Standing pretty old

Chapter 284 "Roy" Got It

Chapter 284 "Roy" Got It

It is actually not easy for Woodson to get the best coach, because Byron Scott and Doc Rivers were once closer to the best defense trophy. Following Woodson closely, the points gap between the top three is not that big.

Scott led the Hornets to the second place in the Western Conference, which is no worse than the Hawks' second place in the Eastern Conference. After all, this year's Western Conference was too fierce.

Doc Rivers and Phil Jackson also have a chance.However, they have hoarded too many superstars in the team, so naturally they have fallen off the peak in terms of fairness.

Mike Woodson's greatest advantage is that he set a record in team history with a group of young people and won 60 wins.This is also the biggest reason why he won the award in the end.

Of course, it is proud to win honors, but more importantly, it is to work hard to play well in the next game.

Since April 4, the Eagles have been in a sweet no-game stage. They didn't start the second round of the game until May 28. At that time, the upper half of the Eastern Conference may not have time to win or lose.

Before that, the West was the first to hear the news, and the last second-round playoff team in the West was born.

The Utah Jazz defeated the Houston Rockets 91:113 at home and advanced to the second round of the playoffs.

Tianchao fans said: "In their hearts, the Rockets have long been champions for many years!"

Therefore, the brain is not a good thing, and the spirit of Ah Q is the survival instinct of Chinese people.

In this way, the list of the second round of the Western Conference was finally established:

Upper half, Los Angeles Lakers (1) VS Utah Jazz (4)

Bottom half, New Orleans Hornets (2) vs San Antonio Spurs (3)

The top four teams in the regular season all had the last laugh. Without spoilers like the Golden State Warriors, the sky in the West is clear.

On the eastern side, the situation became more and more tense, because the four teams in the upper half all entered the brutal tiebreaker.

In the best-of-seven playoffs, they scored 3:3 in the first six games. The key G7 battle will be held on May 5.

Sure enough, the second round of the playoffs in the lower half of the Eastern Conference has begun, and the first round of the upper half has not yet ended.But imagined, no matter who wins or loses, the league has finally earned enough attention.

On the day of the G6 match between the two teams, Er Niu was not idle either. He was dressed in a neat suit and attended the press conference after tidying up.

The most suspenseful award of the season was announced-Rookie of the Year (ROY).

There must be no suspense, let's take a look at Er Niu's vote points.

He got 125 commentators from all walks of life, a total of 125 votes for the first place, and the final points were 625 points, the highest score that an elected player can get.

In other words, he was unanimously elected ROY in the 07-08 season, completely leaving behind No.2 Kevin Durant and No.3 Al Horford.

The league's second-best team record and an unbelievably crazy number of players all make Ruan Erniu's ROY trophy a deserving one.

To be honest, this was originally a competition without suspense, including his biggest competitor Kevin Durant gave up the idea of ​​competing with Er Niu for the best rookie in the middle of the season.

When the enemy is too strong, adjusting one's mentality and trying to do one's own thing well is also a player's self-cultivation.

Ruan Erniu said at the press conference: "I am very grateful to the league for awarding me this award. This is an affirmation of my strength in the past season. I hope that the next time I get it is the Maurice Podolov Cup!" (That is, the regular season MVP trophy, Maurice Podoloff was the first president of the NBA.)
According to internal sources, the league decided to officially announce the regular season MVP trophy in a few days. The election depends on the meaning of the alliance.

What? The 126 jury voted for ?

Hey!Seriously you lose, man!
At the press conference, Ruan Erniu was of course mentioned again for the second round of the playoffs.

Someone asked: "Kraft, what do you think of the Hawks' second-round opponent—the Detroit Pistons?"

Since the series with the Pistons will be played two days later, Ruan Erniu's speech can be considered as the final mobilization before the game.

Ruan Erniu said: "My point of view will not change. We will definitely be the final winners. The depth of the Pistons' lineup may not be stronger than ours. We are younger and more energetic.

This season's league is an era of old and new. You can see the rise of many emerging teams and the weakness of many old teams. To be more precise, I don't think the Pistons can stop us! "

From the second half of the regular season, the modest and low-key Ruan Erniu began to consciously set up the FLAG. This is of course a means to force himself and the Eagles to get excited.

You must know that once any team does not have enough motivation, it is difficult to survive the fiercely competitive playoffs.

Ruan Erniu's FLAG is not so much for others to see, as it is to use this kind of distribution to motivate his teammates.

Having said this, many elites in the workplace will suddenly realize.

That's right, the reason why many big companies have solemnly announced that they will hold a large-scale product launch event is not so much to showcase their own products, but rather to take advantage of the preparatory process for holding the launch event to integrate the resources of the entire company and integrate every A department of a company or even employees band together in an effort to accomplish a difficult task.Thereby improving the company's execution efficiency and making employees more closely connected.

Ruan Erniu learned this trick from the Apple tyrant——Steve Jobs. Now that the big words have been spoken, there is no way out. Guys, work hard, anyway, you are all tied to the boat.

It only took less than one season for the NBA to turn Ruan Erniu, a boy who didn't even know anything about business, into a businessman with deep scheming skills.

Of course, there is Ruan Erniu's outstanding qualifications, and of course, to a greater extent, it is also due to the strong business atmosphere.A capable guy can adapt well to any place. If Er Niu's height doesn't grow suddenly, God knows if he is in the imperial capital at the moment, nervously preparing for the Olympics?

However, if Xinke D-POY and ROY can live up to their expectations, it will not convince everyone.

The bad boys of the Pistons are the most unconvinced group of people.

Roaring Tianzun - Rasheed Wallace was the first to jump out and said: "Some rookies think that the game is for him alone. In fact, without his teammates, he is nothing."

Antonio McDyess also said: "Young people nowadays are too arrogant. I will let him know that the regular season and the playoffs are not the same level of competition. He is still very early!"

Prince and Hamilton are relatively low-key guys, but they also expressed their determination to win. In their view, the two teams in the regular season were just tied. The Hawks' confidence is a bit baffling.

FMVP Chauncey Billups was the last of the Pistons to be interviewed.

The big-hearted player who beat the Eagles' backcourt almost every game in the regular season smiled at the camera: "There is no need to say anything now, we will see you on the field."

The generals of the Pistons expressed their position, how could the Eagles have no comment.

So the Eagles are not to be outdone, and all kinds of expressions will definitely kill the Pistons and advance to the Eastern Conference Finals.

The game has not yet started, and the saliva is already flying all over the sky. This is the playoffs, and the competition begins long before the match.

 If you see the title of the chapter and feel crooked, please face the wall consciously, you can give up the treatment.

(End of this chapter)

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