Standing pretty old

Chapter 283 The Strong Team on the Edge of the Cliff

Chapter 283 The Strong Team on the Edge of the Cliff
What happened in the upper half of the district that attracted everyone's attention so much?
First of all, of course, is the focus of this round of battle, the fourth-ranked Orlando Magic VS fifth-ranked Cleveland Cavaliers.

Before the game, countless experts predicted that the Magic would advance after 6 to 7 games, but it must be admitted that they were generally more optimistic about the Magic.

Thinking about it, the spark that is striding towards the top, the billionaire Mr. Rashad Lewis, and Turkoglu, the Turk who just won the Most Improved Award in front of the G5 station, faced only LeBron James The Cleveland Cavaliers, they should have had the upper hand.

However, the reality gave them a loud slap in the face, not a strong lineup can win the game.

As last year's Eastern Conference champions, the Cavaliers still showed extraordinary competitiveness.

LeBron James averaged 41.4 minutes per game, averaging 29.8 points, 9.5 rebounds and 7.7 assists in the series.

And what about sparks?He was limited by Ben Wallace, the four-time best defensive player who was traded from the Bulls in the second half of the season. , All veterans rely on experience to suppress young people.

Sparks' long-criticized back-up ability has once again become the focus of ridicule by celebrities.

Barkley said unceremoniously: "Dwight is not the top center in the league, never has been. Have you ever seen a super insider with such poor post-up skills?
In order to create a star, the league pushed this guy to the fore too early. However, after more than three years, his low-post offense is still unsightly. What are you talking about the league's first center?

In fact, he is indeed not, and now the best inside player in the league is Kraft Nguyen. "

Kenny Smith added on the side: "That's right, a rookie with a P share bigger than yours."

I don't know how Sparks will react after hearing such an evaluation. Objectively speaking, as the core of the team, he is of course responsible for the team's loss, but does he really need to bear the main responsibility?
No, because the person who really needs to bear the greatest responsibility is Turkoglu, a Turk.It was precisely because he was completely blocked by A KING on the offensive end that the Magic fell into a desperate situation.

The Turk who won the most improved award is a well-deserved offensive hub for the Magic. To a certain extent, he and the Sparks are tied leaders, one is responsible for interior defense, and the other is responsible for outside control and transfer of the ball.In the constant competition, the two gradually distinguished their respective positions and developed a tacit understanding.

This is the real reason for the rise of the Magic this season.

Judging from the past 5 series, Turkoglu, who averaged 14.3 points, 4.8 rebounds and 3.4 assists per game, was at the bottom of his game against James.

It is precisely because of this that the Cavaliers have the opportunity to end the series in the G6 battle. It is possible to win the fifth place in the regular season and defeat their opponents.

After talking about the most suspenseful series in the East, we must talk about the series that was commented by experts as the least suspenseful before the playoffs-the Celtics (1) VS Philadelphia 76ers (8).

Five games have passed, haven't the Celtics solved their opponent yet?


Hey, the Celtics are too slow to heat up.

Five games later, are the Celtics leading their opponents 3-2 now?
still none!

They fell behind the Philadelphia 3ers 2:76 and were on the verge of being eliminated.

Five games have passed, the Celtics will not lose to the 76ers, right?

It's really possible!

Because the next home game belongs to the 76ers, God knows if the 76ers will go all out and win their last home game in Philadelphia, so that they will advance to the second round.

What caused the current situation, no matter from the player configuration, lineup and rational analysis, the 76ers do not have the slightest advantage over the Celtics.

It would be unreasonable to say that Green Kai intentionally played match-fixing in order to cooperate with the league in selling tickets.

Because no matter how fake it is, it won't force you to this point. The truth of "a gentleman should not stand under a dangerous wall" is also understood by Americans.

In this world, there is no winning or losing that cannot be analyzed. Although the result and the reason can often get some ironic answers, there is no other better way now.

From the data point of view, Garnett's 18.2 points, 8.9 rebounds, and 3.9 assists per game are not bad, but compare the Haitian Dalembert's averages of 9.9 points and 9.5 rebounds per game. Nate's advantage in rebound protection is not that great.

Isn't there Perkins?

But don't forget, there is also a rebounder (idiot) Reggie Evans in the 76ers.

It goes without saying how important rebound protection is to the playoffs.

What about outside lines?
Pierce and Ray Allen should play well, right?
Wrong, these two were targeted again by Thaddeus Young and Andre Iguodala, who used their tough defense to trap the other two giants of Green Kai, and it was also difficult for them to show their skills.

The last hope is pinned on Rajon Rondo, who has gradually gained the reputation of the fourth giant. He should have hope to end the game, right?
Sorry, but he got blown out by the old guy Andre Miller for most of the game.It doesn't matter whether Mo Wenwei from the United States sings well or not, this ball is indeed steady and powerful.

Coupled with Louis Williams and Willie Green and other point-grabbing players, they also suppressed James Posey to a certain extent, and Sam Cassell, who was bought out by the Clippers at the end of the season, was signed. .

Looking at it this way, it is quite normal for the Celtics to lose consecutively.

Now they are standing on the edge of a cliff, and if they are not careful, they will be smashed to pieces.

The league has worked hard this season to build momentum for the Boston Celtics and Los Angeles Lakers duo. If the Celtics are eliminated in the first round of the playoffs, the scene will be extremely embarrassing.

As you can imagine, on the western side, the Los Angeles Lakers must have bent over laughing.The enemy of life and death may be eliminated in the first round. There is no better news than this!

The Celtics must cheer up, their collection of BIG3 is not for fun, Garnett, Pierce, and Ray Allen are the top stars in the league, they will not allow themselves to be humiliated like this way out of the playoffs.

After talking about the status of the teams in the league, let's turn our attention back to Atlanta. In fact, the Eagles' G5 press conference did not come to an end as early as usual.

No, to be precise, the press conference was indeed over, but the media reporters were not in a hurry to leave.

Because of the latest news, the relevant personnel of the league have sent the trophy of the best coach of the year to Mike Woodson in the player channel.

Of course Woodson knew the news a moment before, and he accepted the trophy with some excitement.

Looking at the "Cardinal" Auerbach statue on the trophy, he smiled and said: "This best coach came a bit suddenly, at least before the start of the season. I can't describe my mood at the moment, but I am here I must thank my players for their outstanding performance, so that I finally got this award."

Ruan Erniu just finished the press conference, hugged Woodson from behind, and congratulated him: "Don't worry, Mike, this is by no means your last trophy!"

(End of this chapter)

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