Recording Teammates and Leaderboards

Chapter 266 Recording Teammates and Leaderboards

What a powerful dominance this is. The Celestials have not had a game with a data lower than 20+10 throughout the season.

In 82 consecutive games and scoring 20 points, only Chamberlain has done it before.

Take a look at the list of consecutive 20+:

1. Wilt Chamberlain 126 games

2. Wilt Chamberlain 92 games

3. Ruan Erniu played 82 games

4. Oscar Robertson? 79 games

5. Michael Jordan? 72 games

6. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar? 71 games

7. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar? 70 games

8. Michael Jordan? 69 games

9. Elgin Baylor? 64 games

10. Kobe Bryant 63 games

It took only one season for the rookie of the Celestial Dynasty to crush all the great gods under his feet.

This day-to-day performance has made the major sports media in the United States collectively lose their voices. Isn't there a low ebb period for rookies in the Celestial Dynasty?

Therefore, all major media gave Ruan Erniu the greatest praise. This time, it was not the sports media that were paying attention to him.

The "New York Times" and "Time Magazine" all focused their attention on Ruan Erniu, and various interviews came one after another.

This Chinese man is using a rampant method to invade the daily life of every American.

If it is said that Yao Mingming opened a window in the United States for Chinese athletes, then Er Niu broke a wall in the super-large stadium of the United States with arrogance.

No matter how proud Americans are, they have to admit that this Chinese man has become a superstar almost unstoppably.

Even if he is the type who is at the peak at the beginning of the season, it is difficult for Ruan Erniu's historical status to decline.Judging from his performance in the first season alone, he is enough to be eligible for the Hall of Fame.

Larry Bird said: "When he takes the ring, I am willing to be his (Hall of Fame) introducer!"

Charles Barkley, a guy without a ring, said bluntly: "Kraft can prepare his speech now, and being selected (Hall of Fame) is just a matter of time."

On the other side of the Pacific Ocean, Ruan Erniu was even more praised, and Ruan Erniu once again boarded the prime time of the imperial court set.

Ruan Erniu almost gave the front page headlines to all kinds of news papers, and of course they would praise everyone for their children's success.

In fact, not only the Celestial Dynasty, but also the neighboring country Nanbang also stood up to show its presence.

That old stalk that has remained unchanged for thousands of years is painful, so I can automatically make up my mind without saying it-"The ancestral home of XXX players comes from the great XXX."

However, it is a pity that they met their opponents this time, because in the southern direction of the Celestial Dynasty, some media in the Southern Monkey Kingdom claimed that Ruan Erniu was from their country and had royal blood.

Now the problem is complicated, Ruan Erniu didn't say anything, and created an international dispute. It seems that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs should promise not to take the lead in using Ruan Erniu.

After all, as a phenomenal player, Ruan Erniu's wonderful performance is worthy of all the honors he has received.

Ruan Erniu in the United States naturally doesn't care about these things.

Although he is surrounded by all kinds of praise, Ruan Erniu knows very well that a hero with three gangs, he can achieve such statistics, and the team can achieve such results. In addition to his own efforts, the help of his teammates is also indispensable. Or missing.

The first is Joe Johnson, a player who has maintained 20+ for several consecutive seasons. This season's data is 18.3 points, 7.5 assists and 4.3 rebounds. Hardworking player.

Then I have to talk about Mike Bibby who joined in the second half. The White Devil suffered a serious injury this season. After recovering from the injury, his condition is indeed not as good as before, but he still averaged 14.1 points, 6.5 assists and 3.2 rebounds per game. The data completely made up for the shortcomings of the Eagles at the No. [-] position.

Josh Smith in the contract year also performed very well, with 17.1 points, 8.2 rebounds, and 3.4 assists, making it hard to tell who is the third giant of the Hawks. Maybe the Hawks should be called the Big Four. .

Then, there is Marvin Williams, who has the most serious data decline in the starting lineup.Of course, this is not a decline in his own strength, but that Ruan Erniu objectively robbed him of his right to make a move.

In terms of scoring, North Carolina has dropped from 13.1 points last season to 10.8 points this season, and rebounds have dropped from 5.3 to 4.1 this season.

However, the North Carolina young man himself did not complain too much. He is also a hard-working player and has a good relationship with his teammates. He doesn't talk much, but he is a good person.

In addition to the starting lineup of the Eagles, Childress, Zaza Pachulia, Salim Stoudemire, Asi Law, Van Exel and others on the bench also made contributions to the team. made a considerable contribution.

Of course, we must not forget Anthony Johnson, Tyronn Lue and others who were traded away. They also made their own efforts for the team to varying degrees.

Well, now comes the suspense.

For Ruan Erniu's outstanding performance, what kind of rewards will the league give him in the subsequent playoffs?

First of all, ROY will definitely not be able to escape.If such a performance fails to win the best rookie, then the NBA, the league, will no longer have credibility at all from now on.

Secondly, D-POY, just looking at the rebound data, this award seems to have no suspense, but the best defensive player has never been selected solely based on defensive data.In this award, whether Ruan Erniu can finally win the award is really hard to say.

Finally, of course, is the much-anticipated MVP.

As a superstar, if you don't have a regular season MVP trophy in your hands, you are embarrassed to say hello to people.

From this perspective, so far, neither Kobe Bryant nor LeBron James can be considered super giants. Without the blessing of the regular season MVP, the aura of super giants will be bleak.

Does Ruan Erniu have a chance to win this award?
Of course there is a chance, but this is like the year-end bonus of the Celestial Dynasty. It is said that it will be given out, but how, when and how much will it be given out?These are all important.

Er Niu's age and qualifications may become his biggest obstacle.

With the end of the regular season, various data lists have also become the focus of discussion among fans.

The scoring leader belongs to LeBron James, who is waiting in Kecheng, with an average of 30.0 points per game.

Kobe Bryant, who ranks third, averaged 28.3 points per game this season, and he has passed the age of scoring points with all his strength.


Of course there is no need to say much about the rebounds and blocks. Ruan Erniu and Marcus Camby each lead the league.

On the steals list, Chris Paul once again reached the top with an average of 2.7 times per game.Interestingly, Artest, who has only played 57 games this season, ranks second in the league with 2.3 steals.

Of course, not all lists are worth looking at. For example, on the list of shooting percentage, Eric Dampier occupies the top spot with a shooting percentage of 64.3%.

When Ruan Erniu first saw this list, he was also taken aback. Could it be that Dampier didn't boast that he is really the second center in the league?
However, after a while, Dampier averaged only 3.8 shots per game and 6.8 points per game.

A starting center who doesn't even qualify for the number of shots, how can he be second in the West.

Mark * Cuban is estimated to regret the contract for Dampier countless times, sent away Nash and Finley, signed Dampier, this is not a joke, this XX is a tragedy!
(End of this chapter)

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